False Rhythms

False Rhythms is a four-piece reggae band from Gardnerville, Nevada. It was formed by twin brothers Dalton and Garrett Moore in 2012. Who are now on the rise in their local scene and are becoming a force to be reckoned with. Join the resistance!

Dalton Moore

"The first stringed instrument I ever picked up was a ukulele in music class when I was in 5th grade. The rest is history. My brother and I started saving our lunch money to buy our own real guitar. As soon as I had enough I asked my parents to take me to $99 Guitar. I haven't stopped playing since. My brother Justin, also got me into drums. I started singing when my brother's band Obviously Confused needed a singer. My inspiration to play reggae was Bradley from Sublime! Me and my brother's roots are originally metal but we definitely have branched out into reggae.

Garrett Moore

"I was in 6th grade and was given a ukulele to play. Loved it! Then I saved up all of my allowance for a guitar. From there on out, I never put it down. I was in a couple metal bands with Dalton and Caleb. Then we started Obviously Confused which would later become False Rhythms."

Austin Hawkins

Robbie Wheeler

"I started drumming in the womb. My dad is in a band called Lavish Green. Before I was 1, I stood alone for the first time to pound on my drum set. Around 3 I thought I was in Lavish and would rock a play instrument on stage at shows. At 12 I played the trumpet onstage for over 1000 people. That was how it all started."