Cub Scout
Pack 197
Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 197 in Fairfield, CT. This site will provide up to date information on all things Pack 197, including Pack calendars, Pack News & Announcements, and individual Den information!
For more information, email
Please use the top menu to access all informational pages and Individual Dens
Dear Pack 197!!
Congratulations to Fallon Kinsley for being this year's Pack 197 overall winner of our 2024 Pinewood Derby!! Saturday's event was a blast, and all of our racers should feel so proud of themselves. The fun doesn't stop there...
Pack 197 will host its annual Blue and Gold Banquet on Sunday, March 25, from 5:45-8:00 at the Grace Methodist Church on Fairfield Woods Road (see attached invitation). You can RSVP by responding to this email, texting me or filling in the Google Form. We will need a final headcount no later than Sunday March 17 so we can place our food order. Hope you can join us!!!
Last but not least...this is our FINAL CALL for overnight Anchor Watch Adventure. So far we have 30 people registered. I will be finalizing our trip on or before March 22. It's not too late to reserve your spot!!
Dear Pack 197,
I hope you have having a great weekend and gearing up to enjoy tomorrow's Super Bowl!!
I am reaching out about a few things:
1. Pinewood Derby cars have arrived and are ready to be picked up. Pick up is tomorrow, 12-2 or Monday 3:30-7:30. You can drop by during those windows. If you can't stop by then, let me know and we'll make alternative arrangements. We have some extra kits available, $10 per extra car kit, for any siblings who want to race!
Cubmaster Kinsley will be hosting a Derby Day Wood Workshop at his house on 2/25. STop in if you want support in cutting your car and getting it ready for decorating!
Sun 2/25 1:00 – 3:00
Pinewood Workshop
212 Buena Vista Road
Our Pinewood Derby is scheduled for 3/9 at Stratfield School.
Sat 3/9 1:00 – 3:30
Pinewood Derby
Stratfield School Gymnasium
Uniforms Required
2. We have 25 spots remaining for our overnight Anchor Watch Adventure aboard the Joseph Conrad in Mystic. Reserve your spot as soon as possible so you don't miss out! Sign up by completing the google form--
3. Our next Pack meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 2 at the Fairfield Fire Station. This is a new date, so please be sure to mark your calendar!
Sat 3/2/2024 2:00-3:00
Pack Meeting –A Trip to the Fire Station
Fairfield Fire Department
140 Reef Rd
Fairfield, CT
Uniforms Strongly Suggested
Speaking of calendars, please be sure to add yourself to our Pack Google Calendar. Also, here is the hard copy of our calendar for your reference. You can also get up to date information by visiting our Google Site.
Dear Pack 197!!
Happy New Year!! We are so excited to see you this weekend at our Pack hike. We are scheduled to meet a 1pm at Webb Mountain in Monroe ( 71 Webb Cir, Monroe, CT 06468).
Our program will include:
Opening Activity--meet with your Den
Opening Ceremony--Wolves (who attended 1/9's Den meeting) will lead the Scout Law using American sign language.
Program--preparing for outdoor adventures/extreme weather events
Hike--about 1.2 miles. DRESS FOR COLD WEATHER and WEAR BOOTS!!!! Please also bring a snack for the hike (Cub Scout 6 Essentials)
Warm sweet coco in the pavilion!
Also, there are some updates on our Pack Calendar. Click on the link for more information. Here is quick reference of some upcoming dates:
Dear Pack 197,
We hope all is well!! This is a reminder that we have our last pack event of 2023 coming up on Saturday, December 9 from 4:30-6:30 at the American Legion Hall at Owen Fish Park. We hope this event will include a number of activities focused on different holidays celebrated by a Pack family. Past years have included
Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali and Lunar New Year activities. We also hope to have a holiday sing along.
Here's how we need your help! We need you to host a table that showcases a winter activity important to your family. We are also looking for a musical talent that can lead our holiday sing along.
We are also asking for a $10 donation from each family to help cover the cost of food, decorations and other celebratory treats!
RSVP and sign up to host a table or sing along by completing the Google Form.
We also want to share an exciting overnight adventure happening April 5-6. We are sharing now so you can mark your calendars. We will need a final headcount no later than January 31, 2024.
This overnight adventure will take place on the history sailing vessel, John Conrad, in Mystic, CT. The cost is $85 per person and will include two meals, overnight accomodations (bunk style) and a number of engaging activities. To learn more visit The Mystic Seaport Museum Anchor Watch webpage. Our Pack has already made a deposit, so we are excited to move forward full steam ahead!
Mark your Calendar!!
April 5-6
Pack 197 will have an overnight adventure on the historic vessel Joseph Conrad in Mystic, CT.
To learn more, visit the Mystic Seaport Museum website.
Good evening Pack 197,
Cub Scout Pack 197 is excited to see you all at this Sunday's Pack event. Our annual Veteran's Day Service Project kicks off at 1:30 at Owen Fish Park. Our program includes:
1. Veteran's Day Craft
2. Park Care--Flags and Cleanup
3. Snacks--Hot Cocoa and marshmallows
4. Pie in the Face--highest popcorn sales get to throw a pie in Cubmaster Kinsley's Face.
Looking ahead:
Holiday Party--12/9/2023
Stay tuned:
Erin Lichtenstein
Fairfield Pack 197 Committee Chair
(203) 615-8992
Fairfield's CT Audobon Socity Presents BOY SCOUT BADGE DAY
Saturday, November 4
9 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Registration deadline: Wednesday, November 1
Teacher/naturalists will lead scouts on hikes in the Larsen Sanctuary as well as other activities to help fulfill badge requirements (some requirements are the responsibility of the scout to complete independently). Scouts are welcome to participate in more than one badge. Each participating scout is required to register.
Click on the link to learn more and register:
Check out Pack 197's **NEW** shared Google Calendar.

September 10, 2023
Hello all!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was great to see some of you at yesterday's Parkapalooza.
We are one week away from our Pack Kickoff event at Owen Fish Park (see attached flyer). Please let me know if you can't make it so I can get you a rocket, and also invite friend's who might want to learn more about Scouting.
A couple of quick updates on what's been happening:
We had our first Show and Sell event at Parkapalooza! Several scouts did a great job representing our Pack. If you haven't already signed up to help support our fundraiser, then click on the link and reserve your slot!
Registration for the Cub-o-Ree and Webelos Outdoor Weekend is open. Use click on each link for more information and/or to register. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Cub-o-ree (Grades 1-3): Webelos Outdoor Weekend (Grade 4):
Our Scout Calendar is still in DRAFT form. This preview is just to let you know what you might expect this Scout Year. Please note our calendar does not include individual Den meeting dates/time/locations. Individual Den Leaders will reach out separately. We have also created a shared Google Calendar. To access the calendar, please click on the link
Also, you can access all of the above information on our Pack Google Site.
Reach out with questions, and we'll see you next week!!!
September 4, 2023
Good afternoon Scouting Families!
We are excited to kick off the 2023-2024 Scout Year. Our Leadership Team has been busy drafting this year's calendar, planning for our annual fundraiser and getting ready for this year's kickoff event!
Some important information regarding this year's Scouting:
Mark Your Calendar!
2023-2024 Kickoff event will take place Sunday, September 17, from 1:30-3:00 at Owen Fish Park. Our annual kickoff event will include registration, catapult building/launching, a model rocket launch and rocket distribution.
A Parent Information Meeting (attendance strongly encouraged) will be held virtually on Sunday, September 24, 7:00-7:45 to review the Scout Year and share opportunities for more parents to get involved. We need all the help we can get this year!
Our Fall Campout Adventure, The Great Scout Campout, will take place at Sturbridge Village on Saturday, September 30. Registration has closed, so if you are interested, please immediately reach out so we can add you to our group!
Pack 197 Annual Rocket Launch is scheduled for Sunday, October 8, 1:30-3:30, at Owen Fish Park.
Pomperaug District's Annual Cub-O-Ree will be held Sunday, October 15, at Old Mine Park in Trumbull. Click on the link to learn more and register your Scout(s).
Yankee Council's Annual Webelo Outdoor Weekend will be held Saturday, October 21 at Hoyt Park in Redding. Click on the link to learn more and register your Scout(s).
Our year long calendar (draft) is being developed and will be shared at the Kickoff Event on September 17!
2023-2024 Registration
Returning Scout registration is $160 and new Scout registration is $170 (we can accept cash, check or VENMO.
Fill out Pack 197's Registration Form ahead of time (if possible), and complete a BSA Youth Application Form for your new Scout!
Popcorn Show and Sell
Show and Sell season has begun. Sign up to help sell popcorn during our Show and Sell events. Our first event is Saturday, September 9 at Parkapalooza. Class A uniforms are required during each sales event.
Don't forget to check out Pack 197's Google Site for more information and other news/announcements.
Reach out with any questions and we hope to see you on September 17!
July 19
Happy Summer Scout Families!
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying some fun filled summer adventures!! Believe it or not, we are already starting to think about this upcoming Scout Year!
Two areas of immediate attention--Fall Popcorn Fundraiser and a potential Fall Campout.
Popcorn for our annual fundraiser has been ordered and pickup is scheduled for the end of August. Pack 197 needs a new Popcorn Kernel for this year...the desperation is beginning to set it!!! Responsibilities include:
Housing popcorn inventory
Keeping an updated inventory list
Handing off raised money to me for deposit
Scheduling/coordinating show and sell events
Also, Pack 197 has an opportunity to have a Fall Campout at Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge, MA. The Great Scout Campout is scheduled for September 30, 2023. This unique camping experience allows scouts, and their families, to pitch their tents in the Village and enjoy an evening of tours and activities throughout the museum. The evening is topped off with stories by a roaring bonfire. The entire experience, including meals, costs $75 for youth and $60 for adults. In an effort to gauge interest, please email me back and let me know if your family wants to participate in the Great Scout Campout. Please respond by 7/31.
Coming September 30, 2023
Dear Pack 197,
We are so very excited about this Sunday's final Pack meeting of this Scout year! We will meet at Owen Fish Park at 4:00. Den Leader Doug will be at Owen Fish at 3:30 if you'd like to come early to assemble and design your boat (please reach out if you'd like to pick up your boat between now and then).
Sunday's program includes a book exchange, advancement ceremony and an ice cream party.
Something new this year: Book Exchange!!!! Bring gently used books that you are ready to pass along. Scouts will have an opportunity to "shop" the books, after decorating their very own book bag.

Upcoming Events:
Thu 3/16 7:00 , Pack Leader Meeting
Sun 3/19 5:45 , 8:00, Blue and Gold Celebration
Thu 4/20 7:00 , Pack Leader Meeting
Sat 4/22 6pm , Nautical Night at Battleship Cove
Sat 5/6 3:00 , Spring Campout and Bonfire
Thu 5/18 7:00 , Pack Leader Meeting
Sun 5/21 1:00 , Pack Meeting
Thu 6/1 7:00 , Pack Leader Meeting
Sun 6/4 4:00 , Year End Picnic and Awards Ceremony
Pack 197 News
May 25, 2023
Hello Pack 197!
It's hard to believe we're rounding out another Scouting year!! Our final Pack Meeting/End of Year Celebration will be on Sunday, 6/4/2023, at 4pm. We will send out an email next week to share the celebration's agenda. If you'd like to help plan, then please join us for next week's Leadership Meeting (email me for details).
In the meantime, if you missed last week's Pack meeting at Owen Fish Park, then you missed an opportunity to pick up your Raingutter Regatta Boat. Our annual Raingutter Regatta will be a highlight of our final Pack meeting.
Please stop by tomorrow, 5/26, evening to get your Scout's boat so he/she has plenty of time to build and decorate the vessel. For those of you who are new to Scouting, the Raingutter Regatta is like the Pinewood Derby, just on a much smaller scale. Boat assembly and decorating are fairly easy.
Pickup Info:
68 Rockland Rd
If you aren't able to swing by during the pickup window, then please email/text to coordinate a pickup time!
Pack 197 News
Good afternoon Pack 197!
Just a couple of quick updates:
1) Yesterday's Pinewood Derby was a hit! Congratulations to all of the racers. If you have pictures from the event, please email them so they can be shared on our Pack's Google Site (check out the updates that have been recently made)!
2) Remember to RSVP for Sunday's Blue and Gold Celebration Dinner. This year's theme is "Mad Hatter." See the attached invitation for more information!
3) Learn more about Troop 10 by attending their Open House. Troop 10 has done such an important job of helping our younger scouts this year, it would be great to support their event and have some fun! See the attached flyer for more information.
Pack 197 News
Last call to RSVP for Pack 197's Nautical Night aboard the USS Massachusetts! Our final reservation is going to be booked on Monday. Final payment is due by the end of February. We will send a follow up email to just those participating in this exciting adventure!
Our Pack hike is this Sunday, 1/29/2023, at Webb Mountain, 71 Webb Circle, Monroe, CT. The Pack will meet at 1pm. Some Dens will meet earlier so check out the Pack's Google Site if you have a Den meeting prior to the Pack meeting. A light snack will be provided. Be sure to dress comfortably and bring some water!
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Yours in Scouting,
Fairfield Pack 197 Leadership Team
Pack 197 News
Pack 197's Pinewood Derby is quickly approaching! Here's what you need to know:
Where: Stratfield Elementary School
When: Saturday, March 11, from 1-3.
Car Specs & Rules
Width — 2 3/4"
Length — 7"
Weight — Not over 5 ounces
Width between wheels — 1 3/4"
Bottom clearance between car and track — 3/8"
Wheel bearings, washers and bushings are prohibited.
The car shall not ride on springs.
Only official Cub Scout Grand Prix Pinewood Derby wheels and axles are permitted.
Only dry lubricant is permitted. Must be applied prior to arrival at the race location. We want to avoid any graphite spills!
Details, such as steering wheel and driver are permissible as long as these details do not exceed the maximum length, width and weight specifications.
The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices.
Each car must pass inspection, the owner will be informed of the reason for failure, and will be given time within the official weigh-in time period to make adjustments.
Who: Scouts and their siblings. Trophies will be awarded for fastest cars and best designs.
Cars must be ready upon arrival. Cubmaster Kinsley will open his home on Friday, March 10, 6-8 for weigh ins if you'd like to check your cars specs prior to Saturday's arrival.
Some scouts still need to pick up their cars. They are ready for porch pickup at the Lichtenstein's house!
Yours in Scouting,
Fairfield Pack 197 Leadership Team