Finest Kind Sheet Music
Here is a broad selection of arrangements from Finest Kind's recordings – Lost in a Song, Heart’s Delight, Silks & Spices, Feasts & Spirits, For Honour & For Gain.
If you want to know more about how we go about arranging a song, and how we then write the notes down, click here.
Finest Kind sells its arrangements on the basis of how many members of a group—a family, a gathering of friends, a choir—are going to be singing the songs over time. It’s a sliding scale (so to speak) per arrangement:
1 - 10 singers — $15 CA
11 - 20 singers — $30 CA
21 - 30 singers — $45 CA
Over 30 singers — $60 CA
The songs are notated in Sibelius and are available for download in .pdf format. Your purchase includes the right to print out hard copies for each member of a group for as long as the group—the family ensemble or choir or gathering of friends—sings together regularly. We ask that groups not share the arrangements outside their membership.
If cost is a problem, or you have a particularly large order in mind, we are happy to work something out. We love the idea of people singing our music. Write to Shelley at
To order, find the required song in the list below, select the size of your group or choir from the drop down menu, and "Add to Cart". Please note that delivery is processed manually, and you will receive your sheet music by email, as soon as we can get to it. Thanks for your patience.