
Journal articles


Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, Lu X, Csiszar I, and Schmidt CC. Hourly biomass burning emissions product from blended geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites for air quality forecasting applications (2022). Remote Sensing of Environment,

Lu X, Zhang X, Li F, Cochrane AM. Improved estimation of fire particulate emissions using a combination of VIIRS and AHI data for Indonesia during 2015–2020 (2022). Remote Sensing of Environment,

Campbell P, Tong D, Saylor R, Li Y, Ma S, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, Li F. Pronounced increases in nitrogen emissions and deposition due to the historic 2020 wildfires in the western US (2022). Science of The Total Environment,

Zhang L, Montuoro R, McKeen S, Baker B, Bhattacharjee P, Grell G, Henderson J, Pan L, Frost G, McQueen J, Saylor R, Li H, Ahmadov R, Wang J, Stajner I, Kondragunta S, Zhang X, Li F. Development and evaluation of the Aerosol Forecast Member in the National Center for Environment Prediction (NCEP)'s Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS-Aerosols v1) (2022). Geoscientific Model Development,


Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S. Highly anomalous fire emissions from the 2019–2020 Australian bushfires (2021), Environmental Research Communications,

Li Y, Tong D, Ma S, Zhang X, Kundragunta S, Li F, Saylor R. Dominance of Wildfires Impact on Air Quality Exceedances during the 2020 Record‐Breaking Wildfire Season in the United States (2021), Geophysical Research Letters,

Lu X, Zhang X, Li F, Gao L, Graham L, Vetrita Y, Saharjo BH , Cochrane AM. Drainage canal impacts on smoke aerosol emissions for Indonesian peatland and non-peatland fires (2021), Environmental Research Letters,

Lu X, Zhang X, Li F, Cochrane AM, Ciren P. Detection of Fire Smoke Plumes Based on Aerosol Scattering Using VIIRS Data over Global Fire-Prone Regions (2021), Remote Sensing,


Corona‐Núñez OR, Li F, Campo EJ. Fires represent an important source of carbon emissions in Mexico (2020), Global Biogeochemical Cycles,

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, Lu X. An evaluation of Advanced Baseline Imager fire radiative power based wildfire emissions using carbon monoxide observed by the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument across the Conterminous United States (2020), Environmental Research Letters,

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S. Biomass Burning in Africa: An Investigation of Fire Radiative Power Missed by MODIS Using the 375 m VIIRS Active Fire Product (2020), Remote Sensing,

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, and Schmidt CC. A Preliminary Evaluation of GOES-16 Active Fire Product using Landsat-8 and VIIRS Active Fire Data and Ground-based Prescribed Fire Records (2020), Remote Sensing of Environment,


Li F, Zhang X, Roy DP, and Kondragunta S. Estimation of biomass-burning emissions by fusing the fire radiative power retrievals from polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites across the conterminous United States (2019), Atmospheric Environment,

Lu X, Zhang X, Li F, Cochrane AM. Investigating Smoke Aerosol Emission Coefficients using MODIS Active Fire and Aerosol Products — A Case Study in the CONUS and Indonesia (2019), Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,


Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, and Csiszar I. Comparison of Fire Radiative Power Estimates From VIIRS and MODIS Observations (2018), Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, and Roy DP. Investigation of the Fire Radiative Energy Biomass Combustion Coefficient: A Comparison of Polar and Geostationary Satellite Retrievals Over the Conterminous United States (2018), Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,

Selected oral/posters

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, Lu X, Csiszar I, and Schmidt CC. Hourly Biomass Burning Emission Product from Blended Geostationary and Polar-orbiting Satellites for Air Quality Forecasting Applications – Product Validation, AMS-Madison Collective Meeting 2022 (Oral), Madison, WI.

Zhang X, Li F, Kondragunta S, Lu X, Csiszar I, and Schmidt CC. Hourly Biomass Burning Emission Product from Blended Geostationary and Polar-orbiting Satellites for Air Quality Forecasting Applications – Algorithm, AMS-Madison Collective Meeting 2022 (Poster), Madison, WI.

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S. The 2019-2020 Australian Bushfires: A Comparison of Multiple Satellites’ Fire Detection Capabilities and the Implications for Fire Monitoring and Emissions Estimation, Fire and Climate 2022 (Oral), Virtual.

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, Lu X. Estimation of Hourly 3km Biomass Burning Emissions by Fusing 2km ABI and 375m VIIRS Fire Observations (2021), AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans.

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, and Schmidt CC. Investigation of the Diurnal Cycle of Fire Radiative Power Observed by GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI across the Conterminous United States (2021), AOGS Annual Meeting 2021 (Virtual).

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S. Characterization of the Exceptional 2019-2020 Australia Wildfires and Smoke Emissions using Multiple Satellite-based Active Fire Datasets (2021), AMS Annual Meeting 2021 (Virtual).

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, and Schmidt CC. Characterization of Fire Diurnal Cycles using GOES-R ABI Fire Observations across North and South America (2020), AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (Virtual).

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, Lu X. Evaluation of the GOES-16 ABI FRP based Fire Emissions using the Carbon Monoxide Observations from Sentinel-5P TROPOMI across the Conterminous United States (2019), AGU Fall Meeting 2019

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, and Schmidt CC. Characterization of Diurnal Cycles of Fire Activity, Fire Radiative Power, and Fire Size across the CONUS using GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Observations (2019), 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, Boston, MA.

Li F, Zhang X, Kondragunta S, and Schmidt CC. Preliminary Evaluation of GOES-16 Active Fire Product using Landsat-8 and VIIRS I-band and M-band Active Fire Data in the Southeastern Conterminous United States (2018), AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Li F, Zhang X, and Kondragunta S. Estimation of Biomass Burning Emissions by Fusing Fire Radiative Power Observed from Polar-orbiting and Geostationary Satellites across the Continental United States (2016), AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Li F, Zhang X, and Kondragunta S. Investigation of Biomass Combustion Rate of Fire Radiative Energy Using Multiple-Satellite-observed Active Fires and Landsat TM Burn Severities across the Continental United States (2015), AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.


Biomass Burning in the Conterminous United States: A Comparison and Fusion of Active Fire Observations from Polar-orbiting and Geostationary Satellites for Emissions Estimation (2018),; OR