GrowNYC Farm Beginnings
Intro to Farm Business Planning

Source: Unsplash

GrowNYC Farm Beginnings is foundations course developed for experienced farm workers to start planning their own businesses.

Our annual course admits 5-10 applicants and is held from January to March, virtually and in-person. Our program is primarily focused on serving BIPOC, immigrants, and historically underrepresented communities in farm business ownership.

Applications are now closed. 

Applications for the 2025 Farm Beginnings course will open in September 2024. If you'd like to be notified when applications open, sign-up below.



GrowNYC Farm Beginnings is an high-participation foundations course developed for participants with farming experience to begin the process of building their own farm businesses. Participants will focus on learning foundational components of building a farm business, apply their learnings through developing concepts for their business, and learn in community with peers, subject matter experts, and experienced farmer-owners. This program has provided foundational training and support for many farm businesses who supply our Greenmarkets and grow food for New Yorkers, and we are excited to welcome the next cohort.

Course format

Our annual course includes 10 class sessions that culminates in a presentation of learnings at the course graduation. For accessible community building, our course will be a mix of 7 virtual 2-hour classes and 3 in-person 5-hour workshops in January through March. 

View Course Schedule 

Cohort Size

5-10 applicants per year

Course fee

This is a free course for accepted applicants.  

Who this program is for

Our program is designed for a range of individuals with significant experience in agriculture and who are ready to take the next step toward starting a farm business, including but not limited to: field workers, farm managers, high-production gardeners ready to expand, farmer-owners in early stages of their business, and immigrants with agricultural experience from their home countries – all with ambition to farm in the Northeast. Our program is primarily focused on serving BIPOC and historically underrepresented communities in agriculture and farm business ownership.

View Eligibility

*Production agriculture involves the growing and selling of plants and livestock at scale (at least .5 acres). 

What this program is not for

Learning Objectives

Develop a foundational understanding of the components involved in building a farm business.

Demonstrate comprehension of course learnings and present back to class as evidence of growth and understanding.

Course Outcomes

1 presentation about course learnings

This presentation will be publicly presented at the course graduation, where you will discuss your learnings, refined goals and ideas for your business, plans for immediate next steps, and a high level roadmap of your future journey.

Network of farm business support

Classes will include guest teachers that represent a range of subject matter expertise and organizations, who will serve as valuable network connections in your journey. Your experience will also offer the opportunity to bond with a cohort of like-minded peers to learn and grow beyond the course.

Course Instruction Approach

Hybrid classes for accessible community building
7 virtual 2-hour classes and 3 in-person 5-hour workshops in January through March (see Curriculum for detail).

Learn from experts with field experience
Each class will be facilitated by a GrowNYC Beginning Farmer program specialist, accompanied by guest teachers who will provide expertise on the class subject.

Participatory engagement
Guest teachers will prepare substantive material, discussion questions, and activities for effective learning. Homework will be assigned and reviewed to expand upon the learnings from each class.

Community learning
Time will be provided for peer collaboration to explore and workshop ideas together.

Equity lens interwoven throughout course
Each area of agriculture in the Northeast (and the world) is deeply impacted by systemic inequity. Subject matter will be introduced through the lens of equity to acknowledge inherent biases and structural racism that uphold white supremacy and barriers that impact BIPOC and historically marginalized communities.

Graduation Benefits

3 years of technical assistance for your business from the GrowNYC Farmer Assistance team

Graduation Requirements

Presentation of course learnings.
Prepare and present a summary of your course learnings at course graduation

Attend at least 7 of 10 classes.
This course will involve 7 virtual classes, 3 in-person classes in NYC, and 1 in-person graduation.  

Course Expectations

Openness to using computers
Comfort and openness to using computers will support success in this program. We will be meeting virtually and sharing working documents through Google classroom. Fluency with computers is not a requirement, but openness to learning is expected (and will be supportive of your entrepreneurial journey). 

Openness to verbal and written communication
As course material includes reading and writing to learn, communicate, and develop ideas, comfort with writing in English will support success in this program. Fluency with writing in English is not a requirement, but openness to learning is expected (and will be supportive of your entrepreneurial journey).

Committed attendance
If 2 or more no-communication absences occur for classes or workshops, students will be disqualified from graduation. 

This is a free course with limited space, and students unsure of their ability to attend or participate should provide space for students who are confident in their commitment to participate. This course occurs annually, and we encourage students to plan to take this course when they are available to focus and commit to their farming goals.



Directional clarity

Program goal alignment

Mindset alignment

Committed intention to farm

Enterprise Eligibility

Our Beginning Farmer program provides training, resources, and technical assistance to a limited scope of enterprises. Based on our network of resources, priority will be given to the categories we are resourced and equipped to support. Priority will also be given to enterprises who are aligned with GrowNYC Food and Agriculture’s mission to keep farmland in production in our region (~200 miles from Poughkeepsie) and provide food to New Yorkers.

Enterprises we are resourced to support:

Enterprises we are not resourced to support at this time:

(We suggest → Oko Farms, Farm School Public Course)

(We suggest → GrowNYC Green Space)

(We suggest → Hot Bread Kitchen)

Applicant Selection Criteria

The following variables will be the main determining factors in application evaluation:


If our program sounds like the right fit for you, we welcome your application and look forward to meeting you! 

Sept 1, 2023: Applications open

Oct 29, 2023: Applications close

Nov 10, 2023: Notification of acceptance, offers

Nov 17, 2023: Offer acceptance due

Jan 6, 2023: Course begins


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