My Charge 4 broke so I just replaced it with the Charge 5. WTF happened to the clock faces? Everything looks like they hired an elementary school-level graphics designer and said "make it look as ugly and be as useless as possible". The obnoxious and uncustomizable colors look like a rainbow unicorn puked on the screen!

I looked up this issue to see if maybe I was missing something. Turns out there has been an ongoing thread on the official Fitbit message boards of people requesting better and more useful clock faces. It's been getting posts for almost a year and a half, and they've still done nothing about it!

Download Fitbit Charge 5 Clock Faces

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Here are screenshots of all the clock faces. In most cases, if not all, you can tap the display to cycle through the various stats. All of them have the time and most of the seem to have the date. On some, the heartbeat is displayed permanently but on others you have to tap a few times to see it. For example, on Slashed, the heartbeat is displayed permanently and you tap to switch from active minutes and steps to calories and distance.

There are 23 clock faces currently available for the Charge 5. The information that is displayed varies between clock faces. You can see the clock faces along with the information they display in the Fitbit app if you select your Charge 5 and then click on Clock Faces.

As @etremblay mentioned earlier, you can always tap on the display to see other stats on the screen, but if you'd like to see the heart rate on the main screen of the clock face (with always on display for example), you could install the "Runliner" or the "Slashed" clock faces, both of them show the heart rate on the screen all the time.

So many clock faces and NOT one seems to have a "battery level indicator" on the default screen. I like to know at a glance. It'd also be nice if the default screens for workouts (using gps) could report battery status. That way if I see GPS is draining battery too fast, I could make a decision to stop GPS to save battery. If fit bit is listening - can this be added to future or existing clock faces?

I was coming here to ask whether we yet know what clock faces are available for the Charge 6. Especially if there are some more basic ones than the Charge 5, like Target. Time/date, heart rate choice, less of the colorful graphics. (Such a boring user)

There are several options available. There will be one clock face that will display the stats that you are looking for. Some of the clock faces offer this feature, when you tap on them, the stats displayed on screen will cycle and you will be able to check the stats directly from the clock face. I understand some may not appeal to you, but that is the reason there are several option.

Get pumped: exciting new features are now available for Fitbit Luxe and Charge 5 users! Update your device now to unlock fun new clock faces. Plus, a way to locate your misplaced phone with the addition of the Find Phone app.

I don't want to sound rude, but the features you're requesting seem more in the realms of a smartwatch than of a fitness tracker.

As a fitness tracker your Charge 5 may be one of the most advanced, especially as it offers a one phase ECG that's officially certifed as a medical product in some countries.

It's bigger sibbling, the Sense (2) goes that one step further towards being a smartwatch offering a greater variety of clock faces.

The thing is I don't want the ECG, heart monitor etc. I only use the charge five for STEPS!! I could have bought the Sense watch or any other watch on the market but the charge five seemed to fit the bill. It does however what that irritates me is when I'm walking and tap the screen to wake it up the steps goes away!! now do you understand?? everyone on the planet does not want everything your selling!! please tell me why not one clock gives the option of a always on step count?? Fitbit started with STEPS!!!

I personally liked that one a lot, @SW5880. Because being slightly blurred it has some extra style, and for that blurring has been named "Ice Cream". You see, different users prefer different kinds of clock faces. And sometimes you simply have to make compromises ...

None of the Charge 6 clock faces are suitable for everyday wear especially in a business atmosphere. The majority of them are nothing more than cartoonish. I would like a normal clockface with date, time, and the option to add one or two additional tracker stats without the need to tap on screens.

Absolutely. Sadly for me the chaotic clock faces are overriding the Charge 6 positives and will most likely result in having to return. It seems all the faces were designed by children, for children. How about something for the adults, normal analog and digital faces that can be read without inducing motion sickness.

I just bought a Charge 6 and I'm not happy about clock faces aswell. The only face that is barely ok is the one named Sans. I'm surprised no to find any simple minimalism clock face.

As a developper I'm disapointed that the fitbit SDK does not handle the Charge 6. I would like to be able at least to create my own clock face

I agree, I was very disappointed in the provide faces, they seem cheesy and garish. Would love a more traditional clock face (hands) + digital. Focus on the following categories:

* dressy - nice watch faces with hands

I just upgraded to a Charge 6 from a Charge 2, and I honestly miss the display of the 2. The time, the date, and the stats I care about the most in the order that I want, all presented simply and in a readable format. Looking through the Charge 6 clock faces, I can barely parse what time it is at a glance because the designs are so wonky, and I can't even choose what stats are displayed for most of the faces. It's completely absurd.

I completely agree. I had a versa 3 before, and loved that I had so many options to customise the clock face. I found one called Acid Clock that let me put my own picture behind it, and customise which stats were showing or not showing, and what colours the writing was in. I changed to a Charge 6, because I wanted a smaller watch to wear, and wanted to keep the ability to pay for things with my watch. Have to say was loving the the Charge 6 until I went to pick a clock face. I don't want bright garish colours when I deliberatly chose a sophisticated rose gold watch, with a muted subtle band. And the colours of the face don't match any of the colours of the watch or bands. The clock times are just laid out weird, with the numbers stacked about each other, instead of like a normal watch time. The only one that had the tracking circle aparently can only be downloaded if you pay for premium. I don't care about active zones, as I'm disabled, and it's difficult for me to get moving, but almost every waych face forces you to have it on there. Coming from the amount of customisation options I had on my versa, I am extremely disappinted & feel ripped off, by the poor choice of clock faces, with no way to customise any of them. Completly agree that they look childish & garish.

The available clock faces for the Charge 5 are really awful. They are all difficult to read especially when exercising but even when you are not exercising. This unreadability defeats the point of this feature.

I agree, hot garbage baking in the sun. The best one that most closely matches my charge 3 face "slashed" does not quite match up. This one seems to have the info I was looking for in a glance without endless touching on the screen to wake it, cycle through the stuff I don't need to get the stuff I do. Who makes a clock with 20% of it cut off?

Are there more clock faces we can download or install from Fitbit??? When will they become available??? Is this currently in the list of things to do? Is there anywhere else we can go to install more standardize boring faces that give just the facts without the fanfare.

Last time I contacted them on their instagram and they told good news we are adding fitbit-studio(with this you can make your own watch faces) in next update and all we got in next update was security patches and after this when I mentioned this to them they told we never told fitbit-studio is coming.

Hi @Buckminster, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about having more clock faces available for the Charge 5 with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

I love the liberties taken with the clock faces. however most of them have no real flow in design. I personally like horizontal time not lateral. Also i would like to see faces with two stats not just one. I love the steps and heart at the same time.

We need a real analog clock face on Charge 5 and not on pink. Just like the analog clock on charge 3 and 4.I know its a tracker but if we use it everyday then we are using it as a clock also. We don't want a tracker on our left hand and a clock on our right hand.

After the band broke on Fitbit 4 and lost the device just bought the 5, the clockfaces will not change any matter if connected not connected fully charge,d etc. What is the cure to get a change in the clock face? Why won't this work for $180? ff782bc1db

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