Bouquet subscriptions

What is a bouquet subscription or a CSA flower subscription?  A bouquet subscription is like a magazine subscription or any other subscription where you choose the flower package you would like to receive.  You then complete a form on our website and we will be in touch before the season starts.  You will be notified when your subscription is starting and you will receive a grower´s choice bouquet for 6, 10 or 22 weeks depending on the package you purchase.  Buying locally grown products saves you money because you are buying directly from the grower. You will also receive a longer lasting bouquet because it has not been picked in advance and shipped to you.  We also grow our flowers without using chemicals so you can feel good about having healthy, sweet smelling bouquets in your home or giving them as a gift.  

Do you love the idea of receiving a weekly bouquet of fresh flowers for your home or business?  Would you like to give the gift of weekly fresh bouquets of locally and organically grown flowers?  We have just the thing for you!  Bouquet subscriptions make the perfect gift for someone special.  

They´re here!  Summer bouquet subscription signups. 

SOLD OUT-Full season bouquet subscription (20 weeks)

SOLD OUT-Spring bouquet subscription (6 weeks)

SUBSCRIBE NOW-Summer bouquet subscription (10 weeks)

How to care for your cut flower bouquet