Change your beliefs,

change your life

Your life is a reflection of your beliefs.

What you truly believe is held in the subconscious mind.

Why change is so hard

Trying to change our beliefs or behaviors using knowledge, insight or willpower is like wrestling a 800 pound gorilla. That's because as much as 99% of our thoughts come from the subconscious mind* -- neural activity outside of our conscious awareness.

The subconscious mind that holds on to what we believe is true about ourselves and world we live in -- all of which we made up from our earliest programming (from in the womb through age 6) and other life experiences. Amazingly powerful, the subconscious mind processes a million times more information than the conscious mind in any given second.

Knowledge, insight and willpower are all conscious mind approaches and while change is possible, it's a long, slow, hard way to go.

No wonder we're so frustrated and change seems so hard!

Is it possible to make changes directly to the subconscious mind? YES. Absolutely YES.

There are dozens of methods, but there is only one that Dr. Bruce Lipton, the author of The Biology of Belief, credits his own change to: PSYCH-K®. Even if you've tried hypnosis, NLP, EFT, etc., PSYCH-K has a high success rate when all other methods fail.

PSYCH-K is simple and direct. You see results quickly. And the best part is there's no delving into any whys or wherefores. No endless repetition of "affirmations." Just change. And change that lasts.

Who uses PSYCH-K? Coaches, therapists, athletes, performers, teachers, business executives, and even MDs.

Why? Because it works. When your subconscious mind is on board supporting your goals, your life becomes a more loving self-fulfilling prophesy and stops being a struggle.

Rewiring your subconscious mind is easier than you imagined

Here's a brief introduction to PSYCH-K by it's developer, Rob Williams, M.A.

What can you expect working with PSYCH-K?

Increase your self esteem -- Discover a deep appreciation and acceptance of yourself. Improve your confidence. Become your own best friend. Create unconditional love for yourself. Have more fun being you.

Improve your relationships -- Powerfully shift how you relate to others and how others relate to you. Express yourself naturally in any situation. Deepen your relationship with loved ones.

Maximize your personal power -- Increase your willingness to take positive, decisive action in your life. Allow your visions to become a reality. Embrace opportunities. Become more efficient and effective at whatever you do. Live life more purposely and consciously.

Enrich your prosperity -- Replace old attitudes about money. Increase your ability to make, save and invest money wisely. Let go of lack, fear and scarcity. Embrace prosperity and abundance.

Make peace with any grief or loss -- Resolve painful memories and find greater peace and happiness.

Improve your health and body -- Reduce emotional stress and program your body /mind for optimal health and vitality. Change beliefs and behaviors that sabotage diet, fitness and healing.

Uplift your spirituality -- Release subconscious resistance to experiencing your connection with Divinity.

Use PSYCH-K to create subconscious beliefs that support you and your goals.

No matter what your age or life history.

"The secret to life is Belief. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives. PSYCH‐K is a simple, self‐empowering process to change your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level.”

—Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, Cellular Biologist, author of Biology of Belief

There are two ways to work with PSYCH-K

1. Take a class from a certified instructor. Upcoming classes are listed at

2. Work privately with a skilled facilitator, either in person via phone or internet. To schedule a session, call 619-213-3400 or contact me via email at

PSYCH-K is here to help you achieve greater success, now and for a lifetime!

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Suzanne to see if PSYCH-K is right for you ...

1 Emmanuel Donchin, Director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois, “as much as 99% of our thoughts come from below our conscious awareness."