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I run my own group on Facebook as an admin however recently there's been a problem where none of us admins or moderators can approve people's anonymous posts. Public posts are fine to accept however anonymous posts show a "something went wrong, we're working on getting it fixed as soon as possible" message. Well it's been months and it's still not fixed.

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Dear Referees,

We thank the anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful and constructive comments, which have helped us to improve the manuscript.

Attached here is a document, in which we respond to both comments in sequence.


Benjamin Post, Esteban Acevedo-Trejos, Andrew D. Barton, and Agostino Merico

Once we log the user in using Facebook, we get their email from the results object of the UI and after linking the account with the provided email and a known secure admin psuedo password, we return that to thunkable in a message . In thunkable on receipt of this message we programatically use the login block with this email and password. We are effectively logging in using both facebook and email. Its working well!!!

In service, it is rather facebook,twitter or instagram.

username is for the username of the target.

wordlist is for the path to the worlist.

delay is optional, and it means the delay of seconds it will sleep during trying passwords.

the default of delay is 1 seconds.

i also dont have any executable named "facebook" , i also cannot hit the tab button in ubuntu to autocomplete the line, for instance to run python in terminal without typing it all the way out i can simply type

Anonymity is sometimes involuntary, as when an ordinary person walks in the midst of strangers in a crowded city street without the intention of being anonymous. Often, anonymity is sought after and intentionally brought about to fulfil two general purposes: furthering some desirable action (e.g. the publication of an idea) and protecting agents (e.g. protecting authors from possible retaliation).4

Let us now consider the alternatives to identifiability if we choose to practice anonymity instead. At its best, identifiability allows for verifiability and accountability: by being correctly identified as the source of speech, speakers' qualifications and expertise can be assessed, people who act in praiseworthy ways can be commended, and wrongdoers can be reprimanded as appropriate. Presumably, however, the opportunity for admonition is more important than the chance to praise someone. Given that praise is often desired and sought after, the anonymous person can always disclose her identity (as long as there is proof of authorship) and reap the benefits of positive feedback. The main problem with lack of identifiability, then, is that we are not able to reproach wrongdoers.

I am grateful to Julian Savulescu, for prompting me to write this article and commenting on an earlier version, and to Bent Flyvbjerg, for providing valuable feedback on the penultimate version. My thanks to the editor and two anonymous reviewers of the Journal of Applied Philosophy for insightful and constructive suggestions that helped me polish my arguments. This research was supported by a Wellcome Centre Grant (203132/Z/16/Z).

Specifies the GitHub token that enforces the anonymous requests limit in the Github Actions python versions registry. Leaving this empty may cause download failures. Not needed if using a local installation of Python.

Flow's shared memory lives in a memory mapped file. On more modern versions ofLinux (3.17+), there is a system call memfd_create which allows Flow to createthe file anonymously and only in memory. However, in older kernels, Flow needsto create a file on the file system. Ideally this file lives on a memory-backedtmpfs. This option lets you decide where that file is created.

Note: In version v0.127.0, the option to specify the suppression commentsyntax was removed. $FlowFixMe, $FlowIssue, $FlowExpectedError,and $FlowIgnore became the only standard suppressions.

Started from version v0.2.0 you will get the insights of all Posts since the very first Post of the page until the End Date value. This improvement upgrades the date setting so you will be able to get the Insights data from Start Date to End Date of all available Posts. Compared to the version v0.1.16, you can only get the insights data from Start Date to End Date of the Posts created within that date range only.

Another AI expert, who asked to remain anonymous because he didn't have approval from his company to speak publicly, told CNBC that DeepMind, OpenAI and FAIR were probably the top three pure AI research labs in terms of known funding, while IBM pushes out more patents. "The unknown question is the Baidus and Tencents of the world," he said in reference to the Chinese tech giants.

i look forward to when i can contribute to the cause.guess what? soon anyone will be able to specify relevance;suredone prototype beta v0.1 only purpose is to build a company that develops several different internet the meantime Fred, i am humble for any of your time and wisdom.

IMHO mikey makes some very good points and that is a great and much needed article, although i think the primary culprit is facebook. i view it as their responsibility to protect users against scams.

Since the goal is to maximize y1, the amount of C in the reactor at the end of the batch time, specify a custom cost function that replaces the default quadratic cost. Since y1 = x2-x1, define the custom cost to be minimized as x1-x2 using an anonymous function.

SignUp: Signs up a new email and password user or anonymous user, orupgrades an anonymous user to email and password. For an adminrequest with a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with the properpermissions( -platform/docs/access-control),creates a new anonymous, email and password, or phone number user. AnAPI key ( -keys) isrequired in the request in order to identify the Google Cloudproject.

Accounts: Signs up a new email and password user or anonymous user,or upgrades an anonymous user to email and password. For an adminrequest with a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with the properpermissions( -platform/docs/access-control),creates a new anonymous, email and password, or phone number user. AnAPI key ( -keys) isrequired in the request in order to identify the Google Cloudproject. be457b7860

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