How to Recover a Hacked Facebook Account?

Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world and has over 2 billion active users. So, it is obvious that they take security very seriously when it comes to protecting the data. Due to the popularity of the platform, some bad actors are also attracted towards it to disrupt the services in any way possible.

These bad actors are trying to take control of your Facebook profiles and sometimes they get success as well. It is easy for these bad actors to gain access to your profile by cracking up the password. If someone is able to predict or figure out the password of your Facebook profile, then they would have complete access to it. And sometimes, these bad actors change the password and other details of the account as well.

If your account is hacked and you are trying to recover it, then you’ve come to the right page. Today we will look at how you can recover a hacked Facebook account with ease.

Let’s get started.

What to Do When Facebook Account Hacked and Locked

Well, here are a few things you should be trying when your Facebook account is hacked.

Act Right Away – As soon as you get the message or sniff that there is an issue with the account, you act immediately. You will get to know about it if you receive an email that someone is trying to reset the password of your Facebook account. Don’t waste a moment before taking some concrete steps to ensure the safety of your account.

Change the Password – Well, if you see any suspicious activity on your account, then you need to change the password immediately. If you still have access to the account, then you can use these steps to change the password.

  • Open the Facebook page on your favorite web browser and then login with your credentials.

  • Now, you need to open the Facebook Settings page by clicking on the down arrow mark from the top right corner of the page.

  • After that, click on the Security and Login page from the left sidebar.

  • Now, go to the login section and then click on the Edit button located right next to Change password text.

  • Here, you will have to enter the current password and then the new password in the next two text boxes.

  • Now, click on the Save changes button to save the new password in the Facebook Database.

Facebook Account Recovery – If your account is hacked and you are unable to login to it, then you should recover it. Yes, you need to follow a few steps if you’ve locked out of the Facebook hacked account. The next two processes will depict the things you need to do to recover your Facebook account without any hassle.

How to Recover Facebook Account Without Phone Number

There is nothing to worry about if you don’t have access to your mobile phone any more. You can easily recover the Facebook account with the help of email.

Here are the steps you need to take to recover a Facebook account without the phone number.

  • Open a web browser of your choice and then enter in the URL bar.

  • Then, click on the Forgot Password link located right below the password field.

  • Enter the email address you’ve used to create the Facebook profile and click on the search button to fetch the data.

  • Now, choose the email address option from the list and click on the Continue button to receive the verification email on your account.

  • Go to the email address and open the recently received email and copy the verification code.

  • Now, you are on the password reset page, enter a new password for the account and then confirm it in the next text box.

  • After that click on the Save Changes button to proceed and finish the password recovery process.

How to recover Hacked Facebook Account Without Email

If you don’t have access to your email address, then you can use the mobile number to reset the password of the account. Here are the steps you need to take to recover the account effortlessly.

  • Open a web browser of your choice and then enter in the URL bar.

  • Then, click on the Forgot Password link located right below the password field.

  • Now, you should enter the email address of your Facebook account and then click on the Next button.

  • Now, choose the Mobile Number option from the list and click on the Continue button to receive the verification code on your mobile.

  • Open the mobile and see the latest message from the Facebook team, note down the code and then proceed to the computer.

  • Now, open the computer and then enter the code from the mobile on the verify box in your web browser and then click on the Next button.

  • Now, you are on the password reset page, where you will have to provide a new password for the account and then confirm it.

  • After that click on the Save Changes button to proceed and finish the password recovery process.

So, these are the steps you are required to take to recover a hacked Facebook account without any trouble. However, you must be vigilant from now on and ensure that hackers don’t get access to your account anymore. For that, you need to take certain precautions as listed here.

How to Secure the Account

Well, first of all, you must create a super-strong password for the account. And remember to use the uppercase letters, lowercase letters, special characters, and numbers in the password. And use them as randomly as you can to avoid any pattern recognition.

Nowadays, there are many password management tools available on the market who provide you with the security you need for these types of accounts. If you want to, you can use these types of tools to create a super-strong password for your Facebook account.