Family Braces SW | Orthodontist Calgary - 403-234-6007

Orthodontal Clinic in SW Calgary, AB

Why You Should Visit An Orthodontist

One of the main reasons you should see an orthodontist is that your teeth are too damaged to be repaired by a dentist. They can repair broken and damaged teeth, but they don't know how to deal with all of the other problems that might impair your smile. They might not tell you straight away, but it's true. That is why we feel it is ideal if you consult an orthodontist first before undergoing any treatment. You're very welcome!

Why should you see an orthodontist? Many individuals believe that Family Braces SW | Orthodontist Calgary is just for teenagers. Only when things go out of hand do they meet with orthodontists and begin to see the benefits of early treatment. Here are some of the reasons to see an orthodontist.

Getting braces may be a difficult undertaking. But did you know there's a proper and incorrect way to do it? - Orthodontic therapy does not end with your teeth being straightened. It entails a lot of small tasks along the route to ensure everything is in order. There are various neglected reasons why you should see your orthodontist that might have a long-term influence on your oral health.

Orthodontic therapy can benefit people of all ages, but children should see an orthodontist in particular - Children should see an orthodontist by the age of seven, according to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). Why so soon? There are several compelling reasons, including these three sometimes ignored advantages.

Predicting future orthodontic needs - It's never too early to consider how your child's teeth and jaws will develop, and an orthodontist can help you understand potential dental issues your child may face in the future. This can assist you in developing a treatment plan that can reduce or eliminate more serious problems in the future.

Recognizing and avoiding hazardous behaviors - If your kid sucks their thumbs or chews their nails, it may harm their oral health and force them to have braces sooner than they would otherwise. An orthodontist can assist your kid in identifying and breaking bad behaviors before they develop more difficulties.

Keep an eye out for wisdom teeth - Wisdom teeth are frequently extracted when they become impacted, but many individuals are unaware that early assessment of these third molars is critical since it helps decide if surgery is required.

You probably think of braces when you think of an orthodontist. However, there is a lot more to an orthodontist's profession than that. At the end of the day, their purpose is to help you improve your oral health and quality of life, and they will go to any length to accomplish that goal. Here are a few things that may not come to mind right once when you think about what an orthodontist does:

You can get more sleep at night - It is believed that almost half of all Americans suffer from some form of sleep problem, and lack of sleep may have major effects on many people's psychological and physical health. It has also been demonstrated that people with obstructive sleep apnea are more likely to have cardiac issues. Orthodontic therapy at Family Braces SW | Orthodontist Calgary, fortunately, has been shown to aid those who suffer from sleep difficulties. An orthodontist can diagnose the signs of a disease such as sleep apnea and then propose therapy, which might include wearing nighttime headgear or undergoing CPAP treatment.

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) diagnosis - It can be difficult to diagnose temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction since the symptoms frequently mimic other issues. To make a clear diagnosis of TMJ issues, our Family Braces SW | Orthodontist Calgary will conduct a thorough assessment of the patient's medical history. We may also need to undergo medical imaging and a physical examination if necessary.

If you haven't seen an orthodontist in a long time, now is the time! Come in for your regular check-up; it's quick and easy, and it will keep your teeth strong and healthy. You will also have a higher chance of preventing significant problems such as tooth decay or gum disease.

You could believe that the only thing that counts is the condition of your teeth and how straight they are, but this is not the case. Your bite is very important to the health of your teeth, and the better it is aligned, the stronger your teeth will be. If you have an improper bite, you may be inflicting unneeded harm to your mouth and teeth for years before you decide to see an orthodontist.

You may have considered seeing an orthodontist because your teeth are misaligned or you have a small underbite. But what if you were missing some teeth between your molars? You might end up with more back discomfort and pressure on your jaw joints if you don't see an orthodontist. Don't wait and think everything is fine—see an orthodontist right now!