Mingw-w64 could be found following -w64.org/doku.php/download. From that page, click on download "Win-builds" that will bring you to the page -w64.org/doku.php/download/win-builds from where you can access to -builds.org/doku.php/download_and_installation_from_windows. Here simply download and run the package manager, in our case we downloaded win-builds-1.5.0.exe file.

CMake could be download from Download the latest release for Windows win64-x64 platform (at the time this tuto was written it was the file cmake-3.13.1-win64-x64.msi). To install just double click on the msi file.

Failed To Download The Third-party Software Mingw 5.3.0 From Mingw-w64.org

Download Zip 🔥 https://urlin.us/2yGaMa 🔥

If not already done, create a workspace that will contain all ViSP source, build, data set and optional 3rd parties. This workspace is here set to C:\visp-ws folder, but it could be set to any other location.

To create the workspace, open a cmd Command Prompt (a fast way to launch this window is to press the Win + R keys on your keyboard. Then, type cmd or cmd.exe and press Enter or click/tap OK) and run the following to create a workspace environment var named VISP_WS:

Modify the Path var to add the path to ViSP dll libraries. To this end open the "Edit environment variable" UI, and modify Path to add a new line with %VISP_WS%\visp-build-mingw\install\x64\mingw\bin.

In order to ease ViSP detection by CMake when ViSP is used as a 3rd party in an external project, like the one described in the Tutorial: How to create and build a CMake project that uses ViSP on Unix or Windows, you may set VISP_DIR environment variable with the path to the VISPConfig.cmake file:

Some ViSP examples and tests require data (images, video, models) that are not part of ViSP source code but available in a separate archive named visp-images-x.y.z.zip. This archive could be downloaded from page. We provide here after the way to install these data if you want to run ViSP examples or tests. Note that ViSP tutorials are not using ViSP data set.

Since all 3rd parties are optional you may have started to install only some of them. Imagine that you just installed a new third-party, or that you upgraded the version of this 3rd party. The next step is to go back to the build folder, configure ViSP with CMake to detect the newly installed third-party library and build again ViSP. This could be achieved with:

To see which are the optional 3rd parties that are found during the configuration stage and that will be used by ViSP during the build you can have a look to the text file named ViSP-third-party.txt and located in $VISP_WS/visp-build. We provide hereafter an example of a possible content of this file that contains also build info.

I was thrilled to hear that also the official version of Open CASCADE will support MinGW-w64 from version 7.0.0 on. Since we do software development both on Windows and on Linux computers, it is useful to use the same compiler on both systems (up to now we have used the Open CASCADE Community Edition to achieve this). I have been able to compile OCCT with MinGW-w64, also when the additional libraries FreeImage and Gl2Ps are enabled and I would like to share some of my experiences.


I have used Visual Studio 2015 which seems to be named also "Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0" and the compiler prints the version number 19.00.23506. I have compiled 64 bit executables by using "vcvarsall.bat amd64" before project setup and compilation. For compiling OCCT I have created NMake make files with CMake and I have stuck to the default compilation flags. Our code I have compiled with the compile flags proposed by qmake (the most important being probably "-O2").

I have ensured that the programs are really 64-bit programs by looking at the task manager. Then I have executed the algorithms times for each configuration, measured the execution time with std::chrono and computed the average execution time. Compilation times I have just measured once.


MSVC is doing the compilation job significantly faster than MinGW-w64. The DLL sizes are comparable, if optimization is set to "-O2" for MinGW-w64, with "-O3" the DLLs from MinGW-w64 are larger. Binary files compiled with MinGW-w64 are performing significantly better than those compiled with MSVC.

I have repeated my performance tests with the current Open CASCADE version, the current version of my algorithms and newer compiler versions, because I always want to keep an eye on performance. I have used MSVC Version 19.11.25507.1 and MinGW-w64 with g++ 7.1.0. Since I have invested quite some time I would like to share my results with you. This time I have not recorded the compilation times. I have done five measurements for every case and computed the average

With g++ 7.1.0 it is recommendable to use "-O3". With g++ 5.2.0 this had a negative effect on the execution times. The code created by MSVC is so shockingly slow that I refuse to take my measurements seriously. I have used the default compilation paramters set by CMake (especially "-O2" for MSVC optimization and I have used the "x64 Native Tools Command Line" to compile 64bit binaries), but such a degradation when switching to a newer compiler version means probably that I have done something wrong. I am more familiar with g++ than with MSVC, therefore a MSVC expert would probably have been able to compile the code somehow in a better way than I have done it.

My next interest was whether link-time optimization gives better results. With MinGW-w64 I have chosen "-flto -Wl,-allow-multiple-definition" as additional compile and link flags and with MSVC I have chosen "/GL" as additional compile and "/LTCG" as additional link flag.

It is nice that the binaries become smaller with MinGW-w64 and link-time optimization, but the code also becomes a little bit slower in some cases. I am not sure yet whether it is the right choice for me. With MSVC both the binary sizes and the code execution times were reduced, but the effect is rather small.

What about debugging experience - do you use GDB with some IDE (Qt Creator?) for debugging without problems/inconviences?

Debugging plugins within Within Code::Blocks are terrible comparing to VS...

It should be noted that MinGw-w64 can be built with several options; among them one that defines exception model has severe impact on both performance and ability to catch software signals (such as access violations).

All builds are made with default options, using CMake for MinGw and genproj for MSVC. Among third-party components, MinGw uses only Freetype, Tcl/Tk, Freeimage, and Gl2Ps, while MSVC also uses TBB and VTK. Workstation has Intel i7-4790 CPU with 8 Gb RAM, SSD system disk and HDD data disk (where both OCCT and test results are located).

As it can be seen, average performance of MSVC 2010, 2017, and MinGw-w64 SEH is nearly the same. Though, many tests show essentially different CPU time between MinGw SEH and MSVC 2010 (mostly within +-50%), but these deviations go in both directions and have not much effect on the average. The most essential deviations (confirmed by manual tests) are:

Note that the latter test, perf fclasses bug24947, was made to measure performance of initialization of OCCT RTTI (by loading and unloading some toolkit multiple times). It is slow on MSVC 2010 and older GCC (below 4.3) because these compilers do not support safe initialization of static variables (see C++11 feature N2660) and thus we have to initialize all types on load time.

Thank you for sharing your measurements. It is good to know that the average performance of code built with both compilers is quite the same - then the compiler choice is actually a matter of taste.

It is almost as simple as compilation with MSVC. Just download the 3rd party components compiled with MinGW from the Open CASCADE Download Center that you need for your project (you refer to them within CMake).

I have installed MSYS2 for compilation and I have added MinGW64 to my path (both is probably not necessary, but it makes the build convenient). I run CMake from MSYS2 and I compile with mingw32-make.exe, because this allows parallel builds with -j (the default make.exe is buggy when doing parallel builds). 152ee80cbc

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