Also, any family member over the age of 13 can remove themselves from a family group at any time. Just select your name and then select Leave Family. You can also sign in to the Apple ID website and choose Remove Account in the Family Sharing section.

Protected (by copyright) music, movies, TV shows, books, and apps you previously downloaded are no longer usable if someone else originally purchased them. Other family members can no longer use this content downloaded from your collection.

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If the family organizer turns off Family Sharing, all family members are removed from the family group at once. If there are children under 13 in the family group, you must transfer them to another family before you can disband yours.

As a busy parent, I work hard to preserve time for family history work. Over the years, the tools I use have made the biggest difference in how much time I can spend and how much I can accomplish. Today I want to compare different electronic tools that can be used for genealogy and how they have helped me do the work while raising seven children.

For the past several years, the iPad has been my go-to device. It has allowed me to accomplish a lot of family history preservation and sharing and a lot of genealogy research. What tool helps you facilitate your family history work as a busy parent?

Do you like the look of my genealogy pages but you're not sure if they're right for you or if you're "tech savvy" enough to use them? Do you kind of want to get into genealogy but it's all a little too overwhelming and it makes you want to take a big nap? Did you get stuck with all your family photos and documents and now you don't know what to do with them?

Hard pass. This does not sound like fun. Yet this is exactly what the first couple of years of my genealogy were like. I would save things on Ancestry but lose track of what I had searched for. I had boxes of photos from different families but could only identify about 30% of them and they kept getting bent as I moved them around. To top it off, I had a giant tub of folders where I tried to keep all of my data but with five separate family trees and an exponential number of ancestors I spent most of my time just being overwhelmed and frustrated.

7. Carry your genealogy everywhere. Having all of my research, information, and photos in my purse wherever I am means I can quickly do a little genealogy when I'm waiting at the doctor's office or sitting in my car at school pickup. It also means I can share my family with people whenever it comes up.

Have I convinced you yet? I'm telling you - this is the best system. As someone who pretty much cleaned out The Container Store trying to organize my genealogy, I am so much happier now that I have a nice row of disc bound notebooks, a neat stack of archived photos/documents I don't need to touch sitting in plastic bins, and an iPad full of family history.

I don't print out a new page every time I make a change, especially if I know I'll be adding even more info in the near future. I also scribble on the hard copies because I know they're so easy to replace and it's just easier to make notes right in the margins sometimes. I can't tell you how many times a relative or family history library volunteer has been shocked when I've scribbled over a photo or some text but since I get 300 pages a month with my Instant Ink subscription, it's really no big deal to replace the pages.

Doing genealogy on the iPad is a total lifesaver and brought back the fun that I had originally found in family history, but I swear it's my worksheet system that has really made the difference. I needed that outside structure to both guide and control all of my research and now I don't get that same overwhelmed lost feeling when I try to think about the work I need to do on our genealogy. Plus, I've been sharing sharing sharing now that it's so easy and other people in the family are catching the bug!


I should add that FamViewer only allows you to view your GEDCOM file. Another option is to use Heredis Software for your genealogy database needs. If you use it on your PC or Mac, then you can synchronize your genealogy data via WIFI to your iPad once you install their iPad app. Then you can do all sorts of editing or entering of data while avoiding cloud storage and it will sync to your PC/Mac. Here is a link to their website for all the details:


Hope this helps.


I just received I pad air as a gift. I do NOT have a tree on ancestry and do not want one there.

However, I belong to several family trees. When I open ancestry the trees are there, but no way to search as on the website from what I could see. 

Amazingly, little info on ancestry website , so your help is appreciated

You can search via your browser app rather than the Ancestry app. 

And without a full analysis of your particular family information, I cannot suggest a specific place to look. It varies from person to person.

Thank you for reading!


Hi Caroline, 

Great blog and post. We've recently launched Memory Box Stories on the app store. The app enables users to create memories from up to 10 images and 5 minutes of audio with written content. We've been surprised by how many users are using it to take photographs of old family photos and either recording their parents talking about them, collecting their reminiscences of older family members who are no longer with us. Or recording their own stories about their family history. I'd love to get your any of your readers feedback on it's potential use for genealogy? 

Best regards


Hi CarolIne, 

I've enjoyed reading the blog and all the posts here. I have a question: The public is always being warned against posting personal information (including birthdates, addresses, etc.) on the Internet. If I use Ancestry and other apps you've mentioned to build and keep my family tree, does the information entered remain private to me or does it become publicly available?

A number of years ago, sitting here at the kitchen table and just for something to do, my cousin & I tore open a large used envelope and began to write down on the inside of it the names of family and relatives that we knew and could recall. That was the beginning of it. We were fourth generation Canadians, descents of an immigrant from Scotland who arrived in Nova Scotia to become a farmer. In the time since, I, devised an Excel file to hold the information and find I have not too distant relatives scattered throughout Canada, the United States and as far away as New Zealand. It's an interesting story and each of those relatives has a chapter. Now that I have an iPad and have been considering the Ancestry app, I've been thinking it would be nice to have an app to which all such members of a family could add their pieces (information, photos, news clippings, etc.) and which would then be shared by all now and into the future. Is there a suitable such app and have you experienced any families doing something like that?

TreeVault cloud services are a set of exciting new tools designed to make your family history research richer and more worry-free. If you'd like to learn more about all of the different services and how you can use them, click here for an overview with links to more detailed information for each.

If you've covered all of the topics above and have created your TreeVault Antenna tree through FTM 2019, you're ready to get started with the Family Tree Maker Connect app itself.

1. With your mobile device connected to the Internet, install the free Family Tree Maker Connect app and open it. Click here to find Family Tree Maker Connect for Android on Google Play, or click here to find Family Tree Maker Connect on the iOS App Store.

2. Enter the email address and password that you use to sign in to your TreeVault account, and then tap Log In.

That's it! Wait for a short time, and your family tree will appear on your device in family view, with all portraits of individuals and color coding that you have added in FTM 2019 displayed as well.

Now that you have opened the tree on your device, you will still be able to view it even if you go offline. However, you will need to connect to the Internet to get an updated view of your tree with changes that you have made to it in FTM 2019.

RootsMagic for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch is free and now available in the Apple App Store. It does require the RootsMagic desktop family tree software or the free RootsMagic Essentials software to create, edit, or add to your genealogy files. More information is available at

Our recent family trip to Disney World was both an exciting adventure for our little ones as well as chaotic!!

Most parents who have been there (and judging by the parental faces I saw there) would agree!

My sister is intelligent but would rather have lunch with her friends than sit at a computer. She loves people and their family relationships. She is not pro- or anti-computer, but computers have a unique way of thinking, in her mind.

start her on rootsmagic essentials just entering herself and family. Forget source citations and maybe drop in some photos. Connect to an ancestry tree so she can start seeing hints and exploring them. also the ancestry ipad app would let her play around with such a tree in her lap.

If your sister is really not into computers, perhaps she could start with a method I used years ago by completing family history group forms such as the one here Family Group Record form. I placed these in 3-ring notebooks before I started using family history software. And if she never gets into computers, the information will be captured on the forms for others to use in creating a family history file.

We love learning about our family history and where our ancestors came from, so we were extra excited when they opened a Family Search Center in Lehi near our home. We have visited the Family Search Center in Salt Lake, but we were glad that there was a center more accessible for us, and everyone else in Utah County. ff782bc1db

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