Facial Plastic Surgery in Portland Oregon

The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

Welcome to The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, where we specialize in helping you achieve your beauty goals through the art of facial plastic surgery. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing excellence in a comfortable and friendly setting in Portland.

If you are considering facial plastic surgery, our experienced surgeons and staff are here to guide you through the process, from consultation to recovery. At The Portland Center, we understand that every patient is unique, and we take pride in offering personalized care and solutions to meet your individual needs.

Key Takeaways:

What is Facial Plastic Surgery?

Facial plastic surgery is a specialized branch of plastic surgery that focuses on enhancing the appearance of the face and neck. This type of surgery involves a broad range of procedures, from facelifts to rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery. Facial plastic surgery is designed not only to enhance one's natural features but also to restore a youthful and rejuvenated look.

The Art of Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery involves both science and art. While the science aspect involves advanced surgical techniques, the art of facial plastic surgery requires an eye for symmetry and balance to create natural-looking results that complement the patient's unique facial features.

At The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, our team of experts has honed their skills in both the science and art of facial plastic surgery. We are passionate about helping our patients achieve their beauty goals through personalized and compassionate care.

The Purpose of Facial Plastic Surgery

The purpose of facial plastic surgery is multifaceted, but mainly aimed at improving the patient's aesthetic appearance. It can target specific concerns, such as wrinkles, sagging skin, or asymmetrical features, and provide long-lasting results that help maintain a youthful appearance.

Additionally, facial plastic surgery can have emotional benefits, such as enhancing self-confidence and self-esteem. By achieving the desired look, patients often feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

The Benefits of Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery is a highly sought-after procedure that can offer a multitude of benefits to individuals dissatisfied with their appearance. By enhancing specific facial features, facial plastic surgery can have both physical and emotional benefits, ultimately leading to improved self-confidence and self-esteem.

Some of the primary benefits of facial plastic surgery include:

Overall, facial plastic surgery can be a life-changing experience, providing individuals with improved confidence, a more youthful appearance, and increased satisfaction with their overall quality of life.

Choosing the Right Facial Plastic Surgeon

Facial plastic surgery is a major decision that requires careful consideration. One of the most critical factors in ensuring a successful outcome is choosing the right facial plastic surgeon.

When researching potential surgeons, look for one who is board-certified and has extensive experience in facial plastic surgery. It's essential to choose a surgeon who has a track record of successful procedures and is known for producing natural-looking results.

During your consultation, a skilled facial plastic surgeon will take the time to listen to your goals and concerns, offer personalized recommendations, and provide honest and realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure.

At The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, our team of experts is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care to our patients. We understand that the decision to undergo facial plastic surgery is a personal one, and we are committed to guiding you through the process to ensure a safe and successful outcome.

Why Choose a Board-Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon?

Choosing a board-certified facial plastic surgeon is essential for ensuring your safety and achieving the best possible outcome. This certification indicates that the surgeon has completed extensive training in facial plastic surgery and has passed a rigorous examination process.

Additionally, facial plastic surgeons who are board-certified must adhere to strict ethical and professional standards, ensuring that they provide a high level of care to their patients.

At The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, our surgeons are board-certified and have years of experience in facial plastic surgery. You can trust that you are in good hands when you choose our team for your facial plastic surgery needs.

Popular Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures

Facial plastic surgery procedures have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people seeking to enhance their natural beauty and achieve a more youthful appearance. At The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer a range of procedures designed to address specific concerns and help you achieve your beauty goals. Some of our most popular procedures include:

Our team of board-certified facial plastic surgeons has extensive experience performing these and other procedures, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve the results you desire. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our facial plastic surgery procedures.

Preparing for Facial Plastic Surgery

Before undergoing facial plastic surgery, it's crucial to prepare yourself physically and mentally. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities at The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, so we want to ensure you are fully informed and ready for the procedure.

Physical Preparation

Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for the procedure. Depending on your health history and the type of surgery you are having, these instructions may include:

It's important to follow all of these instructions carefully to ensure a safe and successful procedure.

Mental Preparation

Facial plastic surgery can be a significant undertaking, both physically and emotionally. It's essential to have realistic expectations and to discuss any concerns or questions with your surgeon during your consultation. We want you to feel comfortable and confident throughout the process, so don't hesitate to ask any questions or share any feelings you may have.

"We want you to feel comfortable and confident throughout the process."

It's also important to prepare yourself for the recovery period. You may experience some discomfort, swelling, or bruising after the surgery, and it may take some time to see the final results. We will provide you with detailed post-operative care instructions to ensure you have the best possible recovery.

By preparing yourself physically and mentally, you can help ensure a successful facial plastic surgery experience. At The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, we are committed to guiding you through every step of the process to help you achieve your beauty goals.

The Facial Plastic Surgery Process

Undergoing facial plastic surgery can be an exciting and life-changing experience. At The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring you have a positive and comfortable experience throughout the entire process.

Before your surgery, you will have a thorough consultation with your surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations. During this time, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and ensure that you are fully informed about the procedure.

On the day of the surgery, you will arrive at our state-of-the-art facility, where you will be greeted by our friendly staff. You will be given anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Your surgeon will then employ various techniques to achieve the desired results, which may include making incisions, reshaping bone or cartilage, or removing excess skin.

After the surgery is complete, you will be given detailed post-operative care instructions, including how to care for any incisions and when to return for follow-up appointments. Your surgeon will also prescribe any necessary medications to manage pain and promote healing.

During the recovery period, it's important to follow your surgeon's instructions and to take care of yourself to promote optimal healing. Depending on the specific procedure, you may need to take time off work and avoid certain activities for a period of time. However, most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a few weeks.

As the healing process progresses, you will begin to notice the full results of your facial plastic surgery. With improved aesthetics and a rejuvenated appearance, you'll feel more confident and ready to take on the world.

Recovery and Results of Facial Plastic Surgery

The recovery period following facial plastic surgery varies depending on the specific procedure. It's essential to follow your surgeon's post-operative care instructions meticulously and be patient with your recovery process.

You can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort during the first few days after surgery. Ice packs and pain medication can help alleviate these symptoms.

It's essential to rest and allow your body to heal during the initial stage of recovery. Avoid strenuous activities, smoking, and alcohol consumption for the first few weeks. Your surgeon will provide specific guidance on when it's safe to resume normal activities.

As the healing process progresses, you will notice the full results of your facial plastic surgery. While the initial results may be visible soon after the surgery, it takes time for the swelling to go down completely and for the scars to fade.

Most patients can return to work and social activities within a few weeks after surgery, depending on the procedure. Your surgeon will advise you on when it's safe to return to work and other activities.

The Results of Facial Plastic Surgery

The results of facial plastic surgery can vary depending on the procedure, your age, skin condition, and other factors. In general, facial plastic surgery can provide long-lasting results that help maintain a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

It's essential to keep in mind that facial plastic surgery does not stop the natural aging process. However, it can significantly slow down the visible signs of aging and help you age gracefully.

Your surgeon will provide you with detailed information on what to expect regarding the results of your specific procedure. It's crucial to have realistic expectations and to understand that the results may take some time to become fully visible.

"Facial plastic surgery can provide long-lasting results that help maintain a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance."

The Facial Plastic Surgery Journey: Maintaining Results

Facial plastic surgery has the potential to provide long-lasting results that can enhance your natural beauty and improve your self-esteem. However, it's essential to understand that achieving your desired outcome requires some effort from both you and your surgeon. In this section, we will discuss how to maintain the results of your facial plastic surgery.

Post-operative Care

Following your facial plastic surgery, your surgeon will provide you with specific post-operative care instructions. It's essential to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal healing. This may include taking prescribed medications, avoiding certain activities, and attending follow-up appointments with your surgeon.

Remember, your provider cares about your health and well-being and will give you the best advice on taking care of yourself. Be sure to adhere to their instructions as much as you can.

Sun Protection

Protecting your skin from the sun is essential for maintaining the results of your facial plastic surgery. Sun exposure can cause damage to your skin, leading to wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of aging. We recommend staying out of the sun during peak hours, wearing protective clothing, and using sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

Skincare Habits

Developing a consistent skincare routine can also help maintain the results of your facial plastic surgery. This may include using gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and serums to keep your skin hydrated and youthful-looking. It's also essential to avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption, as these habits can have adverse effects on your skin.

Healthy Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help maintain the results of your facial plastic surgery. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough rest, and exercising regularly can all help you look and feel your best. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight can prevent weight fluctuations that can affect the results of your surgery.

Follow-up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon can also help maintain the results of your facial plastic surgery. Your provider can check your progress, address any concerns you may have, and make personalized recommendations to help you achieve your beauty goals.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the long-lasting results of your facial plastic surgery and feel confident in your appearance. Remember, maintaining your results is an ongoing process that requires effort, but the rewards are worth it.


At The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, we believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful. Our team of experts is committed to providing you with exceptional results and a positive experience throughout your facial plastic surgery journey.

Whether you're looking to address specific concerns, restore a youthful appearance, or achieve your beauty goals, we offer a comprehensive range of procedures to help you look and feel your best. From facelifts to rhinoplasty to eyelid surgery, we specialize in enhancing your natural features and providing long-lasting results.

When you choose our center for your facial plastic surgery needs, you can trust that you are in good hands. Our board-certified facial plastic surgeons have extensive experience and a proven track record of successful procedures. We listen to your goals, offer personalized recommendations, and prioritize your safety throughout every step of the process.

Your Journey Towards Beauty Starts with Us

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and begin your journey towards a more confident and youthful appearance. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process. We look forward to helping you achieve your beauty goals at The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery.


What is facial plastic surgery?

Facial plastic surgery is a specialized branch of plastic surgery that focuses on improving the appearance of the face and neck. It includes procedures such as facelifts, rhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery.

What are the benefits of facial plastic surgery?

Facial plastic surgery offers numerous benefits, including improved self-confidence, a more youthful appearance, and long-lasting results.

How do I choose the right facial plastic surgeon?

When considering facial plastic surgery, it's crucial to choose a board-certified facial plastic surgeon with extensive experience and a proven track record of successful procedures.

What are some popular facial plastic surgery procedures?

Some popular facial plastic surgery procedures include facelifts, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, brow lifts, and neck lifts.

How do I prepare for facial plastic surgery?

Before undergoing facial plastic surgery, it's important to follow your surgeon's instructions, have realistic expectations, and discuss any concerns or questions with your surgeon.

What is the facial plastic surgery process?

The facial plastic surgery process typically involves a consultation to discuss your goals, the surgery itself, and post-operative care instructions for a smooth recovery and optimal healing.

What can I expect during recovery and what are the results of facial plastic surgery?

Recovery after facial plastic surgery varies, but most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks. As the healing process progresses, you will notice improved aesthetics and a rejuvenated appearance.

How can I maintain the results of facial plastic surgery?

To maintain the results of facial plastic surgery, it's important to follow your surgeon's recommendations for post-operative care and adopt a healthy lifestyle, including protecting your skin from the sun and practicing good skincare habits.

Our Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeons

Dr William Portuese

Dr Joseph Shvidler

The Portland Center for Facial Plastic Surgery