Fairfield IA AA Meetings
Fairfield group based online meetings are held on Google Meet. The link to join is the same for all meetings. No sign-up is required, and the chairperson will admit you to the meeting before the scheduled start time.
Join link: https://meet.google.com/ijr-fuoy-qke
Alternatively you can call into the meeting using regular phone service for a voice only connection.
Phone: +1 385-352-0748
Pin: 676 062 255# (this pin is only required for phone calls)
Online Schedule
Online Schedule
Monday: 8pm (closed)
Thursday: 8pm (open)
**Please note that "closed" does not mean a meeting is not active. See here for the definition of open and closed meetings.
In Person (Fairfield)
In Person (Fairfield)
You can find the full in person schedule in the minder finder below.