Fan Wu (吴凡)


I will be joining the CUHK School of Accountancy as an Assistant Professor this summer. I obtained my PhD degree in Accounting from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

My research interests include the real effects of disclosures on corporate innovation and operational decisions, corporate governance, and management control systems.

You can contact me at: 


CEOs’ Structural Power, Prestige Power, and Target Ratcheting (with Aishwarrya Deore and Matthias Mahlendorf). 

Working Papers

Selectively Removing Sludge – The Impact of Simplified Rating Systems on the Informativeness of Amazon’s Composite Product Ratings (with Oliver Hegers and Matthias Mahlendorf) SSRN 

Litigation and Firms' Operational Decisions [Title Withheld] 

More Disclosure, Fewer Outside Opportunities? Accelerated Patent Disclosure and Market for Managerial Human Capital SSRN 

Supervisor Behavior in Times of External Performance Pressure (with Wei Cai and Matthias Mahlendorf) SSRN