The Ultimate Guide to Combining Gym Workouts with MMA Training for Optimal Fitness

Are you a fitness enthusiast looking to take your workout routine to the next level? Do you have a passion for mixed martial arts (MMA) and want to incorporate it into your fitness regimen? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how you can combine gym workouts with MMA training to achieve optimal fitness. From understanding the benefits of each component to designing a balanced workout plan, we’ve got you covered. gym and mma

Benefits of Gym Workouts and MMA Training

Before diving into the details of combining gym workouts with MMA training, let’s first understand the individual benefits of each component. gym and mma

Gym Workouts

Gym workouts are designed specifically for improving strength, endurance, and overall physical fitness. Here are some key benefits:

MMA Training

MMA is a full-contact combat sport that combines various martial arts disciplines such as boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), wrestling, and more. Here’s why incorporating MMA training into your routine can be beneficial:

Designing Your Combined Workout Plan

Now that we understand the benefits of both gym workouts and MMA training let’s explore how to design an effective combined workout plan. gym and mma

Assess Your Fitness Level

Before starting any new fitness routine, it’s essential to assess your current fitness level. This will help determine the intensity and duration of your workouts. Consider factors such as cardiovascular endurance, strength levels, flexibility, and any pre-existing injuries or conditions.

Set Clear Goals

To stay motivated throughout your journey, set clear goals for yourself. Whether it’s improving overall fitness, building muscle strength or learning specific martial arts techniques – having a clear objective will provide direction for your combined workout plan. gym and mma

Create a Balanced Schedule

To ensure optimal results without overtraining or burnout, it’s crucial to create a balanced schedule that alternates between gym workouts and MMA training sessions. Here’s an example:

Monday: Gym Workout (Strength Training)
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: MMA Training (Boxing)
Thursday: Gym Workout (Cardiovascular Exercise)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Gym Workout (Resistance Training)
Sunday: MMA Training (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)

This schedule allows for adequate rest days while targeting different aspects of fitness throughout the week. gym and mma

Include Compound Exercises

Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously – making them ideal for both gym workouts and MMA training. Examples include squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups. Incorporating compound exercises into your routine will help develop the functional strength required for martial arts movements. gym and mma

Focus on Core Training

A strong core is essential for both gym workouts and MMA training. Core muscles provide stability and power during exercises and combat techniques. Include exercises such as planks, Russian twists, and medicine ball throws to strengthen your core. gym and mma

Combine Cardiovascular Training

Cardiovascular fitness is crucial for endurance in both gym workouts and MMA training. Incorporate cardio exercises such as running, cycling, or HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) into your routine to improve stamina. gym and mma

Seek Professional Guidance

If you’re new to either gym workouts or MMA training or want to take your skills to the next level – seeking professional guidance is highly recommended. Trained instructors can help design a personalized workout plan tailored to your goals while ensuring proper form and technique.



Combining gym workouts with MMA training can be a game-changer for your fitness journey. By integrating the strength-building aspects of gym workouts with the total-body engagement of MMA, you can achieve optimal fitness levels. Remember to assess your fitness level, set clear goals, create a balanced schedule, and seek professional guidance if needed. So lace up those gloves and hit the weights – an exciting and rewarding fitness journey awaits you! gym and mma