
Good day,

I am always inconceivably horrible at introductions, bite me! Anyway, I can sense individuals around here are compassionate— so here I go again....

You might have already known my name, therefore I am not echoing. But what you probably don't know yet is people who love me, call me Tanzid. I still don’t have a clue how but anyhow I have just finished my sophomore year from “Information and Communication Engineering” and if life continues to surprise me, hopefully I will get promoted inside the ‘third layer’ of Engineering Pressure Cooker.

I have always loathed describing physical appearance, so I will simply skip that.

I have craze for coffee, juice, deep talks, books, tv-series, movies, working out, music, researching, flowers, challenging-monotonous-beliefs, and exploring life. Truth told, this is all I can think of at the moment.

My fav things to talk about are technology, research advancement, higher education, human psychology, how the world functions, why things are the way they are, newly encountered books/ted talks/movies/documentaries/research papers/tv-series.

Future aspirations??! Aye, I do have dreams. I certainly don’t wanna be rebuked by revealing this part.

People close to me perceive that I am curious, and so are my tendencies. Nevertheless, I’ve never really given the matter a thought.

Currently, my focus is learning and toiling really vividly with you all. This is how I think we grow.

‘’ Conventional wisdom leads to Mediocrity “

“ Every point of View is a subject to rebuttal “

Are two of my fav quotes.

There is more, hope to dig deeper together in near time ahead. Ahahhahha!

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