Homepage of Prof. Faissal El Bouanani

Faissal El Bouanani


  ENSIAS, College of IT, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco

  Email: f.elbouanani(at)um5s.net.ma, faissal.elbouanani(at)gmail.com

Research Interests

Short Biography

Prof. Faissal El Bouanani (Member'16, Senior Member'19, IEEE) was born in Nador, Morocco, in 1974. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in network and communication engineering from Mohammed V University–Souissi, Rabat, Morocco, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. He was a Faculty Member with the Moulay Ismail University (MIU), Meknes, from 1997 to 2009. In 2009, he joined ENSIAS, Mohammed V University in Rabat (M5UR), in 2009, where he is currently Full Professor. He supervied many Ph.D. and master’s students at M5UR, MIU, and Mohamed I University in Oujda. So far, his research efforts have culminated in more than 120 papers in a wide variety of IEEE/ACM international conferences and journals. His current research interests include performance analysis and design of wireless communication systems. His Ph.D. thesis was awarded the best one by Mohammed V University–Souissi, in 2010. He served as the TPC Chair for the ICSDE conferences and the General Co-Chair for ACOSIS'16 and CommNet'18 conferences. He served as the TPC Chair for the ICSDE conferences, and the General Chair for the 2019-2024 CommNet conferences. Dr. El Bouanani serves as an editor for IEEE Communications Letters, and Associate Editor for IEEE ACCESS and Frontiers in Communications and Networks journal. He is also serving as a Lead Guest Editor for the Physical Layer Security Special Issue-Frontiers in Communications and Networks journal. Dr. El Bouanani is currently the Associate Dean for the Scientific Research and Cooperation at ENSIAS, M5UR and also the Director of Doctoral center ST2I, M5UR.