

Smart Liquidity provides expertise and solutions in the crypto space, especially cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin). Throughout years, we have developed a deep understanding of the social and economic drivers of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) as well as its impact on the economy and the way that it is re-defining the traditional meaning of "capital".

Imagine a world in which individuals have direct control over how their government is spending their tax dollars; sending money to any point in the planet takes a matter of milli seconds and costs only a percentage of a cent. DeFi is the infrastructure of such world, and we can help you better understand and utilize it.


Blockchain technology which is the backbone infrastructure upon which this new spectrum of asset class -which ranges from crypto-commodities to crypto-currencies- is based, has the potential to be exploited not only for transferring "money", but also anything else that possesses value, for instance one's right to vote in an election.

Questions/research around crypto-market:

  • Price drivers: general (public awareness)/institutional interest, geopolitical,


Jul 24, LedgerX is granted CFTC's approval clear bitcoin options. (Delivery planned Q4)

Aug 2, CBOE and Gemini waiting CFTC's approval for a bitcoin future and index (Delivery planned Q4)