Our focus and expertise is on assisting clients with family law litigation, real estate, and wills and estates issues. Our goal is to service our clients by providing them with our legal expertise and knowledge to help them and their family better navigate the Canadian legal system.

Family Lawyer | Family Law Services

Speak to a Family Lawyer Today

The decision to separate or divorce can be a difficult one. That is why we’re committed to helping our clients navigate the legal system to help them meet their individual goals and objectives within the confines of the law. Our trusted team of family law lawyers is prepared to help our clients through meaningful negotiation or at court, as needed.

Family Law is governed by carefully crafted Federal and Provincial legislation, in respect of married persons, cohabiting couples, and children.

Our legislation outlines the rights and obligations of all parties upon the termination of marriages, or relationships resembling marriages, and apply equally to same-sex or opposite-sex couples. Your family lawyer will be crucial in helping you exercise your rights.

Simplified Family Law Mediation

Our knowledge and experience help us assist our clients dealing with all of family law issues and help them navigate through the complex legal system and procedures to provide them with the closure they need in order to move forward and move on with their lives.

Using this understanding we can help you respond to any challenge and make sense of complex legal issues. In hundreds of cases across our history as a legal team, we’ve proven our abilities as family law lawyers. We can help you to get the results you require from your case and ensure your family is protected.

Family Lawyer Vaughan - 905) 851-5909

Our Family Law Firm

One of the main challenges some clients have with their family lawyer is that their legal representative is often unavailable, and unable to answer questions when required. We will never leave you with questions unanswered.

Our clients know that when they turn to us, they receive a quality of service unparalleled across the local legal field.

We’re committed to providing you with a communication-focused service in which you receive the full attention and experience of our trusted family law lawyers. We are available around the clock to guide you and secure the ideal result from your case.

A Family Law Firm on Your Side

Our team of family law lawyers goes to great lengths to ensure our clients have the information they need to make the right choice for their legal needs. In order to assist you, we’ve addressed some of the issues that are most concerning to our clients below and provided information regarding that issue.

It’s the quality of service that has helped us develop our reputation and allowed us to grow as a company over many years. We invite you to take a closer look at each section and also review our FAQ and RESOURCES sections as well. If you still have questions or would like further assistance, we invite you to contact us directly or fill out a request to be contacted using our consultation form.


Divorce Lawyer | Divorce Mediation Services

Speak to a Divorce Lawyer Today

Separation or divorce affects all aspects of your life. It is our goal to help you resolve all matters in connection with your separation or divorce as promptly and as cost-effective as possible. It’s also important to note that separation or divorce does not require litigation.

Our team understands the challenges that couples go through when they need a divorce lawyer. They know the first thought most have is of the future, and how to protect their children when going through the process.

It’s the reason that we focus on providing you with clear answers to your questions, and have built a service based on long-term support and guidance to ensure you achieve the result you require from your case.

Filing Divorce Papers?

Working with an experienced divorce lawyer, you can achieve that peace of mind you require for the future. We’re committed to exploring all paths to resolution, including negotiation, mediation or arbitration. Working with an experienced divorce lawyer, you can achieve that peace of mind you require for the future.

Booking a consultation with a divorce attorney is your first step to reviewing your legal options. Make the call today and connect with our legal team. We’re here to answer your questions and give you a foundation for long-term success.

Filing For Divorce

Filing for divorce requires you to be sure of the result when the process is concluded. You require a divorce attorney that has proven success and has a past history of achieving the ideal result for their clients.

Each divorce lawyer in our team has spent decades honing their craft and building their understanding of the law to respond to their clients’ needs. This means that when you turn to us, you’re able to select a divorce lawyer that is recognized across Canada for their experience, knowledge and successful case history.

Divorce Lawyer Vaughan

Simplified Divorce Mediation

When you hire a divorce mediation expert from our team, you’ll receive constant support from a specialist with decades of legal experience. We work with clients to ensure they have the answers they need when going through a divorce case. We can create documents supporting your rights to custody, spousal support, and property. We can build the legal framework that will lead to the optimal conclusion from the divorce proceedings.

Few local legal firms have the level of court experience we offer. Each member of our legal staff has over a decade of experience representing clients in front of judges in divorce cases. And this experience means there’s no situation we haven’t encountered and resolved within our work.

SPOUSAL SUPPORT Spousal Support Lawyer | Spousal Maintenance Services

Speak To a Spousal Support Lawyer

The purpose of spousal support law is to ensure that a spouse does not suffer any undue hardship or a marked change in lifestyle as a result of a separation or divorce. Unlike child support, there are no federal and provincial guidelines.

However, there are Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (typically referred to as ‘SSAG’), which are considered by any court tasked with determining a spouse’s eligibility for spousal support.

Spousal Support Guidelines

We’ll provide you with expert guidance when you have a question about your spousal support options. Whether you’re being asked to provide support or you wish to make a support claim, we can ensure that your rights are protected by the support judgment.

We work with the spousal support guidelines throughout our day-to-day activities and so there are few types of case we have yet to encounter within our work.

Qualified Spousal Maintenance Advice

Working with a qualified spousal support lawyer can ensure that the court preparation process goes smoothly. Our team will work with you to go over the types of question you might face and the legal strategies to employ to assure the ideal result in the case. We have decades of court experience within our team and this experience is vital in our successful track record.

Whether by negotiation, mediation, arbitration or by court order, our team is determined to provide clients with a thorough understanding of their eligibility for spousal support.

Complete Spousal Maintenance Documentation

We’ll complete the documentation for you to ensure your spousal support claim is successful. Our legal team has worked within the Ontario system for decades, and in their role, as spousal support lawyer, they have helped thousands complete the documentation for support claims.

Working with our respected team will help provide you the ideal future and ensure resources are available for your family in the long-term. To speak with a spousal support lawyer now call us directly.

Family Lawyer Vaughan - 905) 851-5909


Child Custody Lawyer | Child Custody Mediation

Speak to a Child Custody Lawyer Today

Separation and divorce can be very difficult for children. Our experience in family law has taught us that reducing the amount of conflict that is experienced by the children can eliminate these negative impacts.

Our child custody mediation team strives to think outside of the box in crafting and advocating for residency schedules designed to reduce conflict and ensure the child is afforded a healthy relationship with each party. Involve us early in your separation or divorce matters so that you know your legal rights and obligations before making any major decisions.

Our skills and experience in this area are unparalleled across all family law fields in the region.

Local Child Custody Mediation

Our child custody mediation team strives to think outside of the box in crafting and advocating for residency schedules designed to reduce conflict and ensure the child is afforded a healthy relationship with each party. Involve us early in your separation or divorce matters so that you know your legal rights and obligations before making any major decisions.

Custody refers to the right and responsibility of a parent to make major decisions for his or her child. The power to make major decisions includes decisions concerning education, religion and certain health care matters.

Credible Child Custody Agreement Lawyers

Sole Custody refers to the exclusive right and responsibility of one parent to make all major decisions and day-to-day decisions for his or her child.

Joint Custody refers to the right and responsibility of each parent to make major decisions for his or her child. While joint custody parenting arrangements can vary widely, the residency of the child will dictate which parent has the right and responsibility to make day-to-day decisions.

A Dependable Child Custody Lawyer

We’ll explain your rights and responsibilities under the law at this stage of the process. Your child custody lawyer will answer your questions and ensure you’re making the right legal decisions to ensure the optimal outcome for the child.

Throughout your custody case, we’ll be by your side representing you. Whether the process involves documenting your care for your child, or representing you in front of a judge, your child custody lawyer will provide you legal representation that supports and strengthens your case.

Contact our law office today and begin protecting your parental rights. Now is the ideal time to book a consultation with a qualified child custody lawyer.


Speak To a Separation Lawyer

Marriage Separation Is Never Easy

If you are considering a period of separation from your common law spouse, it’s imperative you have a clear understanding of the process. As with the divorce process that married couples undertake, legal separation and the signing of separation papers is of the utmost importance when separating from a long-term partner.

It’s imperative you have access to skilled legal guidance during this process, and that’s why many are now working with our expert team.

Whether you’re worried about issues related to support agreements, property rights or custody, we can help you find the ideal resolution and ensure you’re able to move forward after the separation has been completed.

Reliable Legal Separation Papers

We have a comprehensive understanding of the evolving laws surrounding separation and divorce. We’ve worked with those in same-sex relationships as well as couples in opposite-sex relationships to ensure their legal rights are upheld under Canadian law and can provide you with the advice of a well-respected separation lawyer.

We’ve helped thousands of clients through this challenging process, and our expertise in the area of separation and divorce is simply unparalleled across the marketplace.

Communication During Your Marriage Separation

We can respond quickly and adeptly when you need to speak with a separation lawyer urgently on important matters. We know that the separation process can be dynamic with emotional elements involved that are unpredictable, and we can ensure you respond adeptly rather than making poor choices in the heat of the moment.

Our legal team is here when you need them most.

Legal Separation Agreement and Mediation Services

Separation Lawyers With Years Of Court Experience

While we prefer to help you navigate your case outside the court system, we have the experience you require should your case go to court. We’ll work with you to plan the relevant documentation and be by your side each step of the way as you seek to reach a successful conclusion.

Family Lawyer Vaughan KWs - 905) 851-5909

We have many hours of court experience and each separation lawyer on staff is well-respected in the local legal community. Now is the best time to get legal advice from a qualified separation lawyer. Call today for a consultation.


When you turn to a member of our team, you’re in the safe, experienced hands of legal professionals, each of whom is adept in domestic partnership agreement law.

Domestic Contracts Lawyer | Domestic Agreement Drafting

Speak To a Domestic Contracts Lawyer

A couple may choose to enter into a domestic agreement to allocate assets or determine how spousal support will be paid. It’s important to understand what the agreement entails and the full benefit of the agreement for each party before signing. And so that’s why many are now turning to a domestic contracts lawyer for guidance on this important process.

You should know the limitations of domestic contracts before entering into the negotiation. For example, a domestic contract agreement cannot limit child support or a spouse’s rights in connection with a matrimonial home.

Our team is experienced in structuring, designing, drafting and executing relationship contracts.

Reliable Domestic Contracts

A domestic contracts lawyer within our team can help to guide you on the range of options available when signing an agreement with your loved ones. Our team can make sure the agreement favors you for the long-term.

They can help illuminate what the agreement might involve in the future. And they can make sure that you have a full and comprehensive understanding of the alternatives before signing the agreement. Having a qualified domestic contracts lawyer on-hand during this process will be invaluable to you and your financial health.

Domestic Partnership Agreement Services

It’s important that you feel you get the best result for your investment in the relationship and for your future financial health. A domestic contracts lawyer from our team will negotiate for you and make sure that you are protected by the agreement. Make you trust the person creating your domestic contract to follow all legal requirements. Our team has significant experience in this industry and we know how to structure agreements according to the laws.

Protect Yourselves With a Domestic Agreement

Should your spouse or partner change any element within the agreement or go against the legally-binding elements within the domestic contract, the domestic contracts lawyer in our team will be ready to respond on your behalf.

Working with couples to help secure their rights in the relationship., we’ve helped create thousands of domestic contracts for our clientele. To learn more, speak with a domestic contracts lawyer from our team today.