Many times, families, spouses, teachers, or friends are the first to suspect that their loved one is challenged by feelings, behaviors, or environmental conditions that cause him or her to act disruptive, rebellious, or sad. This may include problems with relationships with friends or family members, work, school, sleeping, eating, substance abuse, emotional expression, development, coping, attentiveness, and responsiveness. It's important for families who suspect a problem in any of these areas to seek treatment as soon as possible. Treatment for mental health disorders is available.

Each of the evaluations discussed above involves standardized tests and measures and self-report inventories or rating scales. They will each involve a mental status examination and behavioral observation of the individual. In addition, the psychologist will conduct clinical interviews with the patient and collateral interviews with outside treatment or medical providers, teachers, and family.

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The main difference is that a neuropsychological evaluation is more in-depth and broader in scope than a psychological evaluation. Because the neuropsychological evaluation is more detailed, it is also a lengthier process. You are likely to spend one to two hours in a clinical interview and six to seven hours undergoing testing. While in a psychological interview, you may spend one to two hours in a clinical interview and approximately one to four hours testing.

Most evaluations will include a patient interview, possible interviews with or questionnaires for friends or family members and a written assessment form, such as the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale, Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV or the Connors for adults. There is likely to be a neuropsychological evaluation as part of the assessment.

Many times, the evaluator will want to talk with close family members, including a spouse or partner, long-time friends, parents and siblings, or others who knew you as a child or who currently are your friends. Think about which family members and friends know you well and that you feel comfortable asking to talk with the specialist or complete a questionnaire.

The PFS is a pre-post evaluation tool for use with caregivers receiving child maltreatment prevention services. It is a self-administered survey that measures protective factors in five areas: family functioning/resiliency, social support, concrete support, nurturing and attachment, and knowledge of parenting/child development. A one-page overview of the tool can be viewed here.

The PFS is a product of the FRIENDS National Center in collaboration with the University of Kansas Institute for Educational Research and Public Service. It was developed with the advice and assistance from CBCAP grantees, parents, researchers, administrators, workers, and experts specializing in family support, child maltreatment, and psychological measurement. The survey has undergone four national field tests for establishing reliability and validity. To view materials from that testing, see the Field Test Report and Phase 4 Summary documents on the left.

The primary purpose of the Protective Factors Survey is to provide feedback to agencies for continuous quality improvement and evaluation purposes. The survey results are designed to help agencies measure changes in protective factors and identify areas where workers can focus on increasing individual family protective factors. A full set of instructions on how to administer the PFS can be found by downloading the PFS User Manual.

The PFS-2 is an evaluation tool for use with caregivers receiving child maltreatment prevention services. It is a self-administered pre/post or retrospective survey that measures protective factors in five areas: family functioning and resilience, social supports, concrete supports, nurturing and attachment, and caregiver/practitioner relationship.

The primary purpose of the Protective Factors Survey, 2nd Edition is to provide feedback to agencies for continuous quality improvement and evaluation purposes. The survey results are designed to help agencies measure changes in protective factors and identify areas where workers can focus on increasing individual family protective factors. Click here to learn more about the purpose and use of the PFS-2. A quick-start guide for staff preparing and administering the PFS-2 can be found here, and the full set of instructions on administering and scoring the PFS-2 can be found by downloading the PFS-2 User Manual.

This topic is about getting evaluated for an autism spectrum diagnosis as an adult. It covers reasons for being evaluated, how to get evaluated, and a little bit about telling friends, family, and other people you know about your diagnosis if you get one.

If you have any family, friends, or acquaintances (people who you know a little bit) whom you trust, you might ask them if they can recommend a psychologist or other professional who can diagnose autism. Many people find it helpful to mention that they are especially interested in seeing a professional who has a good reputation for working with adults on the autism spectrum.

Dementia is a significant and costly health condition that affects 5 million adults and is the fifth leading cause of death among Americans older than 65 years. The prevalence of dementia will likely increase in the future because the number of Americans older than 65 years is expected to double by 2060. Risk factors for dementia include age; family history of dementia; personal history of cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, or midlife obesity; use of anticholinergic medications; apolipoprotein E4 genotype; and lower education level. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the American Academy of Family Physicians have concluded that current evidence is insufficient to assess the benefits vs. harms of screening for cognitive impairment in older adults. If dementia is suspected, physicians can use brief screening tests such as Mini-Cog or General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition. If the results are abnormal, further evaluation is warranted using more in-depth screening tools such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Saint Louis University Mental Status Examination, or Mini-Mental State Examination. Diagnostic testing and secondary evaluation, including screening for depression, appropriate laboratory studies for other conditions that cause cognitive impairment, and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, should be performed when cognitive impairment is confirmed. Routine cerebrospinal fluid testing and genetic testing for the apolipoprotein E4 allele are not recommended.

This article focuses on the evaluation of patients with suspected dementia, including diagnostic criteria, brief screening tests suitable for use during primary care office visits, and diagnostic testing (Figure 1).

Concerns for early dementia may arise from the patient, the physician, or the patient's loved ones. Physicians can recognize signs of worsening cognitive function from aberrant patient behaviors, such as missed appointments or vague answers to questions. A history to evaluate for cognitive impairment should include the input of a reliable informant (e.g., family members, close friends, caregivers) because patients of ten have poor insight into their own functional status.25,26 The history should include education level, timeline of symptom presentation, and speed of progression.25,26 Table 2 outlines diagnostic clues for each cognitive domain.23,24 Early in the disease course, dementia often impairs instrumental activities of daily living, such as paying bills, balancing the checkbook, or remembering to take medications. Disease progression may further impair activities of daily living, including difficulty with eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, walking and transferring, and continence.

The standard laboratory evaluation for patients with cognitive impairment includes testing for anemia, hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency, diabetes, and liver and kidney disease.29 Testing for neurosyphilis and human immunodeficiency virus infection should be reserved for patients with risk factors. Other testing should be based on patient history or physical examination findings. For example, inflammatory markers may be appropriate in patients with symptoms of vasculitis.

Genetic testing for the apolipoprotein E4 allele is not recommended as part of the evaluation for cognitive impairment, although adult children of persons with Alzheimer disease may request testing for themselves.44 Each person inherits a combination of apolipoprotein E alleles from his or her parents. In patients with Alzheimer dementia, the relative risk of having one or more copies of the apolipoprotein E4 allele is approximately 2.45,46 However, multiple other genetic mutations are involved in the development of dementia. Referral for genetic testing should be considered in patients with multiple family members who were diagnosed with Alzheimer disease at a young age in an autosomal dominant pattern.

Early planning and assistance

Early diagnosis enables a person with dementia and their family to receive help in understanding and adjusting to the diagnosis and to prepare for the future in an appropriate way. This might include making legal and financial arrangements, changes to living arrangements, and finding out about aids and services that will enhance quality of life for people with dementia and their family and friends. Early diagnosis can allow the individual to have an active role in decision making and planning for the future while families can educate themselves about the disease and learn effective ways of interacting with the person with dementia.

Diagnostic Testing Services: Diagnostic evaluation and service planning program that is designed to better meet the needs of children and families through a new and unique approach. Diagnostic testing is dedicated to providing comprehensive evaluations for children and adolescents with mental and behavioral health concerns in a way that integrates family system support and an all-inclusive approach to overall wellness. e24fc04721

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