Many times, you can find yourself in a present-day romantic predicament. Whether it is the new handsome person working in an office, or another person, and you want this person to fall in love with you. What if you are in love and longing for the spark to return to the relationship? By following these steps, you can know how to make a man love you more.

Share Your Similarities

People frequently fall in love when they’ve things in common. On this romantic prowess, share what you like. If you both finish being into the same movie series, this may lead to the first date set up. If you’re talking about what you like though on a date with this new man, go ahead and plan more dates doing fun activities that you’ll both enjoy. You do not know when you can finish laughing over the latest romantic comedy, or racing in an amusement park getting your thrills from tall roller coasters.

Maintain Eye Contact

Keeping eye contact when conversing may finish being one of the good parts of a relationship. A wise man named William Shakespeare once said that ‘the eyes are the windows to the soul,’ he knew what he was talking about. Even if you are not actively talking to a man about something, eye contact alone can say all of the words that you are not. Do Not get scared to give your new partner a sultry look with a small pout, to make him know what you are thinking.

Cook for Him

If somebody has joked about your cooking by saying that you can burn water, then we will advise against following this step. Cooking for each other, however, may be a step in a relationship. If you know how to whip up the best meal in the kitchen, perhaps drop a few hints and invite him over to indulge with you. If that is not a cup of tea, it does not hurt to look up new recipes and try to make a meal together. It is said, the way to a heart of man is via his stomach.

Communication is Important

Be sure that any time you’re talking, conversing, texting, video chatting on the phone that you’re listening. These days’ communication in relationships is an essential ingredient. If you meet this partner on Tinder, odds are that you need to have impeccable written skills to understand each other on a certain hot or romantic level. For others, the capability to keep silent and listen is powerful and sexy to their partner. Whichever you’re, ensure that you share your heart with your partner. Particularly if you’re wanting him to do the same with you.

Be Confident

As a woman trying to make this man love you more than anything, it is very essential, you maintain an air of confidence about yourself as frequently as possible. If you find self-confidence in wearing jeans and a t-shirt, or in perfecting your makeup down to the cat-eye look you saw online, then you’re better to go for this step. It is not at all about impressing him; it is about feeling better about yourself and knowing precisely how you look and act, irrespective of other outside input.

Spend Time with Each Other

One of the great ways to bond with others is to spend time with them. As mentioned above, spending time doing things with each other, you both enjoy can finally make everything good for both of you. It is not essential for you and your partner to go out on the town to spend time with each other, although. Spending time together may mean sharing dinner together in the evenings when you both get off work. It can mean snuggling or talking about how your day was when you both fall into bed at the end of the day. You can even spend time with your partner if you’re in a long-distance relationship. This may be done by calling and asking how they are doing, or by intimately falling asleep together on video chat after a stressful day.

Remember to Be Yourself

This step is very important. The good way to take initiative and to cause your man to love you more than anything is to remember to be who you’re. If you love somebody and need them to reciprocate the feeling with full honesty, remember not to change for them. If they don’t love you for all things, then do not get worried because there will be somebody who will love you more than anything else in his life. Stay unapologetically and love with your heart. By being your most authentic self, you can achieve the sweetest type of love possible that is true love.

Do Not Ask Him to Give Up His Passions

Men have something that they have a passion for. For instance, they can love taking apart and building cars. It can be part of their identity and without it, they feel lost. Do not ask the man you love to give something like that up or make him feel guilty for it so he spends extra time with you. You are all smart women; you know by doing this it’ll make him miserable.

Do Not Make Him Feel Obligated to Take Care of You

Obviously, you need a man who’s going to make you a priority, keep you safe, take care of you. We all need that. Sometimes women fall into this thinking where they demand their men to cater to all needs. It can sound a small harsh, but he isn’t obligated to look after you; he can opt to.

Let Him Solve Your Petty Work Squabbles

Everybody knows that women bicker, and men get ‘r done. So let him chime in on whether or not accepting partnership at the firm will affect your pro bono work aiding indigenous peoples negotiate with the state, local, Federal government.

Brag About Him to Your Friends, Family, Coworkers

Tell the world that he is a doctor prince who writes spoken word poetry. Remember, a lie is a truth with a positive life attitude. Grab strangers and tell them that I am dating a successful man who satisfies me sexually. This thing will make his ego swell like the infected wound.

Answer The Door in A Negligee

Better still, answer the door naked. Better still, answer the door without skin. Men love skeletons. Why do you think they are known as boners?

Stay Pretty

Although your man will not admit it, he wants to see you beautiful at all times. Yes, men may be superficial sometimes, but not to the point that they need their girlfriends or wives to look like movie stars all the time. Sometimes, even an easy powder and lipstick retouch may go a long way. A man who’s in love sees his lady as his pride’s source, someone he can show off to the world as his partner. But how can he do that if you do not take the time to dress up and be beautiful?

Pamper Him with Little Things

Most men give their girlfriends flowers, pieces of jewelry, chocolates, other presents. But they ask nothing in return, they do need to be pampered sometimes. You should treat the guy for a massage, particularly in times when he’s completely stressed from work, or cook him dinner that will comfort his senses. You can need to take him out on a date for a change or watch a movie he likes. Seeing these efforts are a big deal for most men, as they can’t resist being treated like a king.

Do Not Chase Him or Force Things

You cannot force love. You cannot make a man feel the way you need him to feel about you. If you have to spend some time and energy getting him to step up or behave the way you need him to, it is likely not the right relationship because love does not work that way. It should feel simple and natural, do not like work or like you have to manage everything to make the relationship flow. This means you should not chase after him and prove that you are a worthy candidate for his time and attention. First, this will not work, and second, it certainly will not fill him with feelings of love. He will get complacent and come to expect specific things from you because they’re so freely given.

By: Jessika Valentine