Instructor: Anatoli Juditsky Bat. IMAG, #156, email:

Assignment deadlines:

HW1 Sunday Nov. 7


Anastasiya Ivanova,


Please note that the evaluation mode for this course have changed: all students will have their final exam on December 14, 1:30-3:30pm

Room to be announced


Assignment 1

Extra problems 12/3

A .pdf file with a scan of your copy of the assignment should be sent to Anastasiya by Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lab sessions are implemented in R using Rstudio (desktop) that you should download and install on your PC or laptop:

This software is free and can be installed under Linux, MacOS and Windows.

Your lab reports are to be uploaded to Moodle.

Moodle site of the lab

Lab 1

Lab 2

R-crash lab for R newbies