FastFind is a Visual Studio plugin that allows you to instantly find text in any solution file. FastFind's advanced pattern matching allows it to auto-update as you type, showing anything relevant, allowing you to jump instantly to the code.

FastFind will only scan files whos extensions match those that are set in the settings.If you add a new extension in the fastfind window that is not in the settings it will be automatically added to the settings and the solution will the re-scanned.

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I will like to use "find" and locate" to search for source files in my project, but they take a long time to run. Are there faster alternatives to these programs I don't know about, or ways to speed up the performance of these programs?

In a C project you'd typically have a Makefile. In other projects you may have something similar. These can be a fast way to extract a list of files (and their locations) write a script that makes use of this information to locate files. I have a "sources" script so that I can write commands like grep variable $(sources programname).

tl;dr: plocate is a very fast alternative to mlocate in most cases. (GNU) find often still seems to be hard to beat for tools which don't require an index.

I compared the commonly used mlocate and plocate. In a database of about 61 million files plocate answers specific queries (a couple of hundred results) in the order of 0.01 to 0.2 seconds and only becomes much slower (> 100 seconds) for very unspecific queries with millions of results. mlocate takes an almost constant 35 to 40 seconds to query the same database in all tested cases. Most of the time plocate is multiple orders of magnitude faster than mlocate.

It's harder to - sorry - locate a good find alternative and the result very much depends on the specific queries. Here are some results for just trying to find all files in a sample directory (~200.000 files) in descending speed order:

A parallelized find might give better results on systems which profit from command queuing and can request data in parallel. Depending on use case, this can be implemented in scripts, too, by running multiple instances of find on different subtrees, but performance characteristics depend on a lot of factors there.

There's a whole lot of recursive grep-like tools with different features, but most offer very limited features for finding files based on their metadata instead of their contents. Even if they are fast like ag (silversurfer), rg (ripgrep) or ugrep, they are not necessarily fast if just looking at file names.

Why doesn't find have this search order as a built-in feature? Maybe because it would be complicated/impossible to implement if you assumed that the redundant traversal was unacceptable. The existence of the -depth option hints at the possibility, but alas...

In order to speed up "finding" from O(n) to O(log(n)) I could myself implement a hash-map to store the std::list elements positions, or I could use boost Multi Indexes, _index/doc/tutorial/basics.html#list_fast_lookup.

Question: Today, with C++17, is there a standard/common or a best-practices way of implementing a container that have all the properties of a list PLUS fast find (and, eg. remove)? Or, does such a container type already exist? C++20 perhaps?

Your Bullhorn database contains valuable information about your candidates, clients, contacts, and more. Accessing these records quickly is vital to providing a positive experience both internally and externally. So, how can you search through your records more efficiently to find the information you need?

You can type the full name into Bullhorn Fast Find to find a specific record. If you just know the last name, all you need to do is type the name into Fast Find. The system will always assume this is the last name:

Webb Medical's low-cost, patented solution to fast and accurate CT biopsy and drainage procedures: The Fast Find Grid. Convenient and streamlined, hundreds of hospitals worldwide depend on The Fast Find Grid for ensuring every needle localization is efficient and precise.

Hi guys. Im new in Rogue company. But there's no sea server here. Do you guys have any advice to me as a sea server to find match more fast? Because i tried on Tokyo and Oceanic in 30 minutes there no match found. Thank you!.

I just released this plugin to optimize client-side Data, Nested-Data and Option set searching. You can now build your own fast, real-time search engine and enable facet filtering. (See live example Popup we search a 58k length list almost instantly).

Upon successful execution, FastFind outputs the result of its findings in an XML file, with one element per file system, registry or Windows object match.It can also output up to two CSV files: one for the file system matches and one for the object matches.

In the XML output file, each parsed hive, whether FastFind found a match in it or not, is listed in a hive element.If a match was found, it is enclosed inside a regfind_match element.This element has an attribute description that reports the rule which matched.

I am wondering is there a way to increase find speed in terminal, it doesn't make sense that using internet google to search will have a better speed than doing a local search for strings or just file names.

If you search for filenames or filename patterns, locate is much faster, but not suitable for freshly generated files, since the index used is normally updated only once per day. But if you can use it, it is super fast.

If you execute programs on every file you find with -exec, -execdir, -ok or -okdir, which is available in GNU-find for example, you can pass multiple files at once to the program, if the program supports being called with multiple arguments, by ending your command with "+" instead of ";". Example:

So the upside is that it's very fast in comparison to a hard drive scan. The downside is that the locate database (locatedb) is not 'live' so can only be used for files that existed 'as of' the last scan.

However; if you want to do multiple find operations on the same set of files; I got a significant speedup populating a temporary file with all the filenames and using grep. Of course this does not take into account files that are added or deleted.

The FastFind is a reassuringly sturdy unit. It feels like a quality bit of kit in the hand, the rubberised sections make it easy to grip. It comes with a wide array of alternative fitment options to fasten this to your life jacket or onto a belt or harness, plus it comes with a neoprene belt pouch.

This image usage log also helps you to determine your preferred royalty free photo source faster, it will shorten the time for finding a source for a new photo that you need for that next new article. Chances are high that you will find it in your preferred photo database that you have used for other articles.

The purpose of the First Responder Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) FastFind Challenge (UAS 3.1) was to advance UAS technologies by building and flying a UAS designed to support first responder search and rescue (SAR) operations. The goal was for contestants to design, build, and fly a complete UAS solution that helps a SAR team locate multiple missing persons in a thick forested area by improving image detection and enhancing navigation techniques to find people faster. Potential innovations included sensor technology to detect a person in an area with dense foliage; creation of new algorithms to optimize aerial search patterns dynamically; and development of artificial intelligence to process images or video feeds and identify humans within the designated search area. First responders have suggested these improvements would result in a reduction of total search time relative to current first responder standards.

FastFind is a Windows program that provides fast searching for named files. FastFind generates a compact binary index for all files on a system, which it uses to search for filenames, in no more than a few seconds. 

If you've ever been frustrated that your hugely powerful PC running Windows takes minutes to find a file with a particular name, then you're not alone, and you'll know why I wrote this program. I was also annoyed that Windows still does not have a simple analog of the Linux 'whereis' facility. (Yes, I've tried the Indexing Service on Windows 2000/XP, and no, it doesn't work.)

I want to determine whether or not the selected element exists in the list. This is the current procedure that I'm using for finding the element exist in a list or array. Is there any fast procedure for finding an element with any of these?

Algorithms that involve searching for elements that exist in a list require you to traverse through the list. So the fastest way possible is just to iterate through the list as what you did.

The time complexity of such algorithm would run in O(n) time where n is the size/length of your list. So, how fast you want your algorithm to be depends on the size of your list. The smaller it is, the faster it runs and vice versa.

FastFind is a Visual Studio plugin that allows you to instantly open solution files and find text in files. The FastFind window will auto-update as you type, showing you anything relevant and allowing you to jump instantly to the code.

Dear Sir,

I am working on diving safari boats in the Egyptian Red Sea and we shall start using McMurdo 210 as safety devices for our guests.

As there is no SAR team, the satellite detection is not important here, now I would like to know what detection range is available for this device.

The detection finder we will be using is an ACR Vecta 3.

Thank you for the information.

Best greetings 006ab0faaa

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