FADeRiS 2024 @Ulm

FADeRiS 2024 was held at the University of Ulm (Germany). Find here some impressions:

Foundations and Applications of Decentralized Risk Sharing (FADeRiS) is a conference series dedicated to the theory and practical application of decentralized risk sharing schemes. The first edition took place at KU Leuven in 2023. The word "decentralized" implies that risks in such schemes are typically shared within a pool, as opposed to classical insurance where an insurance provider takes relevant risks. Examples include peer-to-peer (P2P) insurance, pooled annuity funds or tontines

The location: Castle Reisensburg is a historic castle of the 10th century and is located about 35 kilometers from Ulm (Germany). After a renovation, it belongs to the University of Ulm and is used as a conference center. 

How to get there: