Are those speeds you mentioned consistent? Can you check what kind of speeds you get when you do a little larger batch of transfer - say a chunk of 60-120 GB (containing a few big files) during both copying to and from the EX2?

Though I still cannot see your screenshot but as TonyPh12345 mentioned above, the reason you are probably getting such slow speed (as possibly many others are) is because you are likely using the wifi connection. In Windows 7, even if you have a wired ethernet cable plugged in, I realized over a year ago that for laptops (which almost all have wifi today) the default connection used is wifi - if for some reason wifi fails THEN does Windows 7 switch over to wired connection. And obviously a wired connection will give you much higher speeds - wired connection is the whole pupose most of us wanted to use a NAS in the first place. To use wifi to transfer files defeats the purpose of having a NAS hooked up to your network via a wired connection.

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Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration is a bucket-level feature that enables fast, easy, and secure transfers of files over long distances between your client and an S3 bucket. Transfer Acceleration is designed to optimize transfer speeds from across the world into S3 buckets. Transfer Acceleration takes advantage of the globally distributed edge locations in Amazon CloudFront. As the data arrives at an edge location, the data is routed to Amazon S3 over an optimized network path.

To access the bucket that is enabled for Transfer Acceleration, you must use the endpoint Or, use the dual-stack endpoint to connect to the enabled bucket over IPv6. You can continue to use the regular endpoints for standard data transfer.

exactly, my VISA version is 15.0. I am using Stanford Research SR830 Lockin amplifier. In the read loop, the host controller works as a listener and the Lockin is talker. Each time it gets a data sample, it should transfer it immediately to the host controller. When the communication hangs up, I get only timeout error. Labview does not stop. The instrument does not send any termination characters as it is set to the fast transfer binary mode. It is sending just data "packets" of constant length- 4bytes per sample.

"The FAST2 version uses the lock-in transmit queue to buffer the GPIB data being sent to the host. Since the transmit queue can buffer a maximum of 63 X and Y data pairs, the host can only be diverted for short periods of time (e.g. 120mS at 512Hz sample rate) without causing the lock-in to "time out" and abort the FAST mode data transfer. The values of X and Y are transferred as signed integers, 2 bytes long (16 bits). X is sent first followed by Y for a total of 4 bytes per sample. The values range from -32768 to 32767. The value 30000 represents full scale (i.e. the sensitivity). Offsets and expands are included in the values of X and Y. The transferred values are (raw data - offset) x expand. The resulting value must still be a 16 bit integer. The value 30000 now represents full scale divided by the expand factor. At fast sample rates, it is important that the receiving interface be able to keep up. If the SR830 finds that the interface is not ready to receive a point, then the fast transfer mode is turned off. The fast transfer mode may be turned off with the FAST0 command. The transfer mode should be turned on (using FAST1 or FAST 2) before a scan is started. Then use the STRD command (see below) to start a scan. After sending the STRD command, immediately make the SR830 a talker and the controlling interface a listener. Remember, the first transfer will occur with the first point in the scan. If the scan is started from the front panel or from a trigger, then make sure that the SR830 is a talker and the controlling interface a listener BEFORE the scan actually starts. STRD After using FAST1 or FAST 2 to turn on fast data transfer, use the STRD command to start the scan. STRD starts a scan after a delay of 0.5 sec. This delay allows the controlling interface to place itself in the read mode before the first data points are transmitted. "


I have a DSP C6713. I want transfer data from PC to DSK. I tried to read the data from the PC via usb interface using fopen and fread functions. But in this case the data is transferred very very slowly.

How can I quickly transfer a lots of binary data on board?

When you're using fread and fopen that's actually going through the JTAG emulation which then goes over the USB. This is very slow is impossible to make it fast. Can you just buy a different board? Maybe OMAP-L138/C6748?

Brad Griffis said:When you're using fread and fopen that's actually going through the JTAG emulation which then goes over the USB. This is very slow is impossible to make it fast. Can you just buy a different board? Maybe OMAP-L138/C6748?

Furthermore, the two dynamic registers that are used to control the Fast transfer mode (MB_CTRL_Dyn and MB_LEN_Dyn) which are updated each time you read/write in the mailbox, are also standard "latch" type registers (volatile memory), and are not subject to wear levelling as well (on contrary to static registers, which are made of EEPROM memory.

Rsync is another option, but its strong suit is in updating files that already exist on the receiving end. I've found it to be slower than scp or tar/ssh when using it to transfer files that don't already exist on the other end.

You can speed up the ssh transfer by telling it to use a faster cipher than the default, also. The default is usually 3des and you can usually do -c des, so that will obviously be faster, and -c blowfish is represented as fast as well, though I haven't tested it exactingly.

Though these steps will vary by a financial institution, the process of making a transfer often follows this order. For specifics, be sure to read the instructions of your chosen bank or credit union.

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SUE 4000 is a fully engineered, complete and tested high-speed bus transfer solution, which . ensures continuous power supply to essential electrical equipment by changing over from a main to a stand-by feeder as fast as possible. The downstream processes are consequently protected from expensive outages. SUE 4000 can interface with any ABB or non-ABB protection device and circuit breaker. It has been designed for easy integration into existing and new switchgear installations. ABB possesses an outstanding knowhow and experience in this application.

In the Fast Transfer shown here, V1 is, as in the case of a Hohmann Transfer, carried out at periapsis of the transfer trajectory. However, the radius of apoapsis of the transfer orbit is greater than the radius of the outer circular orbit, and, instead of proceeding to apoapsis, the journey of the satellite is interrupted by a second burn when it reaches the desired final radius. It can be seen that V2 changes not only the magnitude of the velocity vector but also its direction.

The amount of V needed can be calculated using the Law of Cosines, where Vo is the velocity of the outer orbit, Vt is the velocity of the transfer orbit where it intersects the outer orbit, andĀ  is the angle betweenand

For the Fast Transfer you are using a transfer ellipse with a semimajor axis twice as large as that of the one you used in the Hohmann Transfer, which was 42,238 km. The energy of the transfer orbit is

Before you can apply the Law of Cosines to compute V2, you need to know the angleĀ  between the velocity vector of the spacecraft in the transfer orbit and its velocity vector after transferring to the outer circular orbit (see illustration). It will help here (and in calculating time of flight) to know the eccentricity of the Fast Transfer ellipse and the true anomaly of the spacecraft's position at the intersection between the transfer trajectory and the outer circular orbit.

Again, the greater speed of the Fast Transfer is not surprising, given the fact that it occurs about halfway between perigee and apogee of the transfer ellipse and does not include the significant slowing down that occurs when an orbiting body approaches apoapsis.

I have a postgresql operational DB with data partitioned per dayand a postgresql data warehouse DB.In order to copy the data quickly from the operational DB to the DWH I would like to copy the tables as fast and with least of resources used.Since the tables are partitioned by day, I understand that each partition is a table as itself.Is that means I can somehow copy the data files between the machines and create the tables in the DWH with those data files?What is the best practice in that case?

If you are doing a bulk transfer I would actually consider running pg_dump on the warehouse system and piping the results into psql once a day. You could probably run Slony too but that woudl require more resources, and would probably be more complicated.

but everything seems to be either slow, not reliable, or both; what I mean is that, no matter what kind of connection I try, I always find out that my files are transferring at a low speed (in the 100~500 Kb/s range) or, when the speed is a bit more acceptable (some Mb/s), the connection breaks more often than not; It really get on my nerves to have to wait an hour, or so, to transfer some songs or video files between my devices, or to have to restart the process for the Nth time because it suddenly stop working; after all, in these days, a filesize weighting in the hundreds Mb range is the norm for medium-sized files, I'm not talking about transferring a whole Hard Disk content.

My various trials showed me that MPT is the buggiest way, even if it can achieve the best speeds when working (but this kind of connection breaks way too often to be of any practical use), while the other seem to be more reliable, but whit such low speeds that render the whole process a waste of time (like I said, I find not acceptable to have to wait an hour or so to transfer a music album, an episode of a TV series, or any other file that weights more that a couple of MB's). ff782bc1db

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