At 57 Mb/s, the download speed was great; however, the upload speed was a mere0.17 Mb/s, which is pretty much unusable. In fact, I had to re-run the testseveral times, as occasionally, the upload portion of the test would get stuckand never complete.

So, how slow is too slow when it comes to upload speeds? Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer. It depends on the number of devices connected to the internet, what you use it for, and the type of internet.

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It could be that your ISP is restricting your WiFi upload speeds or that you have reached your data limit. Perhaps you have signed up for a plan that does not meet your upload speed requirements. Asymmetric connections only allocate about 10% of the entire bandwidth to upload speeds.

Another reason why your internet upload speed is too slow might be viruses and other malware installed on your computer, router, or modem. It is getting increasingly hard to detect malware; spotty internet is just one of the many symptoms.

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is common for those seeking online privacy and security. While VPNs are instrumental in encrypting data and hiding your online activities, they can sometimes inadvertently reduce your upload speeds.

The use of VPNs can impact upload speeds in several ways. The encryption process, essential for data security, can slow down data transmission. VPNs often route data through distant servers, introducing latency that can further reduce upload speed. Popular VPN servers might face congestion due to high user traffic, leading to decreased performance.

Faster download speeds are great, but faster speeds mean more data traveling through your connection. Be aware if your provider has data caps, as a faster connection means you will hit those limits sooner.

Most ISPs advertise only download speeds, so you might not even realize that upload speeds are a separate thing. Download speeds are also generally the faster of the two speeds, so most advertisements tend to focus on them.

I am experiencing very slow upload speeds even though I have recently upgraded by internet connection (100mbs down and 40mbs up). I am a videographer who needs to upload gigabytes worth of footage online after every shoot and dropbox isn't even coming close to saturating my provided internet speed. Below is a list of what I have tried to no avail. Bear in mind that I do not have these upload speed issues with Google drive.

Ok I have just removed some files that way the total is under 300k and upload speed is now up to my max plan speed. I still don't understand how if there are more than 300k files and if nothing has changed on say 250k of them, why it drastically slows down the upload speed. I get that it has to check every file one by one but making it slow down upload speed is odd.

Hello I am back with experiencing more slow upload speeds despite the total file count being below 300k. My upload caps out between 5-10Mbps compared to the usual 40Mbps based on my plan speed. I have even gone to the lengths of completely uninstalling and reinstalling the desktop app and even tried uploading directly to the website and still have the same slow upload speed. I don't know what is going on and why this has changed suddenly in the past 6 months.

Trying to figure out why your internet upload speeds are slow? There are a variety of reasons and plenty of fixes to try! Slow speeds could be caused by things like your router, too many people on the network, and even malware. Resetting your router, upgrading your internet, and running an antivirus scan are a few things you can try to resolve the issue. This wikiHow guide will discuss why your internet upload speed is slow and how to increase it.

I am having an issue with (2) IAP clusters where the wireless download speeds are no 1/3 of wired speed but upload speeds are very close to wired speed. At other locations with the same equipment we are getting much better download performance and just not sure where to start checking in the configs of the switches (Cisco) and/or IAP's. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Second, why does my upload speed seem to be throttled? It seems like it might be throttled at 100, as it peaks at that, but very rarely gets near it, so if you assume some other traffic, then it makes sense that it is being throttled at 100.

Similar issue here. I have Verizon Fios Gig Nest wifi main router, with another nest wifi and 2 google wifi points. All hard wired. When I was using just google wifi and consistently got around 200Mbps up and down. I thought nest Wifi would be better with my Gigablit UP and DOWN. My download speeds are slightly better with wifi (around 300 Mbps) but the upload speed (wired or wifi) is horrific. Around 20Mbps. Should be 1 Gig. I had much better upload performance with just the older Google wifi network. I have disabled performance and even tried turning off cloud services. When I do speed tests at main router I always get around 875MBPS download but the upload flucuates between 800ish MBPs and 20MBps. It is totally random. I test is normal the next the upload is throttled. I unplugged the nest network and used my verizon router, I consistently get 850Mbps down and up. It most certainly is a nest (GOOGLE) issue. I wish they would acknowledge and fix it!! So frustrating that the older product actually works better overall.

Sorry for the confusion. I have a direct connection to my fios box. It gives me 1 IP. I connect the main nest router to that port (or when I tested my Verizon router). I did a test from the app and a direct connection to the Nest router. Same results. Good download, sometimes good upload but mostly abysmal (per your quote). When I tested with Verizon router I got great speeds on both. Even the wifi was better on both. I can handle 300 down if the upload was the same. I have attached 2 pics of Google Home Wifi speed test.

That's interesting...seems like the only difference in our results. When I do the Internet test the same way, I get around 850 up and down. It is only when I connect to Wifi that I get the slow speeds, in particular up.

I do have another question, why is my wifi upload/download speed so slow compared to my wired? All of my pucks are hard wired. My wifi speeds comes in around 250 download best upload has been 187 (better than prior to the update)

Hi all

i have a similar issue and I have the latest firmware version mentioned above. I only get slower upload speeds on my wired (pc) device that is connected directly to the router via a cat6 ethernet cable. I have att fiber gigabit. Nest speed test is consistently great at 904 down/850 up. Wifi devices are getting around 500 down/up. But my PC that is hardwired is getting +900 down/100-200 up. More of an annoyance than anything.

Secondly, can you set up a server that is personal to you / your business (with a fast receive speed) and simply try uploading a file to it, test your speed then during the slow backup process, try uploading again and see if there is any slow down or change in speed.

Make sure there isn't any firewall or AV slowing you down. Seem like something else is eating you upload. Have you tried with a laptop not part of the network? Again, is there some software slowing the network down?

Before you do that though; might I clarify... Did you say you connected your office to the client and still had slow transfer rates? If that is the case, the problem is 100% with the ISP and no need to do the backup test. If you have high speeds between client and your office, you are likely to see this fresh backup as your best bet (or getting a new backup service that doesn't have this systemic problem).

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Trying to upload 2GB files to my Cloudflare R2 bucket, but upload speeds won't go more than 20MBps, i'm using a server with 10gbps network (nonshared), and can't upload faster than 20MBPS.

tried using --fast-list but didn't improved at all, and researching a bit about S3 i decided to use [--s3-upload-concurrency 32]

and it increased my upload from 30MB/s up to 70 MB/s

and now i've increased my speed from 70MB/s up to 110MB/s (was max i could see for a 2GB file before it complete upload)

and for a 10GB file for example, speed reached 250MB/s

When the prioritization engine is enabled in the Killer Intelligence Center (v. 3.1422.1129.1) my upload speed is less than 1Mb. Disabling it fixes the problem, however, after any reboot, the prioritization engine feature is automatically re-enabled. Uninstalling the software also results in an upload speed < 1Mb.

Hi MidwestSteve, I've got the same problem on the same Dell XPS with my Killer E2400. Since a few weeks (last network-update I took in Feb 23) I got pretty slow upload speed and got in contact with my DSL-Provider here in Germany. During a time consuming process I/we figured out that the KillerNetworkService.exe finally is main source of the problem - disabled I've full upload performance, enabled (after every restart automatically) I only get max. 1/10 of the (upload)speed.

Follow the uninstall part of the clean install instructions and do not reinstall the Killer application. A regular uninstall will not clear the settings on the chipset itself, you have to do the manual steps as well. I've seen no difference in download speeds and uploads are now matching the DL speeds. I think Intel named the application perfectly as it KILLS your network performance.

Sounds good, and it works, for a while (at least on my Dell tower). But then the Killer suite always reappears, and my upload speed diminishes almost to zero. I've long ago totally dispensed with the Microsoft Store and the Dell bloatware. I'm completely uninstalled and reinstalled the Killer suite and then disabled it, all to no avail. Sometimes I'm fine for hours and hours, but then, BANG, it's back in place, and because it takes a restart to get rid of it (yet again) it's a proverbial pain the the ol' patootie. I need fresh ideas. Anyone got any? 2351a5e196

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