Fallout Shelter is a free-to-play construction and management simulation video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios, with assistance by Behaviour Interactive, and published by Bethesda Softworks. Part of the Fallout series, it was released worldwide for iOS devices in June 2015, for Android devices in August 2015, for Windows in July 2016, for Xbox One in February 2017, and for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in June 2018. The game is also available on Tesla vehicles. The game tasks the player with building and effectively managing their own Vault, a fallout shelter.

Updated November 21, 2023, by Rhenn Taguiam: The recent Fallout Day Sale and Halloween Sale have both given Fallout Shelter players access to a myriad of discounted items. With these, Vault Overseers can ensure their post-apocalyptic shelter remains a fun haven for its denizens. However, newcomers may find that this management survival strategy game is surprisingly more challenging than other management sims. Thankfully, players can rely on valuable tips to ensure their Vaults remain as efficient as possible.

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The program that led to these buildings being designated and marked as fallout shelters was launched during the Cold War. This was a time when nuclear war with Russia was a very real and rising threat; a time of duck-and-cover drills in schools and educational filmsabout how to build your own fallout shelter at home.

"The Army Corps of Engineers, along with specially trained architects and engineers that were trained by them, went around the U.S. and started surveying buildings to see if they would be suitable for protection against radioactive fallout," said Colby.

The second requirement was that there be space in the building at a suitable distance from likely fallout. This often meant the basements in buildings like schools, and the middle floors of taller buildings. The third criteria was sheer size.

Phase two was to equip the spaces with minimum essentials to last two weeks, by which time the danger of any fallout was expected to have passed. This included "Civil Defense" crackers suitable to eat, water barrels that they would fill when the emergency happened, instruments to measure the radiation, sanitation kits and medical kits.

The same document describes the sign shown below as follows: "Interior sign, Type II, size 10" x 14", galvanized steel, 0.018" thick, with partially reflectorized surface and overlays. Use inside facilities to mark access routes to shelter areas and the shelter area itself."

The Office of Civil Defense originally intended fallout shelters to use the radiation warning symbol (yellow background with a magenta circle in the center of three magenta blades) but this idea was rejected because a fallout shelter represents safety whereas the radiation warning symbol represents a hazard. The above version of the national fallout shelter sign was introduced to the public by the Defense Department on December 1, 1961. It was intended to only be used with federally approved shelters. Unlike this example, these signs often had yellow arrows below the words "fallout shelter" to indicate the direction to the shelter. In 1962, contracts were negotiated for the production of 400,000 aluminum outdoor signs and one million steel signs for indoors.

"The shelter symbol on the sign is a black circle set against a yellow rectangular background. Inside the circle, three yellow triangles are arranged in geometric pattern with the apex of the triangles pointing down."

"Below the fallout symbol, lettered in yellow against black, are the words Fallout Shelter in plain block letters. Yellow directional arrows are located directly underneath the lettering which will indicate the location of the shelter."

The above photo shows the adhesive-backed overlays that came with a set of 40 Type II fallout shelter signs. As the text on the manila envelope indicates, there are 60 arrows, three sets of numbers, 12 capacity indicators and five "Starts Here" overlays. The numbers were to be affixed inside the capacity circle overlay to indicate the maximum occupancy for the shelter. I would like to thank Kevin Hicks for kindly providing the signs and, of course, the overlays.

A few phone calls and e-mails later, I discovered that WSDOT does, in fact, own a fallout shelter. Technically, it's also categorized as a bridge, since it holds up part of I-5. And as far as WSDOT historians can tell, it's the only bridge/fallout shelter/highway combo in the U.S.

Walking up the stark concrete tunnel into the heart of the fallout shelter is a bit like stepping back in time. It's also a lot like walking into a refrigerator. This place literally puts the "cold" in Cold War. Of course, had there been a nuclear blast and had I been one of the 200 people the shelter was designed to serve, I doubt I would have cared much about the interior decorating or the lack of heat.

Very little of the fallout shelter is designed for aesthetic appeal or comfort. From the folding metal chairs to the impossibly small bathrooms, to the institutional green and mauve color scheme, the fallout shelter is government utilitarianism at its best. A giant concrete pillar in the center of the shelter supports the 18-inch-thick concrete roof of the 3,000-square-foot room. From overhead, the muffled sounds of I-5 traffic filter into the shelter.

To the right, a particleboard wall cuts across the room to form a makeshift office, a relic of the shelter's 14 years as a Department of Licensing facility. Ahead, the doors to three small rooms stand open, the spaces vacant save for an old rotary phone and a 1969 day planner. In the event of a nuclear attack, the rooms would have been used for food storage and distribution, medical care, and day-to-day shelter operations.

Down the tunnel from the main room of the fallout shelter, a set of double doors lead into the mechanical heart of the shelter. On one wall, in a glass display case, are the original, meticulously hand-drawn diagrams and typed instructions on how to operate the generator, well, and heating and ventilation system. The authors clearly assumed most shelter evacuees would be unfamiliar with mechanical operating systems, so the instructions read a bit like a 1960s-era "Fallout Shelters for Dummies" book. Important items noted in the step-by-step directions were labeled with paper tags, many of which still remain.

Standing on the sidewalk, with the gate firmly closed and locked again, this place is easy to overlook. It doesn't look much like a fallout shelter, but then again, I guess I don't know what a fallout shelter is supposed to look like. And I hope I never have to.

It comes down to your audience, and knowing what they expect and what they tolerate in free to play mechanics. Games for players of mass market match 3 games require different techniques than games for players of fallout.

A unique experience in the special exhibit Cold War: Soviets, Spies and Secrets is being able to step into a fallout shelter. Built using authentic Cold War-era plans from a local Orange County, California, shelter, visitors get to view the full scope of preparations made by everyday Americans living under the threat of nuclear war.

Initially, owners of public buildings were urged by the federal government to create fallout shelters in their facilities. But as increasing numbers of above-ground nuclear weapons tests were conducted by both the U.S. and the Soviet Union, people began building fallout shelters of their own.

i also have an automated dog gate where the wife says open or close the dog gate.. so i am halfway there.. just need to build the shelter now.. what are you using for fuel to keep the fans working and the filters after the grid goes gaput? lol

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Cold War tensions and threat of nuclear war convinced government leaders in the United States that millions of lives could be saved by the construction of home fallout shelters.

The idea took a while to take hold. Even though public drills in the event of a nuclear attack was routine in the 1950s, the Eisenhower administration did not actively promote the construction of home fallout shelters. That changed with the 1957 publication of the Gaither Report, which backed the building of shelters that "permit people to come out of the shelters and survive."

The change came after John Kennedy became president. Against the backdrop of escalating tensions with the Soviet Union, Kennedy urged Americans to build bomb shelters in a speech he delivered on Oct. 6, 1961."We owe that kind of insurance to our families and to our country. ... The time to start is now. In the coming months, I hope to let every citizen know what steps he can take without delay to protect his family in case of attack. I know you would not want to do less."

Kennedy also pressed Congress to allocate more than $100 million to build a network of public fallout shelters. Congress responded by voting for $169 million to mark and stock fallout shelters in public and private buildings. In short order, the media picked up the message. For instnace, January 12, 1962 cover story of Life magazine was given over to a story about "The Drive for Mass Shelters" with the tease, "New Facts You Must Know About Fallout."

"New from plywood research! Two effective family fallout shelters, well within the means and ability of the average homeowner to build. Fully approved by the Dept. of Defense. Both call for simple, economical construction with big panels of waterproof plywood combined with concrete block (Basement Shelter) or sand or gravel fill (Above-Ground Shelter.) Strong, safe, dependable, durable. Sent 25c and coupon below for booklet with plans and information:"

As the `60s gave way to the `70s and the fear of nuclear war receded in the age of detente, fallout shelters soon went the way of the hula hoop, relegated to the status of a cultural relic. In case you weren't around for that era - or even if you were but need a reminder of what fallout fever looked like - take a look at the accompanying photo gallery. 2351a5e196

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