The plot hook is a mission to break into Alcatraz. Harris and his men have occupied the former prison island, taken civilian hostages, and threatened to fire deadly rockets at San Francisco unless their demands are met. What are the demands? Hummel, who has three Purple Hearts, two Silver Stars and the Medal of Honor, is angered that 83 men have died under his command and never been recognized, because they wereon secret missions that the government denied even existed. He wants $100 million in payments to their next of kin.

What really works is the chemistry between Connery, as a reluctant warrior who has all the skills necessary to outsmart and outfight the occupying force, and Cage, as the nerd who can disarm the rockets but is not much in the killing department. And then there is an intriguing complexity added to the Ed Harris character, who is not as one-dimensional as he seems (early in the film, he advises some small children touring Alcatraz to return to their tour boat).

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Plot filem ini dibuka pada era millenium dengan watak Zack (Hasnul Rahmat) sedang bertugas mencop surat di pejabat pos. Ketika diarahkan mencuci surat-surat lama oleh bosnya, beliau terjumpa sepucuk surat yang dialamatkan ke kugiran lama yang pernah dianggotainya dulu, iaitu "Rimba Bara". Serentak dengan itu, fikiran Zack pun terus melayang mengimbas kembali kehidupannya pada 15 tahun yang lepas.

Beberapa minggu kemudian, hari yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh semua kugiran tanah air pun tiba. Battle of the Bands peringkat kebangsaan bakal menjadi titik penolak kejayaan kepada semua band, termasuklah 'Rimba Bara'. Band yang menang bakal diberi peluang merakamkan album penuh. Maka pada pertandingan penuh bersejarah itu, segala band dari pelusuk daerah muncul. Keadaan gamat dengan suasana rock ditambah pula dengan kehadiran Amy Search, Man Kidal dan Nasir Jani sebagai para hakim pertandingan itu. Amy, penyanyi Rimba Bara yang terdahulu juga hadir sebagai tanda sokongan. Kumpulan demi kumpulan membuat persembahan. Ada yang berguling dan ada yang melompat macam cipan demi membuktikan mereka adalah kumpulan rock yang terbaik. Ada juga yang telah patah tangan dan dikejarkan ke hospital kerana tangan terpukul besi drum. Pada malam itu, Rimba Bara telah membawakan lagu dendangan asal oleh Sweet Charity seperti Batu. Tiba pengumuman keputusan, Rimba Bara telah diangkat sebagai pemenang! Pada malam kemenangan itu, mereka meraikannya seperti tiada lagi hari esok.

Plot filem ini akhir sekali membawa penonton kembali ke zaman sekarang dengan Zack di pejabat pos, masih memegang surat beralamatkan kepada Rimba Bara seperti di awal plot. Lamunan Zack terhenti. Sekembalinya dia ke rumah, dia membelikan anaknya sebuah gitar mainan dan berharap anaknya juga mengikut langkahnya menjadi pemain muzik yang berkualiti.

Rock ialah filem kedua arahan Mamat Khalid selepas filem Lang Buana (2003). Untuk filem ini, beliau menyampaikan mesej mengenai dilema yang dihadapi ramai pemuzik berbakat pada zaman kegemilangan rock 1980-an.[2]

As some of the film is set in rock clubs, characters hold beers and cigarettes. During one scene, Dewey has a beer with the principal of the school. The principal starts to act tipsy, but that could just as easily be the effect the Stevie Nicks song on the jukebox has on her. 

Parents need to know that School of Rock is as much a vehicle for Jack Black to make rock 'n' roll faces while playing guitar as it is hilarious fun for musicians and music fans of all ages -- even younger than the PG-13 rating would suggest. There is occasional profanity -- some of it spoken by 10-year-olds -- and Black's character freely discusses his hangovers with the class he's teaching. There are brief shots of adult characters drinking and smoking (this is about playing rock 'n' roll, after all), but nothing terribly gratuitous. Beyond this, School of Rock is an enjoyable way for kids to learn about music, and for families to talk about the amount of work and personal satisfaction that results in starting a band. Furthermore, the film addresses body issues in a positive way when one of the girls in class is afraid to sing because she thinks she's "too fat." To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails.

In SCHOOL OF ROCK, Jack Black plays Dewey Finn, a musician who doesn't just live for rock -- he barely acknowledges that there is anything else. Like the music he loves, Dewey is loud, immature, messy, self-absorbed, passionate, incapable of complying with any authority, rule, or attempt at civilization, and just about irresistible. So he is astonished when he is fired by his band. And when his best friend Ned (screenwriter Mike White), a former rocker-turned-substitute teacher, says he will have to move out if he does not start paying rent. When Dewey intercepts a call from Principal Mullins (Joan Cusack) offering Ned a substitute teacher position for fifth graders at a posh prep school, he accepts and shows up pretending to be Ned. The kids and Dewey learn something new through the experience.

Poised on the cusp of the alternative rock era, David Markey's documentary follows Sonic Youth on a European festival tour, with guest appearances by Dinosaur Jr., Babes in Toyland, the Ramones and Iggy Pop. But by the time the movie was released, the focus had shifted to their opening band: an up-and-coming Seattle trio called Nirvana. As the title, punning on music-industry slang, suggests, alt-rock's breakthrough was also the beginning of its breakdown: A running gag has band members re-enacting scenes from Madonna's Truth or Dare, mocking pop celebrity even as they come to terms with their own. Ending a week before the release of "Smells Like Teen Spirit," it's a perfect time capsule of the calm before the storm. SA

Alex Honnold is a professional adventure rock climber whose audacious free solo ascents of America's biggest cliffs have made him one of the most recognized and followed climbers in the world. A gifted but hard-working athlete, he is known as much for his humble, self-effacing attitude as he is for the dizzyingly tall cliffs he has climbed without a rope to protect him if he falls. Honnold has been profiled by "60 Minutes" and The New York Times, been featured on the cover of National Geographic, appeared in international television commercials and starred in numerous adventure films, including the Emmy-nominated "Alone on the Wall."

Award-winning filmmaker Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi is the director and producer of FREE SOLO, from National Geographic Documentary Films. Co-directed with Jimmy Chin, the film offers an intimate, unflinching portrait of rock climber Alex Honnold, as he prepares for and then achieves his lifelong dream: to climb the face of the world's most famous rock ... without a rope.

Jimmy Chin is a professional climber, skier, mountaineer, 18-year member of The North Face Athlete Team and National Geographic Explorer. As the director, producer and cinematographer of the National Geographic Documentary Film FREE SOLO, which he co-directed with Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Chin captured rock climber Alex Honnold's nail-biting free solo ascent of Yosemite National Park's El Capitan.

The first half of this epic rock journey is set to hit the screens in Spring 2024, and the excitement doesn't end there, as the second half is scheduled for a Summer 2024 release. This thrilling two-part adventure will surely leave fans craving more.

But the excitement doesn't end there. To prepare you for the cinematic experience, a brand new teaser trailer and poster have been unveiled. The teaser offers a tantalizing glimpse into the upcoming movie's rock-infused journey, while the poster encapsulates the essence of Bocchi the Rock in a single image.

In the opening film scene, Brigadier General Francis Hummel and Major Tom Baxter assume leadership of a disgruntled Marine group in a battle for gas-powered rockets taken from a well-guarded naval weapons storage space. During the mission, one of their men is killed. Two new recruits, Frye and Darrow, accompany the team to overtake control of Alcatraz Island, effectively making 81 tourists their prisoners.

Mason and Goodspeed kill several Marines and are able to deactivate twelve rockets with the removal of their chips. Hummel makes the threat to murder a hostage if the chips are not returned, but Mason destroys them prior to surrendering himself. Plan B is set into motion: an airstrike that will eliminate the poisonous gas but will leave any remaining people on the island dead.

Hummel: Mr. Director, you have a very serious problem. A battery of VX gas rockets is presently deployed to deliver a highly lethal strike on the population of the San Francisco Bay Area. I will call again at 0 hundred hours to state my demands.

Goodspeed informs Mason that Womack will grant him a pardon if he will assist the government on their mission to stop Hummel and his men from harming the tourists and attacking San Francisco Bay with rockets. He tells Mason he must sign the contract to receive the pardon for services he will later render.

Outside in the courtyard of Alcatraz prison, Mason is held at gunpoint by Hummel and Baxter. Inside the facility, master chemist Goodspeed works quickly to remove the chips from the rockets, effectively disabling them. This conversation takes place between the three men.

This particular film sequence was shot in two different locations, both on Alcatraz Island. The scenes with Goodspeed disarming the rockets were filmed in the prison, and the footage in the courtyard was shot in what was once the outdoor yard for prisoners. A guided tour of the island will allow you to view The Rock filming locations in person.

Thrust into the water from the force of the rocket, Goodspeed is submerged, unconscious, in the deep Bay waters near the shore of the island. Mason races to him and plunges into the water, pulling him over steep rocks to safety on the coast. As he works to bring Goodspeed to dry land, Goodspeed regains consciousness, and the two men share this conversation in one of the most poignant yet funny scenes in The Rock. be457b7860

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