Divers around the open-ocean aquaculture cage at the Cape Eleuthera Institiute in The Bahamas. These cages are not currently used in the Gulf, but represent one type of farming technology that could work in in the region. (Image credit: With permission from Kelly Martin)

In the report, scientists said that continued development of regional best-management practices and standardized protocols for environmental monitoring are key needs for aquaculture managers. As aquaculture development increases in the coastal ocean, the ability to forecast immediate or long-term environmental concerns will provide confidence to coastal managers and the public.

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SMITH: The oceans are huge, right? And the World Bank did a study that if you take less than 5 percent of U.S. waters and just grow seaweed, you sequester the carbon-output equivalent of 20 million cars.

Blue Ocean Strategy is a theory explained in a 2005 book by W. Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne, professors at INSEAD. The fundamental premise is that most companies fight competitors head-to-head in the same space, chasing the same customers with very similar products, creating a bloody-red ocean in their feeding frenzy.

To help tackle this issue a number of animal charities, environmental groups and technology companies are working with the aquaculture industry to develop more environmentally responsible approaches to protecting the marine environment and keeping predators like sea lions out of fish farms without negatively impacting the animals or the surrounding wildlife.

The companies building wind farms publish weekly reports describing their vessels and the work being performed; recent activity in the region has focused on site preparation. Vineyard Wind, for example, disclosed that eight vessels were laying undersea cables across Nantucket Sound off the coast of Massachusetts. A report from Avangrid Inc. shows that the utility is doing underwater drilling in its lease area, also off Massachusetts.

After a little online research, it turns out this is the Brazos, a 145-foot long and 100-foot wide Lift Boat. It is owned by Laredo Offshore and based out of Houston, Texas. It is here doing geotechnical survey work for Orsted U.S. Offshore Wind and Eversource Energy, which are jointly developing Sunrise Wind, an 880 megawatt (MW) offshore wind farm planned for 30 miles east of Montauk Point. Expected to be operational by 2024, it has the potential capacity to power more than half a million homes on Long Island. They have chosen this section of beach to bring the transmission lines to shore via undersea cable to serve Long Island.

Salmon is one of Scotland's biggest food exports, second only to whiskey. Unfortunately, this booming industry comes with a cost. The salmon we buy across Britain typically comes not from wild fish but farms, many of them located off the coast of Scotland. So, while wild salmon numbers reached a record low in 2018, in supermarkets, salmon was plentiful. In this article, we'd like to outline some of the issues surrounding salmon farming in Scotland and its impacts on wild fish populations and the wider ocean ecosystems.

Every year in autumn, Scotland's crystal clear salmon rivers and streams are transformed into a frenzy of fish leaping and swimming their way upstream to spawn in freshwater gravel beds, before returning to sea. In doing so, salmon help bring nutrients from the ocean ecosystem upstream into freshwater environments. Through excretion, spawning, death and decay, salmon directly affect the ecology of their freshwater environments and increase nutrient availability for algae, invertebrates and young salmon.

Salmon themselves are an important food source for an abundance of aquatic and terrestrial wildlife, such as otters, waterfowl and eagles. At sea, salmon are predated on by some of the ocean's top predators, such as sharks, dolphins and seals. They also have an interesting symbiotic relationship with a priority species in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan, the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera). Adult mussels filter water, improving the water quality and reproductive conditions for salmon, and salmon return the favour by providing a safe environment for mussel larvae to develop within their gills.

Today there are over 200 salmon farms dotted around the Scottish coast, together producing around 150,000 tonnes of salmon every year. An adult salmon weighs approx. 4 pounds. With 2000 pounds in a ton, it takes 500 adult salmon for a single ton. 75,000,000 is a ballpark figure for the numbers of salmon who are produced in these farms for consumption each year.

With thousands of fish in each pen, salmon farms can act as a breeding ground for diseases and pests, in particular, sea lice. Almost half of the salmon farms in Scotland are infested with the common salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). The louse causes skin lesions and heavy infestations can result in death. This is a particular problem for wild salmon and trout as farms are often located in areas inhabited by these species.

Occasionally, fish can escape from farms and enter the ocean ecosystems. These fish can spread disease, compete for food and habitat, and cross-breed with wild salmon. In doing so, they dilute the gene pool of wild salmon, which are adapted to local conditions, and reduce the fitness of wild populations.

Many of the threats impacting wild salmon populations, like climate breakdown, will take time to rectify. Unsustainable farming, on the other hand, is comparatively easy to solve. It is vital that salmon farms address the issues outlined above and adapt quickly to safeguard the survival of salmon in Scotland. As consumers, we also have an opportunity to make a big difference, by consuming more consciously and sustainably. Along with many other species of fish, salmon are facing considerable threats, but there is a lot we can do to change things for the better.

The biggest threat to whales, and the ocean ecosystem that they live in, is climate change. Climate change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions. These are created by industrial development. So climate change is a symptom of industrial development. That is the extractive industries of mining, deforestation, agriculture, factory fishing and dams which provide, through production, manufacture, transport, installation and operation, the current conveniences of a modern way of human life.

These wind farms are going to use over 2 million acres of ocean. This is a massive industrialization of our near shore ocean and to think of it any other way is being naive. At this point they have a life span of about 25yrs. and as they age the become less efficient because the blades become worn, much life a boat propellor with cavitation. Do we really want to roll the dice with the ocean environment? In my opinion, the unforeseen collateral damage is not worth the risk. Think about what we are going to do to the environment to save the environment? The amount of money involved with this is astronomical, much of it tax payer dollars. Beware of the hype.

A climate vulnerability assessment for 82 fish species, including some sharks, off the northeastern United States found that impacts are likely to vary by species. In general, sharks may have lower overall vulnerability than other marine organisms (e.g., shellfish, salmon, or eels). They are less likely to experience changes in abundance. However, because of their extensive range, sharks have a high likelihood of shifting their distributions or expanding into new habitats to follow preferable ocean conditions.

In Atlantic and Pacific U.S. waters, many fish species are shifting northward as the oceans continue to warm. For example, species like the thresher shark, which are common off southern California, are expected to become more common off Alaska along the Pacific coast. Along the northeastern United States, smooth dogfish may actually gain suitable habitat, whereas thorny skate (a shark relative) may lose habitat as the region warms. Some species are also shifting to deeper, cooler waters as shallow coastal environments warm.

For the article on the The Oufit of the same name, please see OceanThe OceanChapter 1Chapter 2Snow CloudPolar PeakThe Wall Of WaterThe Ocean is the body of water surrounding the Island in Battle Royale. In Chapter 1, The ocean instantly killed any player that touched it, and destroyed any items dropped into it. In Chapter 2, swimming was an added feature, thus making the ocean swimmable as a form of mobility.

The state even has a shining example to emulate. Just south of the Delaware Inland Bays sits the Chesapeake, the greatest success story in the United States for oyster aquaculture and restoration as a combined environmental and economic boon. The Chesapeake is the largest estuary in the United States, and it was once home to some of the most overharvested and polluted waters in the world. Thousands of acres of Chesapeake tributaries have been reseeded with wild oysters, and farmed oysters have become at least a $30 million industry for Virginia and Maryland.

Five years after the first farmed oysters went into the Inland Bays, the aquaculture industry remains in a larval stage. Only about 7% of the water available for farming there is currently under lease. The number of farmers has actually declined since the program launched.

Oyster reefs, which are clusters of wild oysters that grow on top of and around each other, can protect shorelines from coastal erosion, acting as a living natural barrier. Both reefs and farmed oysters, which are grown in cages instead of on reefs, attract small organisms that make up the basis of many aquatic ecosystems. Those shellfish and other invertebrates become food for larger fish and crustaceans, which consequently gravitate toward the oysters as well. The oysters become the keystone species for a thriving ecosystem. Then the farmed oysters, once harvested, exit the water with the nutrient pollution safely stored in their shells. While some of those shells will end up in landfills, many restaurants participate in recycling programs that dry them and turn them into a hard surface to build more reefs, so they go back into the water as a home for wild oysters. ff782bc1db

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