The game begins on January 4, 2008 as Sam and CIA agent Hisham Hamza are in Iceland to investigate notable arms trafficker Raheem Kadir's base of operations and prove or disprove the presence of a new type of weapon bought from the Russians. However, their mission is aborted and they are ordered to extract, with Lambert activating a Splinter Cell co-op double team to destroy the plant. Sam is personally met by Lambert aboard the Osprey, who has come to deliver bad news. Sarah Fisher, Sam's only daughter, has been killed by a drunk driver. Overcome with depression, Sam is unable to concentrate on his work and is pulled out of active service.

Lambert offers him the rank of a NOC (nonofficial cover operative), hoping that it will help him refocus. NOCs are operatives with backgrounds from both the CIA and NSA, trained to infiltrate organizations for HUMINT purposes. The government denies any involvement in their activities. The NSA stages a string of armed robberies through Phoenix, Arizona and Denver, Colorado to set up Fisher's cover as a career criminal. Fisher is to infiltrate a domestic terror organization known as John Brown's Army (JBA). He is sent to Ellsworth Federal Penitentiary in Kansas where he is placed in the same cell block as Jamie Washington, a JBA member. With indirect assistance from a Splinter Cell co-op double team, Fisher helps Washington escape from Ellsworth and is welcomed into the JBA.

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Unlike the other version, regardless of whether you save Lambert or not, the mission starts with the JBA discovering that Sam is a spy, with Williams authorizing the Fifth Freedom. Simultaneously, the Splinter Cell double team focuses on disarming multiple Red Mercury bombs in the Tanker headed for Los Angeles. Enrica, unable to kill Fisher, helps him by setting off the sprinklers in one room. After Sam kills Emile, Moss and Washington and disables the last bomb, Enrica comes looking for him, and is shot by a Splinter Cell agent. As a result, Sam kills the agent and removes his subdermal for his cochlear implant. He then accuses Williams of murdering Enrica and vows revenge. be457b7860

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