Nginx RTMP module on Ubuntu 18.04 with RTMPS support for Facebook live streaming

1 Introduction

This how-to is for converting a unencrypted RTMP video stream to a encrypted RTMPS video stream for use on Facebook.

1.1 Background

Hardware and Software live-streaming encoders have typically used the RTMP streaming protocol. With the Facebook enforcement of the RTMPS encrypted live-streams, some older hardware and software encoders can no longer work. By using the method below we can convert RTMP to RTMPS using a Nginx on Ubuntu server 18.04 via a cheap Raspberry pi.

2 Nginx

2.1 Configuration

Install Nginx and RTMP module (On Ubuntu server 18.04)

This configuration assumes that nginx and stunnel is installed on the same machine.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install nginx -y

sudo apt-get install libnginx-mod-rtmp -y

Edit nginx.conf

sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Add to the end of nginx config

rtmp {

server {

listen 1935;

chunk_size 4096;

application live {

live on;

record off;

push rtmp://<<Facebook persistent stream key>>;




restart nginx

sudo systemctl restart nginx

If any errors occur at this stage recheck your configuration.

2.2 Nginx and RTMP module setup test (Optional)

Before moving onto the Stunnel configuration its wise to first check Nginx and RTMP module are working correctly

2.2.1 Test tools

To test setup use OBS to send video and VLC Player to play video.

OBS >> Ngnix >> VLC Player

2.2.2 OBS Stream configuration

>> Settings >> Stream

Service: Custom

Server: rtmp://<<ngnix server IP address>>/live

Stream Key: test

2.2.3 VLC Configuration

>>Open Network Stream>>Network

Please enter a network URL: rtmp://<<ngnix server IP address>>/live/test

3 Stunnel

3.1 Configuration

sudo apt-get install stunnel4 -y

Edit stunnel auto boot configuration

sudo nano /etc/default/stunnel4

Change ENABLE from 0 to 1


Edit stunnel configuration

sudo nano /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf

pid = /var/run/stunnel4/

output = /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log

setuid = stunnel4

setgid = stunnel4


socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1

socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1

debug = 4


client = yes

accept = 1936

connect =

verifyChain = no

3.1.1 Enable enable after boot

sudo systemctl enable stunnel4.service

3.1.2 restart stunnel

sudo systemctl restart stunnel4.service

4 Final Comments

Any errors at this stage maybe due to error in the config. Double check Ports. ngnix an stunnel need to be on different ports when used on the same machine.

4.1 Facebook Setup

For those who are having problems make sure you (in this order)

  1. Setup the Facebook live stream page (See picture below)

  2. Start the stream via OBS, Hardware encoder or other device

  3. After about 30 seconds or so the Facebook live stream page will acknowledge a video steam. (See picture below)

  4. On the same page click "Go Live"

From my understand unless you are using a "paired encoder" it is not possible to go live without the extra steps with every new stream.

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