Recommended Background
CS 8803: Machine Learning with Limited Supervision is an ADVANCED class. This should not be your first exposure to computer vision, machine learning or deep learning. You will need:
Intro-level Computer Vision
At least CS 4476/6476 or its equivalent.
Intro-level Machine Learning
CS 4641 or equivalent
Basic knowledge of deep learning
This class assumes a basic knowledge of deep learning. If you don't have this background, this class may not be for you. If you are rusty on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) take a look at these lectures below:
CNNs: CNN Lecture 1, CNN Lecture 2
Curiosity and Passion for research
The projects will likely address a novel problem or address an existing problem in a novel way. The curiosity to investigate and ability to dive deep into a problem are skills that are essential to succeed in this course.
This is a demanding class in terms of programming skills.
Projects will typically involve programming likely in (but not restricted to) Python and using a deep learning library e.g., PyTorch, Tensorflow, Torch, Caffe, Theano, etc.