Welcome to the September Virtual Open House for Fargo’s Core Neighborhoods Master Plan!

Thank you for stopping by our virtual open house to learn more about this exciting project. We’re glad you’re here and encourage you to add your voice to the conversation during the month of September.


This open house is organized into four stations and we encourage you to go through them in order. At each one, you will learn about the project and have a chance to provide your feedback.

Learn about the planning process and its aims, and sign-up for updates.

Explore key issues that have been identified by the planning process so far and rank their importance.

See and rate the assets that have been pinpointed as building blocks for stronger core neighborhoods.

Evaluate potential tools that are under consideration for the core neighborhoods.

Where are the Core Neighborhoods?

The nine neighborhoods closest to Downtown Fargo are the focus of this master planning process. They encompass:

  • Fargo’s traditional 19th and 20th Century neighborhood fabric

  • 34,000 residents in 14,000 households

  • A wide variety of pressures, challenges, and opportunities

  • Many of Fargo’s most important institutional and quality of life assets

“These neighborhoods have a tight-knit, small-town feel. Sometimes you know the dogs’ names (learned when crossing paths during dog-walks) sooner than the names of their human companions. Streets lined with mature trees, the nearby Red River corridor, convenient parks and playgrounds, and lush and colorful gardens all make walking and biking in these neighborhoods a pleasure. Neighbors are often friendly and willing to lend a hand."

-- Comment from a Fargo resident (April 2020 project survey)

Ready to begin with Station #1?

Head to Station #1 to learn about the process and background of Fargo's Core Neighborhoods Master Plan