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Family And Friends 4 Workbook

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SMART Recovery for People Affected by the Addictive Behavior of a Loved One 



 As anyone who has lived with the addiction of a loved one knows, the impact of addiction on other family members can be substantial, even severe. Family members, often overwhelmed by confusion, shame, guilt, fear or other powerful emotions, may have little sense of what to do or where to turn, particularly if they expect that their addicted family member has little or no interest in the 12-step approach.

The Beyond Addiction Workbook for Family and Friends: Evidence-Based Skills to Help a Loved One Make Positive Change, is our first full-length publication on the Invitation to Change Approach (ITC). From Dr. Carrie Wilkens, Dr. Jeff Foote, and Dr. Ken Carpenter (authors of Beyond Addiction), this book provides a thorough, compassionate guide through the Invitation to Change Approach, a helping model based in science and compassion that is built to teach both family members and professionals the most effective strategies for supporting someone who is struggling with substance use and change.

Our newest offering, this workbook is a practical guide to the 9 core topics of the Invitation to Change Approach (ITC), the support framework that is at the center of everything we do at CMC:Foundation for Change.

This workbook will enhance your understanding and knowledge of the characteristics and retained abilities of each of the GEMS States. Because not all forms of brain change progress in a linear fashion, Seeing the GEMS Workbook provides specific skill information of each state, including vision, communication, dexterity/hand skills, body skills, and awareness of person, place, time and situation.

From the authors of Beyond Addiction, this healing and supportive workbook offers practical, evidence-based skills to help you address substance use or other compulsive behaviors with your loved one in a productive way--without creating conflict. You'll also gain a greater understanding for their struggle, and learn essential strategies for improving communication and coping with your own feelings. Whether your loved one seems reluctant to change, or is actively seeking support, this workbook will give you the tools needed to help them on their journey.

Jeffrey Foote, PhD, is cofounder of the Center for Motivation and Change (CMC) outpatient programs in New York City, NY; Long Island, NY; and Washington, DC; and residential program CMC: Berkshires in Western Massachusetts. He is also cofounder and executive director of the CMC: Foundation for Change, a nonprofit organization with the mission of improving the dissemination of evidence-based ideas and strategies to the families of persons struggling with substance use. Additionally, he is coauthor of the award-winning book, Beyond Addiction--a practical guide for families dealing with addiction and substance problems in a loved one, based on principles of Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT). Foote is also a contributor to two workbooks combining strategies from CRAFT: The Parent's 20 Minute Guide and The Partner's 20 Minute Guide, which offer specific tools and practice in evidence-based strategies for helping a loved one change. Kenneth Carpenter, PhD, is director of training for the CMC and CMC: Foundation for Change. He is a licensed clinical psychologist and research scientist, and has held academic and research scientist positions at New York-based universities and state agencies. Carpenter has received federal and private foundation grant money for investigating the psychological, behavioral, and neurobiological factors associated with substance use, and developing evidence-based motivational and cognitive behavioral strategies for helping individuals make important lifestyle changes. Carrie Wilkens, PhD, is cofounder and clinical director of the CMC in New York City, NY; Long Island, NY; and Washington, DC. She is cofounder of CMC: Berkshires, a private inpatient/residential program employing the same treatment approaches in Western Massachusetts. She is also cofounder and president of the CMC: Foundation for Change, a nonprofit organization with the mission of improving the dissemination of evidence-based ideas and strategies to professionals and loved ones of persons struggling with substance use through the Invitation to Change approach. Wilkens coauthored the award-winning book, Beyond Addiction with Jeff Foote, and coauthored a user-friendly workbook for parents, The Parent's 20 Minute Guide.

Being connected to people is important. We all crave belonging, whether to our family, friends, or greater community. We live happier, healthier, safer lives when we are surrounded by people who care about us.

This includes a chapter on when and how to speak to a GP, psychologist, or psychiatrist, with an in-depth look at what to expect in a first appointment with a therapist and how you can prepare. It also provides a step-by-step guide for a family member or friend of someone with depression on how to have a conversation about seeking help.

Thank you for supporting these lofty goals. Your choice sustains a family business with over 500 local booksellers, and allows us to follow our passion for getting the right books into the right hands, 365 days a year.

Your empathy wheels will start turning, and you'll realize that you have an opportunity to be a great mentor to this person. Try to be a positive influence. Think of yourself as your mentor instead off their boss, their friends instead of their parent.

Substance users and their families may be the least qualified people to read a self-help book and then go and try and fix a problem themselves. The substance user and their family will most likely read the material through a distorted lens.

As stated earlier, reading the book and doing nothing more would result in inaction. Family members of addicts develop an unhealthy dysfunctional family system. Unless the book helps the family members identify their role in the unbalanced family system, the book of choice may not be as helpful as one would hope for. 2351a5e196

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