Logo by PottedPropagule

Power Cables 

There are three types of power cables

Basic cables

Have the advantage of transporting energy faster than other cables but the disadvantage of being easily overloaded and wasting energy when they find an exit.

The image above shows how the energy reaches the end of a cable and vanishes, throwing sparks. (This does not happen if the cable is connected to some machine!)

The image above shows how the energy is overloaded, this happens when the energy stays too long in the same place without moving. After overloading a cable, the power will fade and there will be a small chance that the cable will be damaged.

Reinforced cables

They do not overload but they will waste energy when finding an exit.

These are the cables to use in large areas with many machines.

Smart cable

They don't overload, don't waste energy, and automatically or manually turn off when needed.

This cable was created to control energy and connections between other cables.

With this cable you can connect all types and colors of cables.

You can also disable the cable manually using the automation wire: (This is not an electrical cable)

You can also prevent the batteries from continuing to receive power after being fully charged.

This cable has other functions but they have been disabled since they have not been finished correctly (Remember that this addon is in beta version)

high energy cable

Coming Soon...

Crafting :

Use the gray wire and their respective dyes to get their colors. 


You will also find 5 types of batteries.

How much energy do they store:

What you should know:

Overcharged batteries will appear darker in texture.

NUclear Battery

The nuclear battery is not a battery like the others since it will not need you to charge it, this battery will give you energy from above and below if you connect it with cables, it also has a limit of use where it will reach its maximum use and if not the you have refrigerated underwater, it will explode.

It will also emanate some particles that will indicate that it is not a good idea to have a living being near it, the more particles there are, the more damage the battery will do.

Its damage radius also increases the more use the battery has, for now there is no suit that protects the player so they just have to run after placing it.

If you keep the battery under water it will provide you with energy for a long time before it reaches its maximum use, remember that if it is not under water it will explode.

How to get it?

This battery does not have crafting, it can only be obtained in the chests of the end cities

In the future, the exploding battery will continue to emit radioactive particles.

Crafting :

Power generators

Manual generator

Turning the lever on top of the generator three times will spawn an energy point.

If you interact with the property tool (Tool only available in creative mode) the generator will become infinite.

Solar panel

The panel will only work during the day and if enough light reaches it.

The panel will generate more or less power depending on its rotation, the same happens with its operation, it will work all day or only until a little more than noon depending on its rotation.

How does this work:

If you place the panels facing north or south, they will run all day (as long as sunlight is visible) but will generate power a little slower than if they were rotated east or west. 

They will generate an energy point in a random range of between 40 to 50 seconds.

If you place the panels facing east or west, they will only work until a little after noon but will have the advantage of generating power a bit faster, in a random range of 28-39 seconds.

Power generating furnace

This is not an oven for cooking, this oven consumes coal, wood and other blocks that burn in the flames, with it you can generate up to 15 energy points using only one block of coal.

The more fuel you have stored, the faster you will generate power. The temperature bar at the top of the oven will indicate the amount of fuel used.

You can manually place the fuel by opening the oven door and interacting with it, or place it automatically with a mechanical arm.

Remember to connect a wire on one side to get the power or it will be wasted.

Steam engine

The steam enters through some pipes on one side and the energy leaves the other through some cables.

The letter S on the panel means steam, which will represent the amount of stored steam and the letter E, energy, which will represent the amount of stored energy.

As soon as one of stored steam is detected, it will become 3 power points and this power will go out of the storage to the cables you connect if available or empty.

This machine needs a 3x3x3 area of air blocks to be able to place it, if when placing it there is not enough space it will be destroyed and the placement item will be returned to you.

The steam engine can be connected directly to its brother, the steam generator to avoid laying pipes and save space.

This machine cannot be destroyed in the normal way, to dismantle it you must interact with the information panel of the machine and the destruction menu will appear as in the image above. Hitting the Yes button will destroy the machine and return the machine placement item to you.

Experimental Steam engine

The steam enters through some pipes on the sides and the energy leaves the top through some cables.

The energy created is stored in a small internal 6-point battery.

This machine cannot be destroyed in the normal way, to dismantle it you must interact with the information panel of the machine and the destruction menu will appear as in the image above. Hitting the Yes button will destroy the machine and return the machine placement item to you.

As soon as one of stored steam is detected, it will convert between 1 to 6 power points randomly and this power will go out from storage to the wires you connect if available or empty. (This is one of its advantages, it can give up to 6 energy points.)

30% chance that it will give you 1 or 3 point of energy.

25% chance that it will give you 2 point of energy.

15% chance that it will give you 6 point of energy.

This machine needs an area of 3x2x3 of air blocks to be able to place it, if when placing it there is not enough space it will be destroyed and the placement item will be returned to you.

Its downside is that the energy it stores will fade over time.

hydroelectric generator

Coming Soon...

Nuclear reactor

Coming Soon...

Crafting :


Movement of liquids and gases:

Liquids and gases will not move like the energy in the cables, to move they will need another liquid or gas to push them, somewhat simulating the pressure of real life liquids and gases.

So if you need to raise liquids or lower gases through long pipes there should be a good "pressure" of these.

One of the things that they could take advantage of is gravity since the liquids will go down without having to be pushed. 

Gases such as steam will rise without being pushed.

For now, liquids such as water and lava and gases such as steam are the only contents that can be transported by pipes, remember that this Add-On is in beta version, many more things will come in the future...

Extra mechanics:

If the content of a pipe reaches the end of the pipe, it will exit and become the corresponding block. If the exit is covered by a block that is not connectable with the pipes, it will continue to come out but only particles will come out to make you understand that the content has come out, so as not to break blocks.

If the lava and water do end up meeting, two likely things will happen: either the water will turn to steam, or the lava will solidify and damage the pipe until it ruptures, causing the contents that pass through the broken pipe to escape.

Something similar will happen with water and steam, when these two meet, the steam will "condense" until it becomes water.

Storage of liquids and gases

liquid and gas tank

The liquid and gas tank is capable of storing up to 10 blocks of water, lava or steam.

The liquids and gases enter the tank from different sides, the vapor will only enter the bottom of the tank and exit the top while the liquids will only enter the top and drain below.

The tanks are stackable, allowing their contents to move from one tank to another.

Liquids Container Connectable

These containers can store the same amount of liquids as the liquid and gas tank, 10 blocks of water in total, but they will have the advantage of being able to connect in all directions, this will allow the water to move to the sides of the container, you can also connect as many as you want, in any way you want, it doesn't matter, the water will manage to reach the end of the container. 

For now they can only store water since this block was one of the last to be created in this Add-On

Pipe Valve

The pipe valves will completely close the pipes, preventing gases and liquids from continuing on their way. You can open and close them manually.

Crafting :

Transportation of items and mobs

Conveyor belts

Conveyor belts are capable of moving items in any direction, even up or down diagonally.

Conveyor belts will not move without power, they will need an antenna, this will provide power to nearby belts. (Something like the wireless charging of some phones)

Conveyor belt Filter

For now the filter is only capable of filtering 20 different items, most of them being minerals, in the future this system will be changed and it will be able to filter the item you choose.

The filter will only let the item you choose through, the other items will go to the right or left randomly if there are conveyor belts available. If there are no conveyor belts on the sides the items will continue on their way ignoring the filter.

The filter only works if it is connected to conveyor belts that are turned on.

Mechanical arms

The mechanical arms will be able to move any item in front of them to their back.

One of the most important functions will be to introduce fuel such as coal or wood to the machines that need it, such as the power generating furnace or the steam generator.

The mechanical arms have three speeds, from yellow being the slowest to blue being the fastest picking up items.

These only work if they are next to a powered conveyor belt.

Conveyor Tube

In order for the conveyor tube to work properly you will need to place the conveyor tube station, after that place the conveyor tubes, as many as you want, in any direction. To change the direction of a tube where the mobs or you will travel, you must place the tube conveyor corner every time you change direction.

The conveyor tube station will need power, to make it work, you must connect cables behind the conveyor tube station. The transporter tube station will have an internal battery of 3 energy points so that it does not turn off while you travel by transporter tube since each trip costs one energy point. When using the last point of energy, the transporter tube station will not be turned off, but you will see it flashing with a red texture that will warn you that it has run out of energy.

When throwing items to the transport tube, they will travel in a small chest that will appear when throwing an item, the items will reach the end without any problem, remember that you can also transport pets or any mob.

Item Conveyor Elevator...

This block was disabled a few months after its creation, due to the fact that the conveyor belts can raise items diagonally. Its function was to upload items through a small tube vertically, it is likely that it will be enabled again in future updates when its operation improves.

Crafting :

Resource extractors


You can find three types of quarry machines, each with a larger digging radius.

When you interact with the quarry in box, a hologram will appear that will indicate the radius that the quarry will take to be able to be built.

If within the radius there is a block that is not air, the hologram will turn with a red texture and you will not be able to build it.

If there are no issues within the build radius, you will need to interact with the invisible box in the center of the hologram to start building.

The items from the blocks that the quarry breaks will fall from the top of the machine through a tube, to change the side where the items fall just interact with the top block of the quarry machine and the tube will rotate.

The quarry machine contains an internal battery with 5 power points. To provide power to the machine, a cable must be connected to one of its four sides. One of its power points is not usable, it will only serve to keep the machine on and indicate if it is in use, off or in a state of alert ⚠

Interact with the panel to turn block mining on or off.

If the panel has an alert icon ⚠, it means that you ran into a block that you can't break, such as bedrock, end portals, lava, water, and blocks that you may not want to break like mob spawners, chests, and other quarry machines.

You can also use the automation wire to automatically turn the quarry machine on or off.

To dismantle the quarry machine you must break one of its four sides where the cables connect and it will automatically be destroyed.

By breaking it, you lose the machine, you have to re-make it.


A small drill capable of breaking any breakable block, useful for farms where blocks are generated. 

For now the block is not pushed by pistons since it is still in the beta phase, in a future update it will be possible to push it by pistons which will allow to create moving drills to create caves and others.

This block will have an internal battery of 6 points, one point will be used for each block it breaks.

The drill can break blocks without power if it is pushed by pistons which allows to create machines to mine in any direction.

The drill can break blocks without energy if it is pushed by pistons, which allows creating machines to mine in any direction, of course with some disadvantages such as that it will not be able to break deepslate, obsidian and others.


The woodcutter is capable of cutting a tree from the bottom up, just like the trecapitator mod.

This block has an internal battery of 3 energy points, one point will be spent for each tree or trunk that it cuts.

It's still in beta so it may work strangely.

This block is in beta version, its operation changes in a future update.

Liquid pump

The liquid pump would be able to extract the liquids and take them to the pipes, for now it only pumps water, in the future it will be able to pump lava and others...

For it to work you must connect cables at the top and pipes where the arrow indicates.

This block has an internal battery of 3 energy points, one point will be spent for each block of water pumped.

Crafting :


Automation lever

With the automation lever you can manually change the signal to the three color states.

Automation signal inverter

It will allow you to change the signal from a red wire to green and vice versa.

Automation Wire

The automation wire was created primarily for the purpose of turning machines off and on automatically.

This wire will have three status colors, red signifying an alert or off state, green signifying an on or all-okay state, and yellow signifying a neutral or nothing state.

Until now its operation has been implemented in few machines, such as:

In the quarry machines it will allow you to turn them off or on manually or automatically, it will be very useful to always keep them on since the quarry machines usually turn off due to small inconveniences such as water or lava on the way or due to lack of energy and keeping them on will always allow them to activate automatically whenever this incident is resolved.

In the steam generator it will work something different since this machine instead of waiting for a signal it will send the signals, for example when it does not have fuel it will send a red light to the connected wires and thus you can use that signal in your favor. 

Example: when you receive the red signal from the steam generator the automation wires must be connected to "Observer signal repeater" this will send fast signals to a connected observer block and this to a redstone signal connected to a dispenser that contains fuel that is sent to some conveyor belts so that some mechanical arms deliver the fuel to the steam generator.

In the intelligent cable it will allow you to deactivate it and activate it to let the energy pass or not.

observer signal repeater

This block was created to send constant signals to the redstone observer. 

This block will only be activated when receiving a red signal from the automation wire.

By interacting with the block you can change the speed at which it sends signals to the repeater.

If you have no idea what it could be used for, here is an example: when you receive the red signal from the steam generator the automation wires must be connected to "Observer signal repeater" this will send fast signals to a connected observer block and this to a redstone signal connected to a dispenser that contains fuel that is sent to some conveyor belts so that some mechanical arms deliver the fuel to the steam generator.

Crafting :

Resource generators and others

Steam Generator

The only function of the steam generator is to create steam using water, for it to work correctly you must connect pipes on the left side that provide water and pipes on the right to remove the steam.

Almost forgot, you will also have to provide fuel such as coal, wood or seaweed blocks with the mechanical arm or manually (Some types of fuel can only be provided with the mechanical arm) (There will be a yellow hopper on one side, that is where you must provide the fuel)

On the panel you will find three letters, W which means the amount of water stored, F the fuel and S which means the steam created.

One of water plus one of fuel equals one of steam. One steam plus "Steam engine Machine" equal to 3 energy points.

One coal equals the maximum fuel, 3.

The automation wire on top of the machine will turn red when fuel is 0 and green when there is a minimum of 1 fuel.

This machine needs a 3x3x3 area of air blocks to be able to place it, if when placing it there is not enough space it will be destroyed and the placement item will be returned to you.

This machine cannot be destroyed in the normal way, to dismantle it you must interact with the information panel of the machine and the destruction menu will appear. Hitting the Yes button will destroy the machine and return the machine placement item to you.

The steam generator can be directly connected to its brother, the steam engine to avoid piping and save space.

Experimental Steam Generator

The only function of the experimental steam generator is to create steam from the water, for it to work correctly, pipes must be connected on the sides that supply water and pipes on the top to remove the steam.

I almost forgot, you will also have to provide fuel such as coal, wood or algae blocks with the mechanical arm or manually (All fuels except coal can only be provided with the mechanical arm) (There will be two yellow hoppers on one side, which is where you should provide the fuel)

On the panel you will find two letters, W which stands for the amount of water stored and F for fuel.

One of water plus one of fuel is equal to two of steam, this is one of its advantages over the normal steam generator.

The experimental steam generator will have one more advantage, the two hoppers on the sides can store up to 6 fuel points which is equal to 6 coal, each of these points will become three fuel points to be displayed on the information panel of the machine

One of its disadvantages is that all the steam created will come out if you do not connect pipes. (It's supposed to have another disadvantage but it's left for another future update,)

The automation wire under the stairs will turn red when the fuel is 0 and green when there is a minimum of 1 fuel.

This machine needs a 3x2x3 area of air blocks to be able to place it, if when placing it there is not enough space it will be destroyed and the placement item will be returned to you.

This machine cannot be destroyed in the normal way, to dismantle it you must interact with the information panel of the machine and the destruction menu will appear. Hitting the Yes button will destroy the machine and return the machine placement item to you.

More machines, coming soon...

Crafting :

Important Others


The antenna will provide power to conveyor belts, mechanical arms, and conveyor belt filters that are adjacent to conveyor belts.

The radius in which it will power the conveyor belts is 32 to the sides and 6 up and down from the base of the antenna.

The antenna will have an internal battery of 5 power points and one point will be spent every exact 50 seconds.

The panel in the antenna will have an icon that will symbolize the conveyor belts, when interacting with this an alert icon will appear that will not mean anything since it is supposed that when interacting the type of block to which it gives energy is changed and this is a special function that has not yet been finished.  (Remember that this addon is in beta version)

Chunk Radar

By interacting with the chunk radar will mark an area around it, showing you the chunk boundaries, very useful for technical survival players who need to know the boundaries correctly to create slime farms and others.

The chunk radar works best in places clear of blocks as the blocks interfere with its detection.

This block will work without any type of energy, you just interact and that's it.

Small Item Picker

By interacting with the "Item Picker in the Box", a new mob will appear, the "Small Item Picker", this mob is basically an Allay with wheels, this mob was created when the Allay was in the beta versions of Minecraft and it may not be as useful anymore now that the allay is official, but it's still useful nonetheless, since you'll be able to pick up all items that are on the ground, something you can't command a single allay to do.

This mob will have two blocks for its correct operation, an energy charge block to charge its battery and an item download block to drop its inventory.

You must place cables under the item picker's charging station to charge its internal 6-point power battery and place a hopper under the unloading station to drop the items.

The item picker will search for the nearest item drop station every minute.

The item picker has a battery of 6 energy points and will spend one point every minute.

It will only attempt to charge your battery when it only has one energy point.

It will always search for the closest loading station within an 18 blocks radius and will always search for the nearest item drop station within a 16 blocks radius.

His item pickup radius is 8 blocks away, you should lock him up sometimes he gets lost doing his job.

The little mob sleeps while charging its battery to the maximum.

He can't jump, help him by placing stairs.

It has other small details like being able to open its inventory and other things but you should discover it yourself.

This mob is in beta version, its operation changes in a future update.

Giant XP Bottle

This bottle is capable of storing up to 15 levels of experience, to save your levels you must crouch over the bottle and they will gradually subtract from you.

To get the levels back you just have to interact with the bottle.

This block is in beta version, its operation changes in a future update.

Electronic circuit

This item is the essential item to create almost all machines and blocks.

Crafting :

• Download and install the behavior pack and resource pack

• Activate both the behavior and the resource pack in your world settings

Activate all the experimental options except "Custom biomes" and "Next Major Updated" 

It is not allowed to create expansions of the addon or modpacks (I might consider it if you are an already recognized creator in the community)

If you are an addon creator who is learning, the code of this addon could be very useful for you to learn new things.

This addon is in beta version, textures, crafting, functionalities and 3d models could change in the next update.

•  Report error to my Discord server Effect99 Community

•  If you do a review on YouTube don't forget to mention me, I'm always happy to see them.

  Any suggestions to add in the addon are welcome as long as you send them to me on my Discord
  My Android app that adds most of the addons and lucky blocks worlds I've created: LuckyAddons App

Add-On programmed by Effect99 

Textures and 3D models by Koffyt93

Add-On by Effect99


I will post addons and map updates and upload content progress, you can also report bugs, talk to me and other things.

Publicare actualizaciones de addons, mapas y subiré el progreso del contenido, también pueden reportar bugs, hablar conmigo y demás.

My Android app that adds most of the addons and lucky blocks worlds I've created: LuckyAddons App 

Beta 0.3

Beta 0.2

Watch this video to know how most of the machines, blocks and others work