Certified Parent Coaching

Certified Family Life educating - P

Family Essentials Ministries 

"It's about faith, grace, 

and being the best parent you can be." 

 Lans Jones

M.A.  Christian Ethics

M.S.  Family Life Education specialist



On mission to: 

Help fathers and mothers become better parents and people

Serving others through: 

Conference speaking, parent coaching, group facilitating, and mentoring

Specializing in: 

Developing parenting specific programs and curricula from a biblical perspective.


I know you’re out there. I see you. Others try to tell me that you don’t exist or that you’re very rare but I don’t believe them because I see you. 

Every day I see you out there putting in the work, taking the time, having fun, and teaching lessons about life, love, and family in your own unique way. I see you great dads.

I see you at your children’s football games and volleyball matches cheering them on whether they come in first or last, win or lose. I see you at their graduation ceremony taking pictures, bursting with pride for your child whether he or she is graduating from pre-K or college. I see you at the plays, dance recitals, and spelling contest. I hear your cheers and can feel how proud you are of your children. I see you great dads.

I see you in the grocery store picking up lunches for your kids. I See you at the bus stop with the diaper bag over your shoulder and your hands on the stroller as you wait for the bus with your babies. I see you listening to stories about what happened at school today as you drive down the street with them taking them wherever they need to go. I see you great dads.

I see you hiding your own pain for the sake of your kids after that ugly divorce. I see you buying the things you think they need even after you’ve paid your child support. I See you being careful about who you date next because you don’t want your kids to get too attached too quickly. I see you letting that woman you really liked leave because your kids couldn’t handle your new relationship. I see you great dads.

I see you. Yes, I see you great dads, and you know who else sees you? Your kids!

Lans Jones

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