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What is TRSL?

TRSL is a short form of Tech Realm Solutions Limited (TRSL) Situated in Bangladesh. Providing all sorts of IT related services in local and international markets. See more click here

What is Tech Realm Solutions ?

Tech Realm Solutions is a short form of Tech Realm Solutions Limited TRSL)

Situated in Bangladesh. Providing all sorts of IT related services in local and international markets. See more on or click here

What is Tech Realm Solutions Limite

TRSL (Tech Realm Solutions Limited)

is a full-service IT solutions provider. In public and private sectors. We provide IT advisory and leadership services. See more on or click here

What are the services TRSL provides?

Beyond managing and maintaining hosting, security, and a full spectrum of IT support services, we provide value-driven solutions. In a complicated, rapidly changing IT world! Our IT Advisory methodology allows us to deliver leadership to our clients. We strive to provide custom IT solutions for the entire software life cycle. Including high-end IT consulting, agile development, support, and services. A comprehensive IT strategy and support package that aligns technology, processes, and people with your major business goals. See more on or click here

What is TRSL Goal ?

Our goal is to provide our clients with the most “business value” possible, allowing them to expand their enterprises. Manage their risk/compliance, and enhance their profits. See more on or click here