Hi! I'm Farhad Nawaz, a 4th year PhD student at GRASP lab, University of Pennsylvania.
I am co-advised by Dr. Nikolai Matni and Dr. Nadia Figueroa. I am broadly interested in learning and control methods for dynamical systems, with application to robotics. My PhD work focuses on learning from demonstrations to generate safe and stable motion plans for human-robot interaction. I am currently a research intern at the Honda Research Institute, USA working on trajectory planning for autonomous driving.
Prior to this, I worked on multi-agent path planning algorithms for stochastic environments with Dr. Melkior Ornik for my master's degree at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I also spent a year at Indian Institute of Science with Dr. Ashwini Ratnoo working on guidance and control laws for quad-copters. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India.
Outside of work, I love to travel new places and try different types of food. I enjoy tennis for recreation, and have developed an interest for cooking.