This program starts by showing output "Select if you want basic mathematical operations or scientific operations" and asks to select one of the following options: "1.Basic Mathematical Operations" "2.Scientific Operations"
By selecting 1, users can perform Basic Mathematical operations and by selecting 2, users can perform scientific operations
The scientificCalculator function starts by showing output "Enter a number:" and after that, another output "Select operation: 1. Square Root 2. Sin 3. Cos 4. Tan 5. Log" will be shown
User can select their desired operation and then the program will perform the operation and show it's result. After the operation will be done, it will still be on and user can input another number and select another operation do to another operation and if user input any invalid number or select an invalid operation, the output will be "Invalid choice"
This basicMaths function starts operation with showing output "Enter a Number" and afterwards, it asks for a mathematical symbol and if user doesn't input any valid mathematical symbols, it will show "Invalid Input" and ask for a valid mathematical symbol. After this, it takes input of another number and performs the mathematical operation and shows output.
The variables are taken as double so that we can input any kind of numbers.Â