I was video recording an interview of a lovely lady at an old church and she sounds great; however, someone else in the room moved and their movement sounds like a big fart. How do I remove this sound from the video? I know how to use Adobe After Effects and I do have access to all the programs in the Adobe Creative Cloud; however, I'm clueless in the audio world. Would Adobe Audition work to remove this sound? If so, can you please provide a newbie step-by-step instructions? If not, do you have any other recommendations on how to remove the sound?

I have heard the term "sitting at home making fart noises" quite a lot. Since we are all grown up men (and the occasional grown up woman) around here, how do you make a good fart sound? A lot of LFO? Can you give examples of a good fart sound you created?

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It's extremely LOUD as well. From what very little info I can find, (there's exactly ONE brief thread on the entire internet that mentions it) it's supposed to be some sort of in-joke for the online freeroam community, but I'm both new and exclusively play singleplayer. Is there any way to get rid of this sound effect without wholesale replacing all the sounds of a given car? Can I unpack/repack .bank files? If so, how?

The gurgling you hear could be a part of normal digestion. When air and liquid are in your bowels, your intestines move them by contracting. The movement can echo through the stomach and cause sounds.

Either that or I have an addon that has some weird capability of playing this sound someone triggered. A gnome walked right by me and a very, very authentic fart sound played. But it sounds like this phenomenon has happened before? possibly in this cave? hmm

Your story reminds me of how my brain is working in my classes (I teach High school), I once tolled my students that in my mind I hear sound effects when I am teaching, this made them laugh but it also made them feel comfortable in my class. I truly enjoy how you explained that laughter is very important. Awesome story!

Been an owner of two HomePods for a couple of years now and love them but recently one of them has started making what I can only describe as a loud fart. It will simply at random play a loud BRRRRRRP! and scare the crap out of me. I've factory reset a dozen times and have searched online but am not finding much help on it. Its out of warranty so Apple won't be of much help.

Just so we can be on the same page, does this sound occur during audio playback, only when there is no audio present, or can it occur at either time? Also, how often are you hearing this? If it occurs during audio playback, does it cause the audio to stop playing, or does it continue as normal? If the audio stops immediately after the sound is heard, an in-person inspection should be considered as there is potential for a needed service repair. More info on how to get that going can be found in HomePod Service and Repair, if needed.

Have you tested your HomePod in other rooms to see if this might be somewhat power related? If not, that's something that can be often overlooked but can potentially a cause of unexpected audio outbursts like the one you mentioned. Let us know if you notice a difference in the behavior of the HomePod in another room. If the sound occurs when there is no audio playback present and when connected to power in multiple rooms, Get Support directly from Apple here.

Over the past two days, I've noticed an "air in the hose" noise while Aston is peeing (sounds just like air bubbles coming out of a coiled garden hose, only quieter) -- normally, I would only hear the sound of urine hitting the grass or whatever it's landing on. Today on our morning walk, it sounded more like fart noises, pretty loud, and only during the stream. No sounds or other indicators of pain from Aston (he keeps peeing through the noise, and output volume/frequency is normal -- doesn't seem like he's trying to avoid peeing). I did check his sheath, and as far as I can see, no crusted discharge that might partially block output, and no redness/inflammation. 

Does this ring a bell with anyone?

Unlike (most) humans she seems unperturbed by this and shows no embarrassment at the occasional "putt-putt-putting" sounds or the ability to clear a room with the S.B.D.'s (silent but deadly's). Since nothing is wrong with her health or diet we embrace a can of Lysol and accept it as part of her Greyhound charm.

The pee-stream-air-bubbles resolved about a week or so after my last post. No bacteria came up in the urine culture. Urine okay, blood results normal. Aside from the air bubbles, he was peeing in the house almost daily for a few weeks, but it has spontaneously resolved as of this past Monday. 

The fart noises were definitely coming from his urethra, not butt Only heard them while there was a pee stream, plus the pee stream was erratic.

Aston DOES have the greyhound-fart ability, too, especially if he eats a lot of chicken.

Yeah Aston! So glad he's well and it isn't diabetes. Now if he would just stop watering the rug :} Did the vet ever explain what the mystery was? One mystery solved: As long as you keep Aston away from KFC and El Pollo Loco there won't be any problems with farts! (like the little picture joke?)

The thing is, eventually, when I'm back on my feet, I tend to do quite a bit of public speaking. Usually in rooms of several hundred to a thousand. Having no control of the fart sounds, nervousness over speaking in front of a large crowd, and a microphone, seems like a frightening and funny prospect!

It's more noticeable shortly after surgery and more gas is produced during the healing process. I too am a fart aficionado and laugh like a 12-year-old boy when it comes to farts. My stoma tends to act up when I'm at the dentist's office waiting room. I tend to muffle the farts with my coat so it sounds more like my stomach growling. But it usually only happens when I have a few beers the night before.

I don't know how quiet it is when you're publicly speaking, but I wouldn't worry about the mic picking up the sound. Some ostomates have placed a few sheets of tissue paper over their stoma to muffle the sound of gas. Another thing to consider is not to eat foods that could cause a lot of gas the next day. Like sodas, beer, or even chewing gum. You could also take Gas-X or the equivalent prior to any event. I'm sure you saw the food chart in the "Cramping" post.

Yeah, that'll happen sometimes. Several of my coworkers got to see that first hand about two days after my surgery visiting me in the hospital. Mine honestly doesn't make too much noise anymore, for me it's if I haven't eaten in a while. You'll get used to it, and learn to sense when it's going to happen most of the time. Like Bain said, just muffle it with something, even your hand will work. Yes, I miss farting much more than I would have guessed.

I have done a lot of lecturing in front of large classes of students in college for many years. The inevitable fart can come at the most inconvenient time. Most often, I could sense when it was about to burst forth. In that event, I would try to muffle the sound with my wrist and hand by nonchalantly placing my hand over my stoma. I would also turn my back to the class and face the blackboard and write something that was pertinent. You might not have that choice, however. I think Bain's suggestions are good ones for trying to manage the problem. I would also take an Imodium ahead of time, especially if I was going to attend a meeting where the participants would sit very close to each other. The slowing down of the gut motility lessened the chance of a fart. I read on this site a few years ago that someone suggested eating marshmallows to reduce stoma noise. I have never tried it, however. Good luck!

Have you noticed that no woman has posted here yet? Lol. Having grown up in an Italian Irish family with a lot of males...farting was always a source for hilarious conversation. Thankfully, my ostomy is pretty quiet most of the time. I have come to be able to recognize when a bunch of air is heading out, so I can muffle it pretty well. There will be times when you will be out in public and it will just happen...can't be helped. I wouldn't worry about it. That's just a part of life!

So many of us have learned the hard way of dealing with the unexpected fart at the wrong time. To control the gas, you can use Beano liquid. It takes about 30 minutes to do its job. The tablets, I never used them because they took longer to work for me. If you wear a support, you can make a muffler with a little extra thick cloth to muffle the sound so it's not so loud. For me, it happens when out eating and then without warning, sometimes you hear the fart nice and clear because it's not going through the seat of the chair anymore. And at table height, it will be the young kids that say something just as fast as you farted. Then the whole restaurant knows.

It was clear that the sound existed and was used by people orally, it just had no visual representation to express it in a written text. Only if there would be a way to design it somehow. Wait a minute, there is a way. So I used the resources that were available to me at that moment: the notes app on my phone and the creativity of my tipsy friends. I passed my phone around the table with a simple brief: draw a brand new letter that matches the sound of a fart without using existing letters and without creating some sort of illustration that would depict a fart. Try to write it, as it would be a letter.

The results were fun to observe, but nothing mindblowing, of course. I continued to ask people to do the same thing every time I was going out, repeating the same simple brief. I had no expectations from this pseudo-scientific experiment. For me, it was just fun to see how other people represent visually the same sound and what it means to them.

Ok, our problem is half solved. We have the phonetic symbol for the fart sound, so why not add its corresponding glyph in the written language? We already have a good candidate for that, right? *wink*



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