

  • K. Fakhar, F. Hadaeghi and C. C. Hilgetag (2022): Causal Influences Decouple From Their Underlying Network Structure In Echo State Networks, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), doi: 10.1109/IJCNN55064.2022.9892782.

  • Z. Ansari, F. Pourhoseini and F. Hadaeghi (2022): Heterogeneous Reservoir Computing Models for Persian Speech Recognition, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), doi: 10.1109/IJCNN55064.2022.9892570.

  • F. Hadaeghi, B. Diercks, I. Wolf, R. Werner (2020): Reservoir Computing for Jurkat T-Cell Segmentation in High Resolution Live Cell Ca^{2+} Fluorescence Microscopy. IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2020)

  • X. He, T. Liu, F. Hadaeghi, H. Jaeger (2019): Reservoir Transfer on Analog Neuromorphic Hardware. Int. IEEE EMBS Conf. on Neural Engineering (NER '19) 3rd best paper award (pdf)

  • F. Hadaeghi (2019): Spiking Reservoir Computing Model for Patient-customized ECG Monitoring. Bernstein conference.

Tech Reports

  • F. Hadaeghi, X. He, H. Jaeger, "Unconventional Information Processing Systems, Novel Hardware: A Tour D'Horizon", IRC-Library, Information Resource Centerer Jacobs University Bremen.

Book Chapters

  • F. Hadaeghi, "Neuromorphic Electronic Systems for Reservoir Computing", Reservoir Computing: Theory, Physical Implementations, and Applications, pp. 221-237, Springer, 2021.


  • F. Hadaeghi, B.P. Diercks, D.Schetelig, F. Damicelli, I.M. Wolf, R. Werner,"Spatio-temporal feature learning with reservoir computing for T-cell segmentation in live-cell Ca2+ fluorescence microscopy", Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-12

  • F. Hadaeghi, "Reservoir Computing Models for Patient-Adaptable ECG Monitoring in Wearable Devices", arXiv preprint.

  • F. Hadaeghi, H. Jaeger, "Computing optimal discrete readout weights in reservoir computing is NP-hard", Neurocomputing (2019), arXiv preprint.

  • Z. Rostami, V-T. Pham, S. Jafari, F. Hadaeghi, J. Ma, "Taking control of initiated propagating wave in a neuronal network using magnetic radiation", Applied Mathematics and Computation (2018)

  • A. Bayani, F. Hadaeghi, S. Jafari, G. Murray, "Critical slowing down as an early warning of transitions in episodes of bipolar disorder: A simulation study based on a computational model of circadian activity rhythms", Chronobiology international 34 (2), 235-245

  • F. Hadaeghi, M.R.H Golpayegani, S. Jafari, G. Murray, “Towards a complex system understanding of bipolar disorder: A chaotic model of abnormal circadian activity rhythms in euthymic bipolar disorder”, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 50 (8), 783-792

  • F. Hadaeghi, M.R.H Golpayegani, Greg Murray, “Towards a complex system understanding of bipolar disorder: A Map Based Model of a Complex Winnerless Competition”, Journal of theoretical biology 376, 74-81

  • M. Shahzad, V. Pham, M.A Ahmad, S. Jafari, F. Hadaeghi, “Synchronization and circuit design of a chaotic system with coexisting hidden attractors”, The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224 (8), 1637-1652

  • F. Hadaeghi, M.R.H. Golpayegani, L. Gardini, “A Non-autonomous System Leading to Cyclic Chaotic Sets to model Physiological Rhythms”, Applied Mathematics and Computation 281, 343-355

  • B Safarbali, F Hadaeghi, S Gharibzadeh, "Mesoscopic model of neuronal system deficits in Multiple Sclerosis", Journal of theoretical biology 411, 6-15

  • F. Hadaeghi, M.R.H Golpayegani, K. Moradi, “Does "crisis-induced intermittency explain bipolar disorder dynamics?”, Frontiers in computational neuroscience 7, 116

  • F. Hadaeghi, M.R.H Golpayegani, Shahriar Gharibzadeh, “What is the mathematical description of the treated mood pattern in bipolar disorder?”, Frontiers in computational neuroscience 7, 106