2022 Boosterthon

Fundraising at Forest Ave & Where Your Fundraising Dollars Go!

Your Forest Ave Home & School Association works hard every year to provide much needed resources for our school. Since March 15, 2017, and our partnership with the Boosterthon Fun Run, our H&S has brought in over $100,000 which has supported our school in many ways from the upgrade to the playground to the renovation of the school library which will be completed for the opening of the school year.

This has been so successful that we have voted as a group to drop all the additional fundraisers for the year and make this our primary fundraiser. We would like to thank the Forest Ave community, we could not do this without the support of the parents, teachers, and staff, but most of all the students who drive us to make the best choices each day.

The Fun Run incorporates a two-week character program that introduces social emotional learning through live presentation and videos. For example, it teaches about Kindness, teamwork, being truthful, and curiosity and many other positive traits. The highlight of the program is the Fun Day event, where students will have the chance to run laps with their friends while learning and gaining a positive attitude toward both the physical and emotional health.

SAVE THE DATE Monday, November 7th - Thursday, November 17th

Our Forest Ave Fun Run fundraiser will kick off on 11/7/2022. Our goal is to raise $25,000 for the Home and School Budget which provides endless support for Forest Ave such as enrichment Assemblies, 10% back for teacher’s school supplies, 3rd and 4th grade planners, All grade level field trips, school improvement requests, books for the library, and staff appreciation days to strengthen our school community. We’ve asked our friends at Booster to power our fundraiser to make it more profitable, fun, and easy for everyone!

Here’s what all students can get excited about:

• Fun, engaging character development lessons

• A high-energy event to give our school a much needed boost of fun!

If your family feels it’s not in the position to financially support the school, that’s ok. Families can support our school by also SHARING about our fundraiser with friends and family online. Sharing IS supporting.

Key dates to remember:




Fundraiser Kick Off – 11/7/2022

• Event Day -11/17/2022

Thank you for supporting Forest Ave Home and School through the Forest Ave Fun Run.

Please see the chart of things that Home and School Provided for 20-21, what we provide every year, and what we are hoping to provide in the future!

You’re Invited! Everyone from the school community is invited to come and cheer on your student(s) during their run time!! Times will be announced the week of the event!

TBD Grade 1
TBD Grade 2
TBD Grade 4
TBD Grade 3
TBD Grade K


Our goal is to raise $30,000 for the Home and School Budget which provides endless support for Forest Avenue such as enrichment assemblies, 10% back for teacher’s school supplies, 3rd and 4th grade planners, funding for all grade level field trips, school improvement requests, books for the library, and staff appreciation days to strengthen our school community. We have asked our friends at Booster to power our fundraiser to make it more profitable, fun, and easy for everyone!