Our Supporters

Our supporters are people who have opted to pledge their support to our work in improving library recruitment practices. Support for FLJ is individual and not based on institutional or organisational affiliation. Inclusion of any organisational or institutional information is optional and does not constitute an endorsement.

Comments from our supporters:

"Great initiative. Couldn't agree more!"

"We are trying to improve our practices and are passionate about everything you stand for. However, we do struggle with working with archaic internal processes and I would be happy to share the issues we have had because it is often bigger than just the library."

"Library and information professionals work hard to provide an open, fair, and inclusive service to users. It is time that the profession reflected this for its workers too."

"Thank you for your work to further the practice and discussion of fair hiring practices."

"Keep up the fantastic work and thank you for helping us to do better!"

If you would like to pledge your support for Fair Library Jobs, either anonymously or be added to our list above, please fill in the form here