Different Ways To Remove Facial Hair In Women

There are different methods of facial hair removal for women. Facial hair growth in women can be as a result of hormonal changes. Sometimes, it may be as a result of genetics. If facial hair bothers you, you can remove it. Here are some common ways of removing facial hair in women.

Facial Hair Removal For Women

Facial Hair Removal For Women

There are different methods of facial hair removal for women. Facial hair growth in women can be as a result of hormonal changes. Sometimes, it may be as a result of genetics. If facial hair bothers you, you can remove it. Here are some common ways of removing facial hair in women.


This is the easiest and fastest way to remove facial hair. You can use an electric shaver or a disposable shaver to remove facial hair. Both the shavers have blades that lift and cut the hair at the surface of the skin. While using shavers can be fast, the results are not long-lasting or permanent. The face will be hair-free for a few days and you will need to shave again. You should clean your face and apply soap or shaving cream to attain the best results. This will promote a smooth surface and reduce the likelihood of cuts. This method is safe but ingrown hairs can be caused by shaving. Ingrown hairs cause small bumps as hair grows back into your skin. However, ingrown hairs improve on their own in a few days.


This is another way to remove facial hair. You can use this technique to get rid of hair for up to four weeks. This might be a better choice for busy ladies who don’t want to shave their facial hair regularly. Epilators get rid of facial hair by grabbing multiple hairs and removing them from the root. The hair will take longer to grow back. Sometimes, the hairs will grow back finer and softer. This method is not permanent like IPL hair removal for women but it lasts longer than shaving. Epilators exist in a variety of sizes and this makes them ideal for removing hair on all body parts.

When using epilators, you don’t have to prepare your skin. However, to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs and soften the skin, you can exfoliate a couple of days before using epilators.


This is another cheap and effective way to remove facial hair. Tweezing is slightly different from shaving. You use tweezers to pull or pluck hair from the roots instead of using a razor blade. You can use this method to shape the eyebrows. Tweezing results last longer than shaving. You can go up to three to eight weeks before the hair grows back.


This is an effective and cheap way to remove facial hair at home. When shopping for wax, make sure you look for wax formulated for use on the face. Don’t use hard wax because it does better on the legs and the bikini area. Buy a wax warmer if you choose a wax that needs to be warmed.

Laser hair removal

If you want a permanent facial hair removal for women, choose laser hair removal. This method uses a laser to damage hair follicles. This results in the loss of facial hair. You may need to repeat this process if the hair grows back to get permanent results. However, it is important to understand that this method can be expensive.