About Me

Hi! My name is Fatima and I am a Mexican-American, First generation college student majoring in Business Administration with minors in Leadership Studies and Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship (GIE) at Dominican University of California located in a small town of Marin County, San Rafael. During my free time I enjoy reading, binge-watching tv shows, cooking and baking and spending time in nature taking pictures.

I have always been the type of person that likes to express herself through the things she does, doing so I begged my mom to take me to a summer art class when I was only six years old. Art became my form of creative expression. I have been able to be creative in different ways like drawing and painting, taking photographs of nature, and cooking. At Dominican I have been able to continue my creative expression by learning how to play the piano and taking a Graphic Design course, in which I was able to create my own logo, a book cover and a tri-fold brochure. Below are a couple images I've taken and an image taken of me as a child in a summer art class.

This photo was taken of me at the age of seven and was posted on the Gilroy Dispatch.

I took this picture when I was practicing piano. 

I took a photography class my senior year of High School, this photo was taken on-campus.

This photo was taken when I was on my way to Tahoe.

This photo was also taken on my way to Tahoe.

I took this image in San Francisco, that day there was fog which is why I decided to turn the picture into B&W for more of an effect.

My Faith

My name originates from portugal. The name Fatima was given to the Virgin Mary as she appeared to three children in the village of Fatima, in Portugal in 1917. She identified herself to the children as the Lady of the Rosary, following the initial event the children saw her five more times in which she told them three secrets and influenced them to pray the rosary for world peace. She told the children that God would perform a miracle on October 13th that way the people would believe, that day 70,000 people gathered in the village and witnessed the Sun appearing to fall toward Earth- they call this the Miracle of the Sun. Two of the secrets she gave to the three children where revealed in the 1940s; the prediction of the end of World War I and the start of World War II and the rise and fall of communism, the third secret was kept by the Vatican until May 2000 when they disclosed that she said Pope John Paul II from an assasination attempt. I find beauty in all I've learned from where my name originates from and more from my religion and my faith grows stronger everyday.

Here is where I was baptized, had my first communion, had my confirmation and was blessed on my 15th birthday.

Pictured here are my little brother and sister admiring our Virgin Mary on her special day.

I took this picture of The Lady Fatima on one of my trips to my local Church, St. Mary's Parish.


This is Harley, my best bud. She loves pictures and puppaccinos!

Volunteer Work

I have enjoyed doing volunteer work whenever I have the chance to be apart of my community. Throughout high school I volunteered for the Saint Louise Regional Hospital at annual events like the Gilroy Garlic Festival, Gilroy Car show and the Mardi Gras in Morgan Hill. My freshman year of college I volunteered at the Penguin Pantry that Dominican offers to students with food insecurities. Taking a service course my second semester of my freshman year I was unaware that I would be volunteering again. I am glad I took the course in the end because it brought me close to another community and was a great experience for me because it was my first time volunteering for a school. I did 20 hours of service learning hours throughout my Spring semester of my Freshman year at Bahia Vista Elementary School.

I don't have many pictures of myself volunteering but I was fortunate enough to take this photograph of one of the cars that was displayed at the Gilroy Car Show.

Choosing Dominican

I came to choose Dominican because of my older sister. She is my best friend and I wanted the opportunity to experience College with her even if it was just for a year.