Hi! I'm Farhad Nawaz, a 3rd year PhD student at GRASP lab, University of Pennsylvania.

I am co-advised by Dr. Nikolai Matni and Dr. Nadia Figueroa.  I am broadly interested in learning and control methods for dynamical systems, with application to robotics. Currently, I am working on learning from demonstrations to generate safe and stable motion plans for human-robot interaction. 

Prior to this, I worked on multi-agent path planning algorithms for stochastic environments with Dr. Melkior Ornik for my master's degree at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I also spent a year at Indian Institute of Science with Dr. Ashwini Ratnoo working on guidance and control laws for quad-copters. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India.


Outside of work, I love to travel new places and try different types of food. I enjoy tennis for recreation, and have developed an interest for cooking. 

Get in touch at [farhadn@seas.upenn.edu]