The documentation states that I can add a site to an exception list to get around this problem. However, I am trying to run a Java applet for WebSDR usage, and there are many sites with many applets needed. It's a real hassle to have to do this, especially when I'm using Chrome and it already prompts me before running Java at all.

I have found that there is a %userprofile%\appdata\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites file, obviously one for each user. In there, one per line, is a list of domains I can set to exclude from NOT being executed. When I add the domain name, the user gets a single prompt, then it just allows that domain for that user. Great.

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Because I do not want to wipe out their preferences, I thought of doing something along the lines of echo >> %userprofile%\appdata\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites, but that won't work, as it will keep adding to the file.

The exceptions are store here, C:\Users{username}\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sitesPopulate your file with what you want to add, copy it to a file share and use a logon script to copy the file for each user. This will make it to where users will not be able to add new sites.

Tony Docherty wrote:One entry is "" which points to the exception sites file. If you locate and open this file you could try to manually add your exception site URL. The file is simply a list of URL's of every site you want to create an exception for with one entry per line.

Bear in mind that these tools are designed for developers who code their sites from scratch and have full control over their code and styles. When you use these tools to test Squarespace sites you'll see results that are not relevant to you.

I'm not too worried about the customers who already want to buy from me (I do art commissions), but I am worried that my SEOs will go down the tank because Google recently started getting stricter with load times and what sites are prioritized.

Only Squarespace's Web Performance team can improve the backend code. They've already made significant progress to ensure Squarespace sites compete well and there is more to follow. Where possible, they have removed render-blocking Javascript and are lazy-loading images across websites.

If you're using version 7.0 (or planning to use it) then it's worth bearing in mind that not all of the improvements being made will benefit version 7.0 sites. If you are looking for higher performance, version 7.1 is likely to show better CWVs over time in comparison.

I have a very simple website design, I dont use any external code, and my homepage exist only of 4 summaries of blogs. I am running multiple websites and haven't seen this performance before - only on my photography website that is running on a very old template on 7.0 ( ) 

I've red about all the things we cant do - but I am a bit lost on what still to do - as this is so basic and I am a bit shocked about the poor performance.

Yes - all logo's are PNG

There is only text from the blogs

There is no other blocks being used other than a search bar

thanks for helping me out @circlemembers

The site contains mock tests and useful resources for learning various topics ranging from java, databases, android, and preparation for certifications. it's a very nice place for learning Java through Fun.

The site contains information about the latest technology in Java Enterprise Edition. This is the place where java developers discuss various topics related to Java, Java EE, programming, software, and trends in server-side development. It is a very big online community for enterprise Java architects and developers, providing daily news, tech talks, and webinars, etc.

This is the place where you can find Latest Java Software (Games, Mobile, and Desktop applications). It's a legitimate and safe place to install Java plug-ins. Other sites may show some fake pop-up and trick you into downloading software that isn't actually java.

I have written this article to enable Java developers at all levels to be more productive and efficient on your java projects by using its latest features. In case you come across more such interesting and useful resources on Java do share it in the comments section.

The exception site list contains URLs for sites that host RIAs that users want to run. RIAs that are launched from sites in the exception site list are allowed to run with the appropriate security prompts, even in the following circumstances, which would normally cause the RIA to be blocked:

The location of the exception site list is set in the property. The default location is /security/exception.sites. See Chapter 21, "Deployment Configuration File and Properties" for information on properties and property files.

Users can manage a list on their system, or use a list managed by a system administrator in a central location. If a system administrator does not want users to edit the exception site list, the property can be set to a file for which users do not have write permission. If a user cannot write to the exception site list, the list is shown in the Java Control Panel, but the controls for editing are not available in the Exception Site List window.

To prevent users from using a different exception site list than the list set up by a system administrator, the property can be locked. See Section 21.2, "Deployment Configuration Properties" for information on locking system properties.

How Stackoverflow helped the java community with problem-solving, Apache did that by providing free open source libraries development with help of the same developer community. If you are a java developer for a long time, you already have used some of its work.

I don't even...

The only sites I download maps from are and these forums from the maps section. Make sure you are running up to date antivirus software regardless of your OS, and make sure you have a good tool for handling archives (zip, rar, etc...). Free versions of these apps like Avast! and 7-zip are just fine. Don't install mods that you don't trust and know where they came from. Don't run any programs that might come with maps unless you know exactly what they do. 

The links you'll see frequently on these forums are revenue generating. Every click through gives the link author money. Use your judgement. It's a big crazy world out there. Best of luck.

I am migrating experience site from dev sandbox to our uat and deployment fails with java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present. I've managed to deploy the site without all custom sites, so the issue will be somewhere in the custom pages.

A full working sample application is located in /java/sample/sites subdirectory of the download.The source is also available at /trunk/java/sample/sites/in the SVN repository accessible from the Source tab. The allows the user to perform a number of operations which demonstrate how to use the classic Sites API.

Copying a site is similar to create a new site. The difference is that you need to set alink on your new SiteEntry that includes the self link of the site to duplicate.Here is an example of duplicating the site created in the Creating new sites section:

To add, update, or delete a mapping, simply specify, change, or remove such a link when creating new sites orupdating a site's metadata. The with-mappings=true parameter must be included on the site feed URI.Note: to update address mappings, you need to be a site admin, or a domain admin in the case of a G Suite hosted site.

Three Dutch naval ships, HNLMS De Ruyter, HNLMS Java and HNLMS Kortenaer, were lost during the Battle of the Java Sea on 27 February 1942, claiming the lives of 915 sailors. Although the ships were relocated in 2002, no official action was taken until 2016 when an international diving team from the Karel Doorman Foundation discovered that the warships had disappeared. This created tension between the government of Indonesia and those countries that had lost ships in the archipelago, especially the Netherlands. A three-track cooperation agreement was set up to investigate the disappearance of the three Dutch wrecks with the aim of understanding what had happened, in order to create a better basis for cooperation in the future. The management and protection of shipwrecks from WWII is very complicated, because of the different values that stakeholders attach to them. Only with the proper understanding and consideration of the different values or significance WWII shipwrecks hold for different stakeholders can new ways of managing these complex sites be developed that have long-term effectiveness. This paper argues that different stakeholder groups from both the flag and the coastal state must work together on this issue.

Although the discovery of the sites had been publicly announced and information on the wrecks was available on the Internet, no official report was ever made to either the Dutch or the Indonesian authorities. This is an important issue, as for many years no action was taken by either government. A formal report could have triggered formal cooperation between various ministries in the two countries at that time. Given the circumstances, this did not occur, not least because for a long time the heritage component of these wrecks was not acknowledged. 0852c4b9a8

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