
44330 North 27th Street East, Lancaster, Ca 93535


Sunday by appointment

Monday 3pm - 6pm  

(4-5pm story hour)

  FHE apt. only (6pm - 9pm)

Tuesday 1pm - 9pm

Wednesday by appointment (3pm-5pm)

  6pm - 9pm

Thursday by appointment


Saturday 10am - 2pm 

All other days and times by appointment.

To schedule an appointment email

Family history can be a source of inspiration, joy, healing, and peace. 


The FamilySearch Center, formerly the Family History Center, a satellite of FamilySearch, is a non-profit community center dedicated to helping individuals connect to their heritage.  Community volunteer consultants are available, at no cost to public, to assist in researching family trees.  In addition to helping new researchers, there are resources for researchers of all levels with access to online resources including our online partners at Ancestry, MyHeritage, Find My Past, as well as many more for no additional fees. 

FamilySearch and the Family History Center are affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), however, the center is a non-proselytizing area within the church building and is open to all members of the public. 

Grannies' Treehouse Children's Center

Children's Center

The Children's Center provides a place for young children to play within the sight and supervision of their caregivers, alleviating the need for a baby sitter.  

Story Hour!

Mondays 4-5 pm

Children 4 to 10 years old

Story Hour is open to all in the Antelope Valley community. Children will learn stories from all over the world, music, movement, sign language, puppetry, and crafts. 

Their grownups may participate or work on discovering their own roots with the support of FamilySearch volunteer consultants.