Jason Fahy
Science Teacher - CNY Teacher Collaborative
EdDesign Consulting
EdDesign Consulting
Providing logistical support for trans-disciplinary teaming, flexible scheduling, and building projects. Learn more about Pine Grove Middle School.
NNSTOY Fellow 2018
NNSTOY Fellow 2018
Teaming model included in "Exemplary STEM Learning" Tool Kit by the National Network of State Teachers of the Year.
US Dept of Ed Spotlight
US Dept of Ed Spotlight
Classroom featured in a "STEM Innovation Spotlight" video by the US Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology .
Privileged to have been teaching science for over 28 years at Pine Grove Middle School, East Syracuse-Minoa School District in East Syracuse, New York.
Privileged to have been teaching science for over 28 years at Pine Grove Middle School, East Syracuse-Minoa School District in East Syracuse, New York.
Speaking to teachers, administrators and architects about personal experiences teaching in a school navigating transformation.
Speaking to teachers, administrators and architects about personal experiences teaching in a school navigating transformation.
Providing logistical support for trans-disciplinary teaming, flexible scheduling, and building projects.
Providing logistical support for trans-disciplinary teaming, flexible scheduling, and building projects.
Working with teams of teachers and administrators from school districts across upstate New York transitioning from "Silo to PLC. "